I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I mean, it is casual Friday, but I have a whole list of things I am working on for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my Sweet Lady Cat Brandi's big party!!! We are celybrating her mommy getting a new jobbie! Puuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrssssssssssss. It is also our 1 year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriendcat. Yup, it was last November at Smeagol, Strider, Mystery & Gizmo's November party that I asked Brandi if she would do me the honor of going steady with me.
It is also my FIFTH BIRTHDAY!! I couldn't ask for a better present than getting to celybrate Carol's new jobbie and doing it with my sweet Brandi.
Lets see...
1. Choose my outfit (tie? bandanna? which one? the striped tie is almost to "professional" for a party. my Bengals bandanna is to sporty...what to wear??)
2. Groom thoroughly (maybe I'll ask mommy to do my ears, claws and teeth tonight. I know it stinks, but I want to be at my best for Brandi.
If my ears are dirty I can't hear her whisper to me and I certainly don't want to scratch her with my claws *shudder*. If my breath is stinky, she won't want to kiss me *blush*)
3. Get flowers for Brandi and her mommy. But what kind of flowers will be Sugar Pie like best? Roses are beautiful. There are very pretty shades of pink and she loves pink. What about blue? Blue would look so pretty with her furs.
4. Get a big ham for Brandi. She loves ham.
5. Get the bestest catnip ever to present to her.
6. One year anniversary is Paper, so I have to find something paper....But what type of paper would she like? There are so many to choose from.
7. Take a nice nap and go to bed early so I'm well rested to party all day and night.
8. Do stretches for walking on the ceiling tricks. I like to show off a little for her.
9. Get lotsa toona pouches to share with Brandi and everyone.
10. Get some nice bottles of nip champagne to toast with everyone to celybrate.
I'd better get going on my list. I hope to see everyone Saturday.
Smoochies to my Brandi!!!
In case I don't make it to the party (what with crazy international time differences and all), happy birthday Hendrix! And happy anniversary to you and Brandi! AND congratulations to Brandi's mum on her new job! Celebrations all around! Woo hoo!
Wowwww, tomorrow is your birthday~!!!! Reminds myself need to make a birthday card for you.... ~~~
I hope to be able to make it to the party. In case I don't, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! :)
well, you could always buy her paper based cat litter and kill two birds with one stone!
Seriously, happy birthday my friend!!!
There is a lot to celebrate tomorrow!
Happy birthday, Hendrix, and happy anniversary to you and Brandi :-)
Happy Birthday Mr. Hendrix!
Here is your present:
I Dare You!
Yes, It is ME, Anastasia! Karl was thoughtful enough to put the Dare out on the Day of the Dead, so I can come personally! And if you don't accept the challenge, I might just come again and haunt you, Hahahahahahahahaha!
Happy birthday Mr. Hendrix! And congrats to Brandi's human!
Happy happy happy Birthday!!!
We hope you have a great day!
Happy almost-your-Birthday, Hendrix! It sounds like you are going to be very busy getting ready.
Mr Hendrix!!!
So much to celebrate!!!! Ahppy Birf-day & happy anni-furrsary!!!!
Dr Tweety
Wow Hendrix, a birthday and an anniversary! How exciting. Happy Birthday to you and Happy Anniversary to you and Brandi!
So much for you to do to get ready for the party. I am finishing up on my posts so everyone will know what happened at my party last week. You have so much to celebrate. Will see you there, I will bring something to help you out in the food department. See you soon!
Mr. Hendrix the Kitty,
I made you a birthday card.
Please come and pick it~!
Happy Birthday~!
What a good list - you're very organized! We'd suggest newspaper - it crumples up into the best balls for chasing down the hallway.
Mom has to work tomorrow, so we're not sure if we'll make it to the party, if not have a great time!!!
Wow!!! That's lots going on.
Happy Birthady(in advance)
I'm glad your girl's Mom has a new job.It really is a happy occasion!!
Woot!!!Woot!! Party!!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Hendrix!
i hope you have a lovely birthday and part mr hendrix! many purrs and headbutts for you! xxx
I hope you have a wonderful fifth birthday Mr Hendrix. Appreciate your youth. From an elder cat.
Happy Purrfday!
(An' don't worry about telling your beans to get your blurpy thing. HeBean says somethin' about the getting is the good part. Then MomBean swatted him...)
HEY, where is the party I'm not sure what time or where. I am heading out to see if I can find anyone.
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