
Midnight Monday and Mason

I'm beefing up my usual Midnight Monday post to show a little Mancat on the side. Sometimes it is good to show a little affection to the mommy. Especially when she doesn't feel good. Actually, I thought the lingering smell of turkey sandwich on her breath was nice, but don't tell her that. She thought I was being sweet.

Also, my woofie cousin Mason could use some purrs. He has a lump on his lip that needs to be biopsied. My uncle Kevin and family just rescued him Sept. 2008. It was just over a year ago that Sonny, their first rescued woofie went to the Bridge of cancer a 4 years old so this is very hard for them.


My Littel Island said...

this is the kine of kissis we give our bean and her old so her fink we is nut about her ehehehehe dont tell it is the ham

The Island Cats said...

Oh such a cute pic of you giving your mom kisses...we are purring for your woofie cousin and hope he is okay...

The Creek Cats said...

Oh no! We are purring real hard for your woofie cousin, Mason! We sure hope the biopsy comes back benign!

Thank so much for the info on the pill gun! We will have to check into that. So far the pill pocket are working pretty well, but we'll check with the vet.

Thanks so much purring and thinking of Cal, it really means a lot!! He is having a good day today. He has been feeling better since his visit last Tuesday. Although, yesterday he was pretty sick all day. I guess one sick day out of a few is better than everyday.

Us4 Cats said...

wegive those kisses to. they smell the best!

Thoughts said...

Hi Hendrix,

We will be purr-raying for your woofie cousin. our woofie benson is in some trouble too now, he has a really rare disease caused by cancer.

PS- we sometimes lick mom's lips after she eats turkey so we fully understand the good breath thing!

theodore and sasha

Anonymous said...

Purrs for the woofie.

Nice shot of you. Very clever not to reveal the secret about the sandwich breath.

Anonymous said...

heh heh We bet da smell of turkey, even if it is chewed and gone smells good. We got Mason covered wif purrs here too!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It's nice to give mom kisses once in a while, dey really seem to apreeshiate dat der mancats love dem. We'll say a purreyer dat Mason's lump is just some kinda fat or sumfing silly like dat.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll be sending some Sibe Vibes for your woofie khousin!


Just Ducky said...

big purrs for you woofie cousin Mason.

SophieKitty said...

Awww, that was very sweet of you Mr. Hendrix. I'm sure your mom appreciated that.

We are sending good kitty vibes Mason's way.

Tuck said...

Awww, that's a great pic of you and your mommy! I'm going to be purring for your wolfie cousin!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Purrs for your cousin Mason and his family.

Anonymous said...

You are sweet and I will be purring and mom praying that all goes well for Mason.

p.s Please visit me at my new blog...
Krazy Kitty Rants

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

You and your mum are very cute together! Hey, I'll send some purrs Mason's way... even though he's a woofie ;)

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...


Poppy Q said...

I hope your cousin Mason is feeling ok, maybes the lump on his lip is from too much kissing too!!


Anonymous said...

Mr Hendrix I can see you knows the ways to your mommas heart
whisper: I like to smell what they haves been eating too! :p

I hopes that your cousin is ok...:(