Why do peeples git so upset over silly things like pullin up carpit. I meen its YUR house. Surely yoo get sum dekerating priviliggis.
Echo sez he's savin up fur sum confeshuns next week. (Troothfully he is so wimpy and duzzint do neerly enuff fun stuff that needs confessin') Thanks fur keepin the ideea goin!
You should see how the Captain shreds carpets - Bendrix you would be so proud!!
Happy Summer Solstice to you guys! Mommy has good gossip for your Mommy so she may be writing you soon - until then Mommy says to tell you that she is excited cause they are getting a free condo in Destin, FL for 9 days at the end of July. She cannot wait to go!! And its free!!!!
Hi Mr. Hendrix! I am enjoying summer in San Francisco today. It was 95 degrees here today. The people whined about it, but it was good napping weather for me out on the big garden stones.
Purrs County on Kats Rule Rd., Ohio, United States
Mommy was driving home from work on Nov. 3, 2004, when she saw a little black head on the side of the road. I saw the lady stop, get out of the car, and come over my way. I was curious, and comfy so I just lay there. She looked really worried & said she thought I’d been hurt and that she was going to go home to “get Greg” & I should just wait there.
Being a cat I’m naturally inquisitive, so I decided to wait & see what she meant. When she came back she had a nice man with her & when he squatted down & called me, I ran right to his lap. Hey, it seemed like a nice place to be. Mommy scooped me up & took me home to take care of me. They said I was going to be their very own kitty & set about “fattening me up.” I’ve been pampered and spoiled ever since.
I'm also named for a guitar god.
I don't think it was Bendrix, I blame the new guy who was at my house...
why is that a prollem? does the humans walk or sit in the corners?
I scratch up mommy's walls and doors, Bendrix! Even though I have several kitty scratchy things!
Ohhhh, Bendrix. Not a good thing. The beans don't like it when we dig. Or scratch. Or chew things up.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
The Island Cats
I personally like the edge of the carpet where it goes to the wood floor.
Dear Bendrix,
I have no problem with that whatsoever!
Hi Hendrix,
I also like to dig in corners, just like Bendrix! In fact I like to dig everywhere, but corners are most fun.
Love Clover xo
I love digging in corners too - I say it's no problem at all!
I don't see any problem. They can just cover it up again, right?!
We have no carpet here. Just a special scratching carpet for the 2.
I'm wif yoo Bendrix..what's the problem with that....
Why do peeples git so upset over silly things like pullin up carpit. I meen its YUR house. Surely yoo get sum dekerating priviliggis.
Echo sez he's savin up fur sum confeshuns next week. (Troothfully he is so wimpy and duzzint do neerly enuff fun stuff that needs confessin') Thanks fur keepin the ideea goin!
I did not realize corners were so fascinating. I will have to check out some corners myself. I hope I haven't been missing something good!
That Bendrix! Hmm, what's in the corners of our carpets, I wonder?
We don't see a problem with digging in corners. We don't have any carpet to scratch up. Our whole (new) house is tile.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You should see how the Captain shreds carpets - Bendrix you would be so proud!!
Happy Summer Solstice to you guys! Mommy has good gossip for your Mommy so she may be writing you soon - until then Mommy says to tell you that she is excited cause they are getting a free condo in Destin, FL for 9 days at the end of July. She cannot wait to go!! And its free!!!!
I don't get it. It's a problem? Really Bendrix, I expected a GOOD confession.
do your bean's get mad? Our beans get really mad when we scratch the floor tiling. They have vinyl tiles and we have put tons of holes in it.
Nope, we got no problem wif dat. In fact we like da idea so much we may do it ourselves.
We don't see a problem! We can't dig corners at home, but the staff is always so happy when working in the garden and Ruis was there before.. ;)
Karl & Ruis
Hi Mr. Hendrix! I am enjoying summer in San Francisco today. It was 95 degrees here today. The people whined about it, but it was good napping weather for me out on the big garden stones.
Paws, Halloween
Oops! Humans really don't like it when we scratch at things other than scratching posts and mats.
I prefer door jams, myself.
What do they want? Us to keep in our frustations? That can't be good.
Well, don't pull up the carpet!
Luf, Us
ha! Bendrix you are so a cat after my own heart. Trashing the house is fun! And the humans can't stop you - you can do it when they aren't there!
Muahahahahahahaha! A purrrrrrrrrrrrfect gatorrismo.
Muahahahahaha! Un gatorrismo perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto.
Is spanish, renal failure is "insuficiencia renal".
I don't see why they would have a problem with that!
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