
When Hurricanes Hit Cincinnati, OH

Yes, you read that right. For the first time in over 100 years, since the 1900 Great Galveston Hurricane, has a hurricane followed the path that Ike did. The remants of that horrible hurricane Ike hit Cincinnati Sunday. We had 54 mile sustained winds and gusts up to 74 miles. Luckily our house didn't have any damage because we have no large trees close by, but many have trees in them, busted windows and roofs. Nothing at all compaired to what our friends in the gulf area are dealing with and for that we are grateful.

The biggest problem is that with no warning the entire area suffered a black out. 90% of people in Cincinnati and the surrounding areas were without power as of Sunday afternoon and into Monday evening. 70% were still out this morning. Ours just came on at 8:30pm.

By no power I mean NO tv, NO internet, NO landline phone (because the telephone lines went down) NO lights, NO stove, NO Ellen show, NO General Hospital, NO fans and no stinky goodness from the fridge!!!! But, alas, the flashy box runs on batteries, not electric, so I present to you, "The Great Cincinnati Hurricane of 2008"

Our living room Sunday night.

You may wonder what Cincinnatians do when a hurricane hits. I'll show you what my beans did.

Sunday: Watched reruns of My Name is Earl (the Cops episodes!) and South Park that daddy had downloaded on to his IPod before his last business trip. Please notice they are looking a the IPod and not "communicating." Got "everyone knows it's Windy" stuck in our heads

Monday: Cried because the TV & Internet were still off and all the food in the fridge and freezer would have to get tossed. And they were running out of things to talk about.

The steps without the night flash.

Bendrix took advantage of the dark to do what he loves best.

Scratching the carpets!

Moving the subzero over to the window late yesterday afternoon hoping the generator our neighbor borrowed from work would help us save some foods (ice was no where to be had because EVERY store and gas station was closed by yesterday morning with no ice and with no power.

Me checking out how to make this work to my best viewing advantage.

Daddy reading my mind...

...and raining on my parade.

Me helping mommy put batteries in daddy's 6 inch black and white TV so we could watch General Hospital today (even on a 6 in B&W that Kate is uber annoying.)

We are lucky because there are some beans who had power and lost it again, and some who won't have power until Sat. We hope ours stays on.

We are thinking of all those in the direct path of hurricane Ike and wishing them safety and all the best.

PS The winds weren't the only thing the blew here in Cincy. Thank goodness we lost power 20 minutes after 1:00pm and didn't have to watch the Bengals game.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Wasn't it nice Mother Nature spared woo from the B*****s game?

Glad woo are safe!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We thought we heard wrong earlier today, but there really was a hurricane blow through your area.

We are so glad you are all okay and hope you don't have to toss your fridge food.

You guys really roughed it. Well, sort of. You had modern battery conveniences, at least.

We hope your power stays on too.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

WHEW! We are glad you guys are okay. It must be strange being black kitties in a black out. We hope no one tripped over you.

Chrissie said...

Golly, you guys got creamed! I'm so sorry that you had to throw out foods and stuff..and that you missed all your shows..I'm really glad it wasn't super cold tho' or somethin' like that. It's amazin' the storm was still so powerful after so much terrain covered! I'm glad the three of you are safe!

Brownie said...

That's terrible, was hard to don't hear bout ya!

-Brownie (Dissapointed) Hamsterious

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh I am glad you are okay. We hated it when we lost power for three days here in the Seattle area two years ago.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Win the FL and Mr TF and Rocky and Mao lived in Salsaleeto, thare power wint owt in the winter all the time, offin for three or four or five days at a time. PG and E wood git deth threts frum the frustrayted sitizens. The werst part was the next door naybers hoo had a jenerayter running 24/7, and it was vary noizy and rite owtside thare bedroom window.

I'm vary glad yoo guys are A-OK and nobuddy (inklooding yer howse) got hert.

Anonymous said...

Everybody saw how much power Ike had when it devastated Galveston, but for it still to have that much force when it hit Cincinnati... glad you are all safe.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Wow! I didn't realize Ike went all the way up to Cincinnati. Hope things are better up there soon!

Just Ducky said...

Mum laughed about the issue with the feetsball game. Mum's work has an office in Cincy and they had to send people to Indy where they have another office. They are supposed to be up and running on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Holey canoli! I can-not believe that Ike is still going?!?!?!
What is happening over there at the moment, every time we turn on the TV there is not just bad but devastating news.
We is very glad that you is ok though and feel for the poor people in Texas.. it's just crazy!

Motor Home Cats said...

We are so sorry that you got strong winds and no power for over a day. We are glad however that you weren't hurt and neither was your house. We hope things get back to normal for you soon.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Teddy Westlife said...

Well I'm very glad that you're all okay Mr Hendrix. Ike is pooey!

Huffle Mawson

Simba and Jazzi said...

Glad to hear you are all ok.

Simba x

Ailurophile said...

We are glad your power is back and staying that way ~ that was a furry bad hurricane...sending you all our purrs...stay safe :)

Parker said...

We had those same terrible winds, no power is awful. But you are right, nothing compared to the folks in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Mom says in the 32 years she lived in Florida, she's never seen a storm behave that way. They usually weaken once they get over land. It's downright scary.

Anita said...

2 years ago (November, 2006), we suffer the Delta tropical storm Delta (the first of our life and a very strange event here due to the climatic change). We were one week without electricity under the candles light and listening to the radio...

We are glad that are been sure in your home!

