My daddy is going away on Monday until July 12 at the earliest. That sucks. Who will play chase with me? Who is going to play felt craps on the Pool Table with me? Who will keep mommy from dressing me in goofy outfits? This stinks.
The double stink is that mommy is meeting him next Thursday night and they are going to VEGAS until she comes home on Sunday night. So, if you're following me, BOTH my beans are abandoning me.
I'm headed over to Victor's now for his "after VET appointment" party. I'll feel better there.
BTW, you're ALL invited to a House Trashing party at me and Bendrix's place on Sunday, July 6th. My beans are abandoning me! Bring teeth, claws, hairballs and lotsa energy!
I feel your pain, really I do. Hope they have a good trip.
Simba x
We hope your dad has a good trip, and that you don't feel too neglected while you just have your mom at home.
We will definately come over on Sunday. Thanks for coming to our party yesterday
Sorry you will be alone for a bit. We'll start packing our bag o' corpses right now for your house bashing.
Vegas would be nice this time of year though.
I have also heard the PM talking to the wee ones about "countdown to PEI" so that means we are getting abandonned too in a few weeks.
Take care, buddy.
purrs Goldie
Kimo and Sabi are havin a houze trashin too, July iz lookin good!!!
Wish da Mom wood go away so we culd have a partee!
That's sad! And it's a long time. But I wish you mom and dad lots of fun in Vegas!
Hey Hendrix, I's BAAAAAACK! Time to Paw-ty!
My beans is goin way Jul 11-21! Wifout me! What's wif dis peeps?
We are being abandoned too furrom Tuesday until the 13th. I think we need to have multiple house trashing parties.
Woooo hoooo! It's a House Trashing PAR-TAY Summer!
I am so sorry to hear that. I will be there to help trash the house. After all, cats should not be left alone (just in charge)
I sure understand. my (formerly) Blonde Girl is leaving me for 3 whole weeks, starting July 6th. I thought maybe she and I could have some quality time together before she goes, but the Lady brought home an abandoned kitty last night and stuck him in MY room with MY purrson! I'm purrty pissed!
Oh no! Have fun at your house trashing party. Your Mommy deserves to come home to a mess for leaving you alllll alone :(
There's nothing like a good house trashing...
We'll be there Hendrix! Teach those beans not to abandon us for so long!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Geez, what's up with all the cat abandonment this month? My mommy says she's jealous. ;) And then I tell her, "You better not 'bandon me, woman! Rawr!"
This partay sounds pawesome.
btw, we hope you have an un-sad Saturday very soon. :)
Dude, how could they! Well, looks like Speedy will need to eat extra that day so he can hork behind the couche, unner da beds you know, anywhere it's not easily found. Hehehehe
Oh no! This is not right. Only one should be able to leave at a time. I thought that was the rule.
Oh yes, Mr. Hendrix and Bendrix we will come over and help you while your beans are gone! Hope your Mom and Dad have a great time on their trips!
Your FL furiends,
I'm gonna' mark my calendar and help you trash the house!
Oh that sounds just like a party we can handle! We are right with ya pal, now we just have to remember how to teleport. The last time we went to visit our Catster furends in California, Tang got lost and returned home with a funny hat, boots, and a weird belt and spoke with an accent!!! He kept talkin' about some big green dude and a stupid donkey. We just gave him some nip and he started comin' 'round. Scary...=^Y^=Ty
Dude - this is serious. What is it with beans thinkin' they can "go away" ... werk or vacation - we don't care. We're indoor kitties, and we want "indoor people" (except for getting food, bottled water, nip and toys - we gotta "let" them go out for that stuff.) We'll be over on the 6th.
And our mom says she hopes your beans have a nice trip.
Kool Beanies! A house trashin pawtay! Sounds superduper.
I'm sorry yur beans are gonna be gone. I know you'll miss 'em. I hope they have a good time!
I'll bring some Evil Coffee Stirrurs to the house trashin pawtay!!! And we can WHAP 'EM!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Anofer trwashing partee. I'm going to be weely gud at all this mayhem. Just as well cos my miewmie is going to China in the autumn for 2 weeks so I will be holding my furry own partee here in the yoo kay. Miewmie is praktising a funny languige. She says its Chinese. She sounds wierd.
Hi Mr. Hendrix,
That does stink! Maybe you could teleport over here? We'd love to keep you company while your beans are away!!!
in answer to your question...its's worse than bringing a kitten in. she brought AN ADULT BOYCAT in. PLUS, she's PLANNING to bring those kittens in on account of they need socializing. Camie's kitties has a home for the gray and white one, if it's a boy. we got some pictures of the intruder to put up tonight.
Oh the nerve!!!! How can they lesve you!! What will you do? This is too much!!!
Must be time to trash your house ;) heh,heh,heh!!!
Purrs Mickey
Why don't people ever consider the kitties? Really... =sigh=
WOW MR IAM MUS OF THE HUS u came to see us just in time to come to u party now my bean is in lov wif u her gos nuts over black babys her have one and he is a wopper i thin u cut to so u like me toses my bean is allways kissing them puff i dont know y her dont kiss her one toses UGLY O and if u want to come over and see her new blog her still working on it ps can we bring 5 wuffys to u party our ben is babysiting we hate them they try to eat me
wow u ar going to be left be hind well bean left us babys for 4 days and her sey will newer do it again we all 6 was so scard we did not eat or drink BUT WHEN her come home her eys leak and her clip nail get ukky out of nose bruss bruss and we get stinky goodnes her can go to wal-mart and we get scard hehehe we gat he RAPT traind he he
This really is terrible! If you want it, you can see the soccer match (Euro 2008) with my dad and me.
Spain vs German!
I think your mom oughta come up with something special for while your dad's gone..And you should get presents from Vegas!
Well that totally sucks the big one. How can they do that?
Check your email, dude.
Luf, Us
I hate it when Mom and Dad go away, I'm really good at trashing the house!
Wow, two house trashing parties in one week!
whoops I switched my blogger account so the previous post doesn't link to the paw path blog. This one does though!
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