When I was a feral, mommy is sure ate grass all the time because I enjoy it so much when she grows it for me. I'm not sure why she doesn't keep grass constantly growing? She says it gets expensive cause it doesn't live long and she has to "maintain it" and forgets to do that. I think those are silly excuses. It has been 2 months since I've had nummy grass. Finally, she grew me some. See how much I love it? Isn't my joy worth any of her "inconvenience"
What do you think Mickey, does it look good?

I am very sad and very worried for our friend Miz Pet. She is having a very scary surgery done soon and needs all our prayers. Turn those purr and prayer buttons on high!

Hendrix, that grass looks DELICIOUS!!! Nom, nom, nom....
Are woo saving some of that grass fur Huffle's visit?
She's probably not ever had united states grass!
I'm so gald you have some nummy gwass to cheew you..I will send pwayews fow youw sweet fwiend
smoochie kisses
Hendrix grass is our favorite thing to and our Mom says the SAME THING about it getting expensive and having to maintain it. These beans, sometimes... geez.
We will pray for your friend, okay?
Theodore and Sasha
haha My Momma grew grass in a pot before I was born-ded for my sister Mushka, she had it all beautifuls for her then one days Momma and dadda see her sniffing at it, then turn around and pee in the pot?!?!?
They woz like "wtf???"
So now they take us for walks on our harness so we can gets the the grass we needs to pukez :))
Dat is some GREEN grass, it MUST taste pawsome!
We understand your frustration, Hendrix! Where we used to live, in the city, we couldn't go outside so we made Mom bring us in grass everyday and buy us some at the pet store. Thankfully, we moved to Georgia, in the county, and we can go outside at our new house. We no longer have to wait and wait for Mom to get it.
Very yummy looking!!!
You deserve to have many of those around the house in various stages of growth.
At the very least.
Purrs Goldie and Shade
Our pet human finally bought us more grass today too! Nubi loves is... but i think he is related to you!
Hope you are feeling better. WE are purring for all sick pooses everywhere today.
Nom, nom, nom!
That's looks delish!
We pray for Miz Pet too..
The grass looks amazing. We are quite upset for Miz Pet too.
YOOWLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! I want that grass!!!!!! Mom tried to grow grass for me but I wanted it all and then there was supposed to be more the next day!!! I do not understand about grass not growing overnight!
That looks SO good!!!!! I bet it tastes good too!!!
MOM!!!!!!! I NEED grass!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Dear Cousin Hendrix and Cousin Bendrix and MrsAuntAmy (Mommy said that ME could call you that - is it ok?). I wanted to THANK YOU SO MUCH for the MAIL you sent ME!!! ME was so excited to see MY NAME on a mail and oh the package SMELLED SO GOOD! I LOVELOVELOVE my new fuzzy mice and the CATNIP!! OH THE CATNIP is awesome! ME is fighing Captain Jack off but Mommy says it is MINEMINEMINE!! We even have pictures that Mommy says ME can post soon on the bloggie!! YAY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ME LOVES YOU!! - Fagin
PS: Mommy says thank you for the beautiful cards you sent for Merlyn's passing. They were beautiful and they made her cry but they were good tears - tears for Merlyn and remebrance and tears of joy that your Mommy loves our Mommy so much. She also says yes, please do send the card for Buck. She know our grandbeans would appreciate it too. We love you guys!!
You look lovely among the grass!
I am so glad you are better. I had the whoopsies yesterday. But mama is only watching me. She hasn't taken my foodies away.
Thunderstorms are coming again tonight. Mama says there might not be any room under the table. I wonder what that means?
I usually hide under the bed or in the shower, anyway.
Oh that grass looks so nommy! Our mum has black thumbs when it comes to growing things. She had our grass growing nicely, then re-potted it and it all went brown! Silly lady. It's time to send her back to the garden centre!
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
I love grass too. When Mommy takes me out in my stroller, she picks grass and sticks it in my stroller so I enjoy it during our stroll. Yum!
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Your grass looks so wonderful. Mama loves grass too - Mom says she is getting me a collar so go outside but she keeps forgetting. What are we to do?
We will pray for your friend, Miz Pet!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
That's some TASTY looking grass, my friend!
Dooood! The People brought home grass for us today, too, but Buddah is the only one who likes it. I think it's just a tease, when they should be giving me crunchy treats instead.
I haven't ever had grass. is it good?
Get your mombean or dadbean to go to the bean health food store and but 'wheat berries'. you can plant them just like seeds and they are cheap (well, it looks expensive coz its priced by the pound, but mine mombean can get enough for 5 or 6 big plantings for about a dollar.) you can reuse the pot and soil for lots of plantings.
I love the stuff too!!
Mr. Hendrix, I think your grass looks wonderful!
Paws, Halloween
I think I must be a lucky kitty to have grass growing in my backyard all the time...
Huffle Mawson
Grass is good Hendrix ~ glad you finally got more of it ~ here Snow is very very fond of grass!
Awesome grass - we've gotta persuade our Mum to try growing some for us,
Gypsy & Tasha
PS We're purring hard for Miz Pet too.
Where did yoor mommeh get dat nommy grass ta gif yoo? mommeh haz been lookin ta try dat fur a while now, canna seem ta find gud stuff. Pweese share yoor secrets!
That grass should help your tummy feel better.
That's furry cool grass! I (Chica) also love to eat the grass when I get the chance to go outside on my harness. But growing grass inside would even better, then we would not need to eat the plants! But mommy says she hasn't got that green thumb...
Hmmmm. Grass.
We hope Ms Pet will be okay. That sounds scary.
Yummy grass-we wish our mommy would grow grass for us more often as well-she says the same thing!
Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf and Blossom
Wow, that grass looks premium, it's so green and yummy looking. Our mom says thanks for the birthday greeting!
Mindy & Moe
That grass looks very yummy! It is better when it's in your kitchen :-D
Hi there, I haven't visited you in a little while, how you doing?
That grass looks very delicious! MMMMMMMM YUMMMMY!
Mmmmmm....grass. That looks so yummy.
I have never had cat grass but I really looooove nip!
grass is good. I have a pot in my enclosure and another couple outside and one that I wee on in the garden.
grass should always be grown. My favourite is couch, but hard to find. some grows like weeds in an odd corner that I sometimes visit, but not in winter.
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