Hace 2 años (en noviembre de 2006) sufrimos la tormenta tropical Delta (la primera de nuestras vidas y un acontecimiento muy raro por aquí, sin duda debido al cambio climático). Estuvimos una semana sin electricidad bajo la luz de las velas y escuchando la radio...

Nos alegramos de que hayan estado seguros en su hogar!

Ana said...

OMG, we are so happy you are safe! Hurricanes and Storms are really nasty things.

With such a long blackout you can see how we all depend on electricity. We had quite a few electricity cuts in Egypt and when it came back after many hours we've been very thankful for that great invention.

Ingrid said...

My goodness you were really lucky ! this all sounds so strange to me it never happened in Belgium and it is so different when I see that on TV or read it here "life" !
Without electricity we are really lost !

None said...

Glad to see you are ok, aside from tv deprivation apparently...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are all safe and your house is all right too.We didn't realise Ike was still going.

Tybalt said...

How scary and icky! I'm glad you are all ok . . . even if you did think you'd die of boredom. Purrrrs!

Purrageous Pirates said...

How not fun! Mommy remembers when a hurricane stayed together and ran into Atlanta - she had to take a sociology final in the dark because they did not close her college even though they had no power! That was Hurricane Opal in 1995. We are glad you got your power back on and hope your stinky goodness did not spoil!!

PS: Mommy got your get well card yesterday and it made her smile. She says thank you. We promise that we are sitting on her and making her take good care of herself. She does not want to have to see a specialist for this at all!!

catsynth said...

We're glad you're all safe after the hurricane, and that your house made it through OK. (I guess folks in Cincinnati should beware of hurricanes that hit Texas).

I wonder what people did in hurricanes before iPods.

Kellykat said...

We are glad that you are all ok. We had no idea that people so far north would be affected so badly.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

The Furry Kids said...

Mama was wondering if you guys had power. She talked to one of her customers (who lives in Cincinnati) and he said they had nothing. He was working out of his car because he could plug his cell and laptop into the cigarette lighter thingy. We are so glad that you're all safe and we hope your power stays on and that everything gets back to normal soon.

PB 'n J said...

Holy Moly - we didn't know you guys lost power! Ike was still packing a punch by the time he hit us up in Michigan, a tree down the street fell over. And our friends almost lost their boat! We're glad you're okay and back up and running!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We lost power in Columbus too. We got it back sometime Monday night/Tuesday morning, but there are still a lot of people around here without power. Our roof was a little bit damaged too, but we live in a condo so it is the condo peoples' problem. We just hope they fix it before it rains.

The Cat Realm said...

Mr. Hendrix - what an adventure. And just think about all the energy you were saving by not having any appliances run for a prolonged period of time...... hahhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Looks like it's been an interesting coupla days over there. At least you had Earl, Randy, Joy and Darnell to keep you company! Sorry about the Bengals... hey, the Geelong Cats might win for you this weekend!

Anonymous said...

No electricity? Dat sucks, the mom hates when dat happens here. It did do dat the other day for an hour and da mom was all upset and lit all kinds of glowy fings. We is glad yoo is safe though!

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

How Horrible! We hope your electric stays on so your food stays good because kitty-kat food is the most important thing.
Was it scary in the dark??

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

Jimmy Joe said...

Dood, Mr. H, that is too much like camping! I hope your momma and daddy were smart enough to stock up on crunchies before the hurricane winds hit you.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Toulouse said...

I'm so glad to hear you are okay. That was some experience you went through. Glad you didn't miss your soaps. Mom would freak out if she missed hers! *giggles*

Clover said...

Hi Hendrix!
It sounds like you had a very interesting hurricane-time! I am glad you and your family (and your house!) are safe! I am also glad that your camera worked and your parents could take cute pictures of you!
Love Clover xo

Us4 Cats said...

OH kitty, what an adventure you had!!!!!
Here in the bluegrass we had high blowing winds that rocked the house . We were lucky to only have that.

Mother nature is in charge!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I'm glad you're all safe. Ike was a very bad dude.

Jans Funny Farm said...

hope today was a better day!!!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow Hendrix! We didn't know that Cincinnati got Ike'd that bad! No power??!? Bummer! Here in Michigan we got lots of wind and rain too. Even a tornado...but that wasn't near us, thank goodness!

Glad you are safe and back on line!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Max said...

Wow, dooood...I think I'm glad we're no longer in Evil, Ohio...We woulda been right up the road!

Glad yer ok, too!

Karen Jo said...

I had not realized that Ike stayed so powerful so long. I stopped hearing about it on the radio after it left Texas. I am glad that you are all safe and that your power is back.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow! Crazy!! Glad you guys are safe and had batteries on hand.

Sticky beans to arrive in nine months?

Hee Hee, just joking. That's the big thing up here. After a blizzard, expect babies in nine months.

They lost power for three days here before I came due to a ice storm. Shade says it was pretty crazy but at least they had a wood stove. Our human litter boxes don't work with out power so the PM was melting snow/ice to flush the toilet. Plus she was 8 months pregnant at the time so emotional as h*ll.

Glad you are OK.

Purrs Goldie

Nomi said...

That sounded furry scary to me, but no TV ? Thats serious. Glad you are all OK though. I hopes normal service is resumed quickly.

Boy said...

Oh dear...I'm fuwwy gwad all of you are ok.

Quill and Greyson said...

Thank goodness you are all alright. Mr. Bendrix knows how to work a situation!

Forty Paws said...

Doodz. That sux. Even we didn't haf a power outage heer in Dallaz. Good grief.

Sorry about yur pukin an bein tooked to da V-E-T. We shur hopes yu git bedder.

Luf, Us