
The Conversation

So I said to mommy last night, "I've been watching the news and seen all the scary green papers stuff. This won't effect the quality of presents I'll be getting on my birthday and Christmas will it?"

Then my heart stopped because she looked sad. She said, "No sweetie, you'll still get fun, nice presents, but...."

Me: "But what"

Mommy: "Well, I've been looking for a way to tell you this. Your daddy and I are going on a vacation. We're going to Florida for a wedding and then going to Disney World and other stuff."

Me: "Excuse me? When will this "abandonment" be taking place?"

Mommy: "We'll be leaving Nov. 1 and coming back Nov. 9th"

Me: "You do realize that my SIXTH BIRTHDAY is on NOVEMBER 3RD right???"

Mommy: "Sigh, yes I do and I am very very sorry we won't be here to celebrate with you."

Me: "Fine, fine, do whatever you want. Just understand I will be having friends over and we will be trashing the house"

Mommy: "You can have friends over, but you may not trash the house."

Me: "Can and will chippy"

Mommy: "You'd better make sure Bendrix stays in line"

Me: "I make no promises woman. Hey, what is this "other place" you'll go see?"

Mommy: "Um, well, remember that Ghost Hunters we like so much? The St. Augustine Lighthouse one. We're going there to walk around and take a ghost tour."

Me: "I am so cheesed off right now! You'd better just feed me, give me some chin scritches, tell me how handsome I am and then leave me alone for a while to process this...."

Mommy: "Ok, but how about if..."

Me: "I didn't give you permission to speak anymore. Just scritch quietly"


Niko and Cloud said...

Aww, that stinks! We'll defnitely come over and help you trash the house! Oops, we mean party quietly without making a mess..

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dude...dat IS heartless. Well, we think a good house trashing is definitly in order!

Anonymous said...

Scritch quietly... hehehe. You seem to have the matter well in hand, Mr. Hendrix.

The Island Cats said...

Oh man! We can't believe they are doing this to you! But...we're secretly happy that we have a house trashin' party to go to! Yipee!

Thoughts said...

HAHAHAHAH! Hendrix you are too funny. Look at it this way, with the beans gone you are free to roam the house and do whatever you want, whenever you want, and get into whatever you feel like. You can go CRAZY!!! Just make sure you have lots of catnips and toys. You could even destroy the Christmas village if you get angry enough at the beans! That will teach them!

Theodore and Sasha

Anonymous said...

Oh Hendrix dude, this is just not on. Bendrix will be in sabotage mode when he finds out.

Parker said...

Gone. On. Your. Birthday?!?!?!?
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk...

Maggie May said...

Oh No! Don't worry Mr. Hendrix we will all come over and help you trash the house for your purrthday!
~The Creek Cats~

PB 'n J said...

That is just not right Hendrix! At lease we can have a pawesome house trashing party - we'll bring the nip!

Daisy said...

Oh noes! This is terrible news. A house trashing party sounds like just the ticket.

Anonymous said...

We will just have to have a great house trashin' party to remind them why they should always stay home to take care of you.

By the way, sorry the Steelers tramples over your Bengals.

Unknown said...

Oh Hendrix! How could they abandon you on your birthday! Sigh, don't worry Hellie and I will come over and help you trash the house while they are gone and if you need any chin scritches while your Mum and Dad are away you can teleport over to my house - I will make sure my Mum scritches your chin.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Hendrix! It's bad enough that they are gone but on your birthday?! That's so wrong.

Simba and Jazzi said...

I say trash the house! How dare they leave you to have fun on your Birthday.

Simba x

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

We can not believe this! First Huffle's parents abandon her and now your humans do too! And on your Birthday! Let us know when the party starts, we will zoom over and help you trash the house!!!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

Anonymous said...

Home alone?? Yes! HOUSE THRASHIN!!! We got the human litter box paper all covered!

Fat Eric said...

They're LEAVING you on your PURRTHDAY?????? That's not just heartless, that's COLD!

Trash the place! I'm helping!

Anonymous said...

Ohh Man I think you should hurry and go find Bendrix before they leaves, that way they will just have to stay homez!!!
Though my Momma is frothing at your Momma going to do the ghost tour their she saw that episode, Just make sure you Momma has a good bubble around her so she does not bring any visitors homez with her!! hehe

Ohh Momma said to tell your Momma to check out Most Haunted Tv show too, that is neat :)


Whimpurr said...

Oh Hendrix, I'm so very sorry! I'm sure Mommy and Daddy didn't mean to plan their trip on your birthday! It probably just had to be during that time! *purrs*

SophieKitty said...

Bummer! We'll celebrate with you! We kitties know how to par-tay!

Forever Foster said...

We're getting our party shoes ready, Mr. Hendrix!!

Just Ducky said...

Name the time for the trashing to start!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your mommy and daddy's vacation sounds like fun. But, what was your mommy thinking when she scheduled a vacation on your sixth birthday? There probably needs to be a whole lot more scritching quietly between now and then to make it all better...and really, really, good birthday and Christmas gifts for you.

Whimpurr said...

Us again! Thanks for letting us know that he hadn't re-added you to our blog lists! THANK YOU and you are back on! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's just not fair! I will come over and then we trash the whole house, ok?

Quill and Greyson said...

Zip it and scratch, you tell em Hendrix! We will come over and celebrate your birthday with you.

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

Oh man, that's rough. Maybe this will ease the sting a little bit:

You are one rockin' cat and today you are also one honored cat as I, Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail, have given an award for having a cool blog. Stop by and visit to pick it up!

And I'll treat you at the Playcats Club for your Birthday, how's that?

Max said...

Aw, dooooood! Leaving you and missing your BIRTHDAY! That's just...just... well, thinking about it, it IS an excuse for a party.

I'll bring the Primo Nip!

Ingrid said...

Be happy ! they go away and you have the house of your own ! Besides they will double your birthday gift because they will have a bad conscience ! Look sad and you will get even more !

Motor Home Cats said...

We are sorry that your beans are going away on vacation and leaving you behind. We'll stop by to "keep you company."

Thank you for stopping by and helping us say goodbye to Tiki. It meant a lot to us.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade and our Mom ~ Tara(not the cat)

snowforest said...

That's tuff Hendrix - very tough for a kitty to suffer abandonment on his purrthday - make sure you trash the house good..we'll there to help you :)

Forty Paws said...

Oh good grief. Another vacation? This is like, WAY TOO MUCH.

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