Today we say goodbye to a dear friend Storm.

She was such a brave and strong kitty. She beat cancer for over a year and that is amazing. We are sure it is because of the incredible love of her mommies. These women gave Storm the greatest love and greatest respect and that gave her strength. We admire them so much, especially for doing this brave, unselfish act of love for Storm.

We will meet over the Bridge someday Storm, and until then, we will watch over Castle and your mommies just like you wanted.
Goodbye, Stormie. We miss you.
That was a beautiful tribute Mr. Hendrix. Our hearts are aching, and we will miss our friend. But we are comforted knowing that she is no longer suffering.
Purrs and {{{Hugs}}}
Pearl, Bert and Jake
I am going to miss Stormie so much.
What a lovely thoughtful tribute to Storm and her Mom...
We're purring for Storm's family. Farewell, sweet Stormie.
Dooood...that was very nice. Letting Storm go must have been very very hard for her People, but they have big hearts and know part of her is going to stay with them.
Its a sad day today...
I'm already missing Stormie.
Was nip in the dehydrator?
Farewell, sweet Storm. A beautiful tribute.
purrs and tail wags
What a touching and beautiful tribute for a very brave and beautiful Cat Angel who crossed the Bridge today. We will miss her like everyone at the CB!
On this sad day we ended our honeymoon and Karl will stay in the Netherlands for a week. During our adventures we will think a lot about Stormie and keep Castle and the mommies in our purrs and thoughts.
Back home now we want to thank you for attending our special day!!
Hugs and love from us,
Karl & Ruis
Very nice tribute! Our purrs to Stormie_Over-The-Bridge...
A touching tirbute for Storm. It is a sad day.
Goldie and Shade
Sending healing purrs to all.
A lovely tribute.
Purrs and {{{{hugs}}}}
Storm was a very brave kitty ~ that's a furry nice post Hendrix ~ we'd love to know what got Bendrix so excited about the dehydrator...
Purrs from us all...
We will miss Stormie.
Yes, she won... but we´re very sad.
Sí, ella ganó... pero nosotras estamos muy tristes.
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