We had big boomies yesterday. Mommy thought I was so "funny" with my ears all turned sideways, so she wanted to take a picture. Right when she hit the button a really BIG Boomie came and startled me. I am Mancat enough to admit, I do NOT like boomies.

Holy crap!

The windows rattled. Holy beejeezus!

For posting these I will make Bendrix poot in her face again.
It's OK for a mancatly house panther to be asceered sometimes, it shows you have a healthy sense of possible danger:) xxx
Don't worry Mr. Hendrix, boomies are really scairty, we totally understands.
We hopes they go far far away!
I do not like thunder at all. In fact the only one not bothered is Georgia and that's because she really doesn't hear very well any longer...
I agree with the other cats, it's okay to be ascairt of boomies! Mommy says it's the angels bowling, or elephants running across the sky, or every mice and bug we atses is playing on the drums for revenge, or something awful like dat until I say "Mommy, knock it off!"
it's natural thing to be scared of boomies Mr. Hendrix, we do too, even our big brother Bunjie, our protector is also afraid...
for relaxing yourself, how about join us in our trees adventure? see you guys!
Dear Mr. Hendrix,
It is so nice to meet you too! You are very beautiful.
As for the storms, I will come over and save you from them if you like.
Abby Normal
Lightning and thunder make me scairt, too. We know someone who's house got hit by lightning! And they said that some of their electrical outlets flew right off the walls! And now their roof leaks. And many of their electric stuff doesn't work now.
Thunders are so funny! Muahahahahahahah!
¡Los truenos son muy divertidos! ¡Muahahahahahahá!
You are BRAVE!!!! I run and hide for all storms. Heck, when the barometric pressure drops I run to hide.
Hi Hendrix! We hate storms too!!! You are not alone!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Don't worry about acting scared. Big mean Grr is wary of any people coming near her, and usually runs away. Plus she's scared of big noises too. And Cocoa, our "man"cat, is scared of running water, plastic bags crinkling, strangers, and turtles.
I bet they are the same boomies we are getting. I hide under the coffee table by Mommy!
don't worry, Mr. Hendrix, you are a furry mancatly mancat. Our big Alpha Cat, Brainball, is skeered of thunnerboomies, too. When we get great big ones, he goes ofur to Momma's desk and hides undur her shelves. And usually he aint' a-skeered of nothin!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We don't like the boomies either, but sometimes Eric sits in the window and watches the bright flashy lights until the boomies get too loud.
WE were lucky,the big boomers missed us!! They might have gotten Goldie & Shade though :o
Good thing you have Bendrix ;)
Purrs Mickey
It's okay Hendrix, I am a big mancat and will admit to being a little, okay a lot, unsettled by big booms. I find da best place to be is in mom's arms when dem boomies happen.~Speedy, mancat enuff to admit dem booms scare me.
Tang hates the boomies the worst, he hides till it is over. We have been gettin' pretty bad storms and Mommy said one lightning bolt went straight across the sky and left gray smoke, she came runnin' in from the deck after that one!=^Y^=Ty
i don't mind boomers. Even fireworks don't faze me.
I'm scared of thunder, too. (And fireworks and really loud cars.) Only because my ears are very delicate, I bet like yours, Hendrix!
Mr. Hendrix, I am scared of all loud noises. We don't get the boomies like in the midwest. Boomie time is July 4th when all the firecrackers go off - well now and for the next week. I spend a lot of time under the bed. So I know how you feel. I think Bendrix has a good idea for punishing your mom lady!
Purrs, Halloween
No one likes the boomies. Not in the sky, and certainly not emanating from a human stomach. Anytime you hear that tell tale rumble, you're allowed to be afraid. Very afraid.
Dont be afraid of booms Mr. Hendrix..they can not get you inside the house. I am not even afraid of the Hoover or the leaf blower!
Thank you for your bid on the Cape Cod bracelet. If you really like it you must bid more than the $35 that Gandolph & Grayson bid:)
You are so sweet and I really love you for doing this...your adoring Miss Peach
I hope the boomies went away!
Oh, we don't like those noises either!
Tara and Kavan
Nocat likes the boomies. This week in southern Tasmania, we've had howling wind all through the night. I've been howling along with it. I hate it!!!
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