Thanks gang, we love your blog too!!!

I have to give this to only 7 blogs. That is going to be so so hard.
1. The Cat Blogosphere. What would we do without this blog? It would be chaos.
2. My woofie NOMSS Clover. She is so cute and funny. She gets along with all the woofies and kitties she meets even in person and that makes her special in my book!
3. Max, who was one of the founders of blogging cats and an inspiration to us all
4. Buddah Pest because he is king of the run on sentence and helps Max hone his snarky skills
5. The gang at the House of Mostly Black Cats because they are always ready to help and support everyone on the blogosphere
6. Fat Eric for all the neglect he is suffering at the hands of his beans (no Greenies at all!) we still love you Eric!
7. and Colby and Cheddar for putting together this awesome prize package I won and did it all for charity! I see myself spending many hours on this soft bed and I can't wait for mommy to sit and read all these books. She only sits still when crocheting and reading!
Imagine the woofie that this collar fits on!
These are the birds my beans fed at the zoo last week! Crazy huh?
Mommy is thinking when she is finished with the books, she will send donate them to the blogosphere so they can be reauctioned off and help even more kitties and woofies.
Thanks again Colby and Cheddar! We can't wait to hear more about your new sister Fancy.
Maybe woo should pawtograph 'em for even more $$$ -
Congrats on the award, Hendrix, and what a totally PAWSOME package you have there!
Dear Mr. Hendrix,
That bed totally rocks - the red against your silky black fur is just perfect!
ps - we got a lot of wind in Lima-Bean, Mommy even managed to throw her back out tossing big 'ol brances across the yard. She ain't too bright, she should have waited for Daddy to come home and do it.
The wind even broke one of our big prett asparagus ferns on our front porch.
Oh well...
Smooches to you Mr. H!
Yay!!!! congratulations.
Congratulations on your award!
Congrats. Thats a neat award you got there!
That is a great prize package you won! That bed looks comfy.
I'm glad your power is back on. It's very difficult not to have electrical power.
Hi Hendrix and thanks for stopping by our blog to help Shaggy feel better! All those purrs from his friends on the blogosphere really helped!!
Thats an awesome bed you got there! That red look great with you.
Dat iz a seerious bed my friend! I tink it looks like it would accomodate a few sqwillion of yer frendz!!! Be right oevfur!
Congratulations on your award! Your prize package is pawesome!
Congratulations on your award.
I don't want to meet up with the woofie that collar fits!
Concats on yoru awardie and wow you hit the motherload, look at that pawsome bed.. concats also for your prize!! :))
Hi Hendrix! Of course you can join up in the Squirrel Patrol! My cat brother Bob is a member.It sounds like you are already doing important patroling! Look for your certificate soon!
That bed looks sweet and comfy.
Congratulations on your award~!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your blog as well~!
Hi Mr. Hendrix!
We gave you an award, because we love the way your Mommy and Daddy rescued you!
Neat bed you have there!!!
~ The Bunch
Oh, no. I asked you to come ofer for nappies on Friday,but you have such a nice soft bed you might not want to. Concatulations anyway
Doood! Thanks! I told Buddah about his award and he got so excited he peed on the floor. The Woman is not to happy about that...
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Congratulations on your Award!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
We is furry furry late for saying "thank you" for this post and saying you love our blog! We was all sicklike when dis posted and we didn't get caught up furry well!
Anyways, we is furry glad you like your purrizes, and congrats again! And fanks for being our furriend!
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