This isn't necessarily a toy, but I love it anyway! My beans have been working so hard that I was starting to feel like I wasn't being spoiled enough. So, mommy got me a new toy to enjoy while she is working on her crafts or at the computer. It came in a big box.
A brand new window box for the upstairs window!! I love it. Usually I have to sit on the window sill or on top of mommy's craft table stuff to see out of it. But now, I have my very own seat. I can look out over my neighborhood in comfort and safety (please note, if you do get this particular window seat, it is very nice, but your mommy or daddy should hang it with longer screws and maybe add some brackets because what it comes with is not sturdy enough to use.)
Messy craft table, I don't need you any more!!
That is a great ledge for you to sit on.
And we love that picture of you looking out the window above the craft area. It reminds me of Luna in the studio.
What a neat little perch you got! And I see it is carpeted for softness, too. Neat-o!
HI Hendrix!!
I am sorry it has been so long that I have stopped by!! We figured out how to use bloglines so now we won't miss any of my friend's new posts. :)
Thanks for sharing all the tips about a first aid kit and evacuation kit! We are going to make some!
Love Clover xo
I love my carpet window perch! It is a lot like that! It has a neat bracket into the window seal itself to make it sturdy! hehe Momma likes to say paid a few guppies and a smile for it! She got it at a mom an pop pet place where you could return fish for store credit. She returned some guppies and the young male sales clerk kept flirting with her and exchanged the fishes for my perch and a new kitty brush! haha
~Queen Snickers
(ps this was before momma and daddy where married)
Oh that is soo cool! We have a shlef on one of our windows and it's awesome - we know you're going to love it!
What a great cat lounge! Mommy has talked about gettins us some for the porch or asking Daddy to build some cat perches for us out there so we can lie in the windows and enjoy the sun!
Mommy says that she is wishing your Mommy lots of luck with Father's Day. She also wants to know if you Mommy has completely lost her mind when she planned this!? We want all the good dirt when its over too!
Concatulayshuns on finding humans hoo know how to work with a kittys need to look at the outtadorrs. We haff demandid sum window blinds be left open at all times so we can see out when we want to. In return we dont make the blinds go broke. Your ledge makes it eez to keep yur ladey compnee and watch the outtadoors!
Very nice, Mr. H. Your humans do treat you with the regard that you deserve. Enjoy it and enjoy the view!
What a cool window seat! And so special! Your humans are really lovely to get this for you!
That is a very neat perch. It is nice that your mom and dad remembered to get you something new even tho they are busy.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Wow. That's a nice sittin' and nappin' place you have there.
WOW! That's just wonderful!!!
Very cool perch!!! Now you won't miss ANYTHING!!!! Unless you nap on it.
purrs Goldie
That is a great perch and observation post! I am not sure it would be broad enough for my bottom, though.
That looks so comfy. Good advice to add longer screws and brackets.
purrs and tail wags
That kitty ledge looks great! It looks much more comfortable than your Mum's craft table, although it will be harder to whap craft supplies onto the floor from way over there.
What a great gift!
Fank you for the very nice well-wishes dat you left on my bloggie! Dat was very sweet.
I love my window perch/ledge things!
What an awesome window box!
Oh boy, a window seat is a great present! Your momma and daddy did a good job.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Boy, that looks very comfy, Hendrix. Adn you don't even have to share your special spot with three siblings!
Those are so cool! We have a bunch of them, but they're not set up right now because the windows here are wide enough. But when we live someplace we need them, the Man puts them up all over the house! They're most awesome when the window is open and a sunspot is on it...makes for a perfect toasty nap!
How cool is that! You are one lucky cat.
Simba x
That is cool!
That pewch is pawfect! this wasy you can watch youw Mom at wowk and the whole wowld thwough the window at the same time
smoochie kisses
Hi Mr. Hendrix, I really like the seat your beans got you. Mom says she was going to get one but she hasn't yet. It looks like you have a great view now. Mom just told me that she would rather get a cat tree for us to sit on, but they are so expensive. I say, get it anyway.
That is a great ledge for you to sit on and snoop round the window, muahahahaha!
I want it!!!
Eso es una gran repisa para sentarse y fisgonear por la ventana! Muahahahahahá!
Yo quiero uno!
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