This first pikshure is when daddy first got home. He always gives me a special treat when he gets home, but last night I didn't even let him take his coat off before I begged. You can see me in mid "chirp" as he is setting the food down.

My first gift is a shelf for my food dishes! Mommy thinks this will help me eat easier (oh yeah, like I need help) and not scatter my crunchies so much.

oooo look in this bag! Big rats with places to put catnip, feavers on a stick! Straw on a stick and...............2 new bags of catnip!

What's in here??? Soft bite mice! ooooooooooooo I'm gonna put the bity on them!

Oh the Nip! The Nip!

Oh you are so lucky to get so many goodies. I love the last picture. I can see your softpaws. He, he.
It was nice seeing you at the party Mr. Hendrix. A speshul Happy Purfday to you!
It was nice to meet you at the party. I hope your Momma figured out how to comment on our blog now. Just tell her to click on Post a Comment, not on the little letter icon.
Momma emailed your Momma, but maybe she didn't get the address right.
Happy Purrthday from us too!
And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your two cat friends in Northern Virgina!
HAPPY PURRTHDAY! you got lotsa great purresents! one of the bestest things is that you got ta share with the shelter kitties. our Lady duz that too, cuz it's so sad when she volunteers there an they got nuffin ta play wif. hey - we hasn't been able ta use the 'puter today cuz the Lady an the teenagers were out, but we wuz lookin ta see what we missed at the party an we hear ya gots a purrty online girlfurrend! that's so sweet! (we also heard that yur momma likes Ghost Hunters - that's the only thing our Lady watches on TV, an she'll watch it offur an offur) if the party's still goin' on in the mornin' we'll stop in an maybe we'll see ya there. Happy Purrfday again - PURRS!
oh what nice purresents!!!
Wut wunnerful burpday presunts! U are wun speshul kittie!
Hi Mr. Hendrix! I am glad you had such a good purthday. It was very nice to see you at the party yesterday. Tell your mom thanks for the ear pets, I LOVE those.
Happy belated purrthday, Mr. Hendrix! I'm sorry I'm late but I didn't know it was your purrthday. It sounds like you had a really great day and were spoilt rotten!
Happee birfday Mr. Hendrix! Sorree I am a day layt.
My ladee wants to noe if yer naymd aftur her favrit gitar player Jimee Hendrix, whoevr he is.
Happy Belated Birthday, Mr. Hendrix. I just found your blog now.
Bonnie in Virginia
That last picture (oh the nip!) is sooooo cute! Sounds like you had a great birthday!
Hi again, Mr. Hendrix,
and happy purrthday agin. enjoyed meeting u 'n effurryone at tha par-tee.
BTW, my bloggie is here: Missy & KC, i's noticed tha link on ur page is to the blog i neffer uses.
Well, it sounds like you had a great purrthday and got some cool presents. Maybe you said it before and I didn't notice, but how old a guy are you? I'm 9, so I'm almost a senior catizen.
Wow! What great stuff you got! I really like your new dishes. Happy birthday!!!
My ladee sayz she an yer ladee wud probly git along varee well sinz my ladee luvs Grace Slik an Janis Joplin, she sayd she even saw both of them purform live a varee long time ago.
She sayz she luvs all the sykadelik mewsik frum the 60's. She's just an ol' hippee.
Muhahahahahahaha! Your party had to be fantastic!
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