FEV-VERS! Fev-vers everywhere eating out of their hands!
Can you believe it? They were everywhere!
The beans fed them some milky looking vitamin stuff and they lapped it up like me and stinky goodness.
The worst part isn't that they left me for a day, or fed fev-vers without me...it is that they didn't bring any home!!!
Here fev-ver fev-ver fev-ver...
I so cannot believe they did not bring home a feather for you. That is so unfair.
How thoughtless and inconsiderate! Pitty, those Red and Black fev-vers looked especially delicious.
Next time they have to bring a fev-ver home for you, for sure. That would only be fair!
love & wags,
We LOVE to chase the fev-vers outside. Sometimes we even catch one but then our bean makes us let him go. Shes no fun. She doesnt uinderstand that were bringing her a present.
No fev-vers! That's just wrong, man, just wrong!!
I assume that whilst you are desperately enticing fev-vers into your window, Bendrix is cranking up his revenge motor, for the terrible neglect and torment you had to endure ;)
What a beautiful buffet - I mean display! Pretty Fev-vers!
We've got a little something for you on our bloggie!
That's a great idea Mr. Hendrix, lure them with a trap!
I don't know what I would have done if I would have seen all of those feathers for real!
I probably would have fainted!
At least, we found the secret of luring fev-vers! I hope your plan works.
Did your momma and dadda come home covered in poop? eewwwyyy!!!
It doez looks like lots of fun though!
We haz birds like that in out backyards all the time eatings the honey, in our old house our neighbors used to put out bread and sugar and tons of them would come in on their balcony everyday for a feed, It made Mushka and I scareded!! :)
So many meals left untouched -
PeeEssWoo: very pretty though!
Hendrix, my beans done the same fing. Just LOOK what they didn't bring me! http://www.flickr.com/photos/lambj/1460591372/
Mom likes Bones but can't watch it cuz of da boy. So she didn't know anyone named "sQuints" is on it. Now she'll haf to try to watch it when him is not around.
Victor "sQuint" Tabbycat
OMC's yoo gotted left all alone and they didnt brings yoo a fev ver or treats or anything?
What a good idea! Let us know if that milky looking vitamin stuff lures some fev-vers into your house.
They should have brought you at least one. They are very insensitive.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I can not believe they didn't bring you home birdie pieces!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Whoa, those birdies are walking on them and everything! Good luck with luring one inside your window!
I didn't get any feathers from my chicken either. Life is cruel.
Huffle Mawson
Boy those are big (tasty - did I say that) birdies.
did they bring home any of them tasty little birdie snacks?
P.S. Fanks fer visitin' us on Kiera's special day!
Those are some amazing pictures with all of those fev-vers - just missing one small black fluffy purrning machine...like everyone else, we can't believe that they didn't even bring one home for you...people can be so cruel. We like that you've taken the initiative now and set your own trap - hope a little snac...er, mean hope a little 'friend' stops by...
Gypsy & Tasha
They really should have brought you some fevers home, it is only polite to do so!
Bendrix, is that your milk?
Hellie and I have missed you both alot. My Mum has only just started to help me blog again, it has been ages!
Have a good weekend!
I wonder why they didn't take you with them?!
Simba x
Don't worry Hendrix ~ I'm sure a fev-ver will come along by your window some time..you can pick up this award meanwhile that I gave you: http://tinyurl.com/4nhsl4
WOW - they should have brought home at least one of those feather things for you!!!
Time for Bendrix to teach some lessons...???
We posted the winning Dare and I Dare You to accept the challenge!
Those birdies are full of color! (And NERVE!)
I am going to all the blogs on our list to let you know that we are deleting "Les Trois Chats." Momma is too busy to let us blog anymore - she has had a hard time blogging for herself even. We are actually now Les Quatre Chats anyway as we added LOLA in June, who is a POOP and has put me to shame as the alpha cat around here... even though, yes, she's a GIRL. (I know, SO emasculating! I need a treat or twenty to comfort me...)
We so enjoyed our time with all of you. Au revoir, mes amis,
Pretty birdies, come over here!
Next time, yes~~
A feather~~~~
Ur hoomin beanz libez u and dunt eben bringz u a fev-ver? Dat aint nice! OK? My hoomin bean do dat to me den I showz him by not eatinz my dinner! OK? Or, maybe I duntz notz eatz my dinner—OK? I tink I haz da hun-ger-riez now. OK?
My mommie worked in a "Zoo of Birds and Parrots" in the BabyStation. She was taking care of them and was feeding them since they were babies until they were adult. She loves them.
Mi mamá trabajó en un zoo de Pájaros y Loros en la guardería. Ella los cuidaba y les daba de comer desde que eran pequeños hasta que ellos fueran adultos. Ella los adora.
They didn't bring you any fevverrs home?! Oh my how inconsiderate :-0
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