
Saving the Environment Saturday

Here I am helping to sort the hot water loads.

Hey there all! Here is one of the ways we help save the environment. We do all our hot laundry on the same day back to back. We start with the cold water washes and hang those to dry (so not to waste the energy of the dryer) and then the hot water washes.

We do those back to back at the end of the laundry day so the hot water is already heated and stayes heated. It also keeps the hot water hot when we run the dishwasher and my beans take their showers. This way the water heater only has to heat up once, saving energy.

Here I am telling mommy she should start with those whites. The socks smell nasty!

UPDATE: I'm was sneezing on Thursday and got pukey last night and overnight. I'm still behaving normally so the VET thinks the sneezing is because of all the stuff blown in on Sunday (allergies are going nuts around here now) and the tummy upset from stress.

He wants my beans to watch me closely but the worst part it he told them to TAKE MY FOODS AWAY!! That is right kitties, no food for me ALL DAY to give my tummy a chance to "settle". I think I'll starve. sob. Please cross paws this suffering is not for nothing and I don't pukey any more.


Kimo and Sabi said...

ARrrrr! Yer a fina enviornmentalist!

Quill and Greyson said...

What a responsible cat you are. I'll be posting my dare tomorrow.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope they don't wash woo in hot - your kholour would fade!


Southbaygirl said...

Thank you for the purrs and prayers for Winton and mom!!

Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf, Blossom and mom

Teddy Westlife said...

That's very responsible of you Mr Hendrix. My mum only does cold washing to save the hot water!

Huffle Mawson

Motor Home Cats said...

That is very good of you Mr. Hendrix. Mom only does laundry about every 2 weeks, and then she only has about 3 or 4 loads, so she does it all on the same day too.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Dat am good ideaz. I tellz my hoomin bean and da hoomin bean who comez to takez care ob my hoomin bean and me. OK?

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of washing to sort through.
Great idea!! :)

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Great idea. I don't think we would have such self control around all those interesting piles of clothes. We would most likely nap on the job.

Black Cat said...

That's a good idea! I hang my washing up to dry too, rather than use the dryer.

You were a good-looking pirate. Johnny Depp eat your heart out!

I'm sorry you had the hurricane. All these hurricanes are horrid with a capital O! xxx

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I love laundry day! You are a very responsible cat to help your human do laundry.

I have a prize for you on my Bloggie. You can stop by Here to claim it.

Anita said...

We cats are 100% ecological : we do not need laudry machines to have our clean furr and our better litterbox is the garden (100 % recyclable). Muahahahaha!!

PS: The bean´s socks always smell badly... =^@@^=

Nosotros los gatos somos 100% ecológicos: no necesitamos lavadoras para tener nuestro pelaje limpio y nuestro mejor retrete es el jardín (100% reciclable) Muahahahahaha!!

PD: Los calcetines de nuestros humanos siempre huelen mal...

Sunny's Mommy said...

Those are some huge piles of laundry! You better stay away from the darks! Your Mom might accidentally scoop you up and put you in the machine, too :-0

The Island Cats said...

Good job, Hendrix!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Nomi said...

I bet them socks were stinky, he he. My miewmie does cold water washes and then puts all her cloths ofer a rail fingie indoors. That way they dwys qwite qwickly although they are usually bone dwy by the time she gets round to flattening them.

Niko and Cloud said...

You are furry helpful Hendrix!!
Bendrix must be off today!

Mom and I are making rounds today thanking everyone that sent condolences when my OWCB Texas passed. Thank you, you were a real comfort to my fambly when they needed you most.

Us4 Cats said...

Great job there !!

We have LOTS of smelly socks round our house too, peee-youy!

-wlk crew.

Team Tabby said...

Very responsible way to help the environment! We love laundry. We love to lie on it. Especially clean laundry, cause we have to re-fur-bish it.

Mindy & Moe

Ingrid said...

Oh poor boy how terrible to stay without food. My cats all cross the paws so that your tummy gets better and you can eat again !
You are indeed a nice "green" boy helping with the laundry !

Lux said...

Oh dear, Mr. Hendrix - I can't think of anything worse than having food taken away! My paws are so crossed!

P.S. That's a good way to help the environment ...

Mickey's Musings said...

Good thing you are around to help your beans with the laundry!!!!! I bet you are a great snoopervisor!!
It's great for threplanet too :)
So sorry about your tummy & nose!!! I hope it is nothing serious. I will send some purrs to be safe!
Purrs mickey

Monty Q. Kat said...

No food?

How do they expect your mancat engine to continue running?

Daisy said...

You are doing a good job helping the environment! I sure hope you are feeling better soon.

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

That is a really great way to conserve energy and water!
dxtg <-- Macy walked across the keyboard to write this. I think it means "No! They're taking away your nummies? How awful!"

Gaston is back! muahahahaha said...

Well done Mr. Hendrix, you're indeed an ecological cat, I'm proud of you! I hope you get better soon puuurrr..
Thanks for your Happy B-day comment and writing in Spanish :-)
PS:I'd like to send you the FEW corrections of your spanish text to your e-mail, is it possible? I hope sooooo, happy puuurrrsss..

River said...

We're sending pawsitive beagle thoughts to you. Hope you recover real soon and can eat again.

love & wags,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a good idea for energy saving. Mum likes to hang her washing outdoors, but hasn't been able to much this year because it has rained most of the time. We hope your nose and tummy are soon better. You must be starving with no food. Do you want us to sneak some over for you?

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you so much for accepting the Dare! What a smart way to do this, we are impressed! And you are doing such a good job - now we just hope that you will get better REAL soon - no food is NO FUN!!!!!!
We keep our paws crossed!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

oh, my sweetie! Don't wither away. I need you in my life. Tell your mama you are okay and make her feed you! I am sending healing thoughts and loving thoughts your way. Be brave, my darling!

Purrageous Pirates said...

Aye, me matey! We were most pleased when you joined us for Meow Like a Pirate Day. A valuable crew member you made!! Please swing by our bloggie when you get the time and collect your Black Furrball Crew Member badge!! ME’ARRRR!!!!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I hope you are allowed to eat by now! We just can not go without food for a whole day, much less another day!
~ Noah

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry you have to starve today. I hope that will help you not puke again and your tummy will feel better. Purrs.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the stinky socks giving you sick-ups. We hope you are OK very soon!

Clover said...

Hendrix, I hope you are feeling alright! I don't want you to feel sick. I am thinking good thoughts for you and sending big hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo

Christine and FAZ said...

Good work - truly environmentally friendly. FAZ

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh, Hendrix, this is awful!! I hope you haven't starved completely away!

PurrPrints said...

Poor Mr. Hendrix--I hope you've survived your food deprivation...

Am I seeing correctly that you wear a collar? Let me know, 'cause if so I'll send you a cool hand-drawn tag for the swap n tails...

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Mr Hendrix

what a great super Supervisor of the Laundry you have become. NO FOOD! This is outrageous! WE hope you are so much better!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina