
Talented Friends

Hi all! As a feral cat, I had no idea that kitties could be such good friends. I just viewed them as competition for food.

Now I have all you wonderful furry friends and it is great! I am also impressed by how many talented beans and kitties there are out there.

Here I am on Weds on the beautiful snuggle Timothy Dickens Grammie made me hanging in a sunbeam.

See the cool addition to my collar? That was made by Purrprints and I got it as my Sept. Swap N Tails package. Mommy got a cell phone charm of the same "floppy cat" print. We love them!! It even came in eco-friendly packaging which is very important to us.

Here is a picture of the cool stuff mommy got herself earlier this year from Artsy Catsy. This picture was taken in July while mommy and daddy lounged by the pool drinking in Vegas while I suffered, abandoned and alone (except for my house trashing buds of course). Pretty charms aren't they??

The Hello Kitty was a Swap N Tails gift from Miz Allie Cat. It matches great.
The bookmark is pretty and functional for hardbacks and paperbacks.

For more information on Swap N Tails fun, see the Swap Blog or visit the lovely Miz Allie Cat who oversees it.


The Island Cats said...

Hi Hendrix...you look great on your snuggle! And that's a lot of cool stuff you got! We're gonna tell our mom to check out that Swap N Tails site. That sounds like fun!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Whimpurr said...

Those are such nice gifts!

Thoughts said...

Looks like some pretty cool stuff Hendrix. Were going to have to go check out those websites now to see if our bean can get some cool swag too. Hhmmmm

Hey we posted your photo (for our contest) entry on the blog today so all our readers can see how handsome you look watching TV. Our bean LOVES that picture of you!

Theodore and Sasha

Maggie May said...

You look so happy in the sunbeam! Those are so really cool charms!
~The Creek Cats~

Tesla and Hansel said...

Hi! Those are some great things you've got there! Also, to answer the question- i was front declawed so i had to have paper litter! But now i'm on normal stuff again.

Sunny's Mommy said...

There are a lot of very talented beans on the blogosphere! Very nice presents you and your Mommy have received :-)

PS: I'm sorry your Mommy and Daddy are abandoning you. You need to have the best ever house trashing party!!

Daisy said...

There are many talented friends in the blogosphere. I wish my Mommie knew how to make something cool. She cannot even cook!

PB 'n J said...

We love the Swap 'n Tails too - it's so much fun! The charms are so pretty and sparkly (I'd probably try to put the bitey on them though!).


Anonymous said...

Yer snuggle looks comfy!

Forty Paws said...

Doodz. U wouldn't wanna be lounging by no pool in Vegas in the summer. Nope.

Nice gifts.

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

Oh! My Mum likes those cell phone charms - she is going to go over to Artsy Catsy and "browse".

Have a good weekend Hendrix!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great shot of you my friend!! Those are great gifts you received. We have purused those sites before and we have list prepared!!

Purrs Goldie and Shade

Anonymous said...

Wow I did not know there woz somany!
They are all so puuretty, we like to try and buy homemade things here.
Momma used to work for a big company and it has turned her against them for life. She says because of the way they treat their customers and staff, the extent at what they will go to, to make that maybee $1 extra is crazy! Therefore we will try and buy from the little guy ifs we can and better still our furiends :)


Mickey's Musings said...

I agree that there are a lot of talented friends we have!!!!! Your Mom must be talented too as she does scrapbooking! It's good you get to have some nice things too. You look good on the snuggle ;)
Purrs Mickey

Sweet Purrfections said...

We're going to have to check out this Swap and Tails thing.

Beethoven said...

Those are really pretty! I think they'll be very nice to bat around!

Anonymous said...

Oh nice sunspot!

Ingrid said...

You look great ! and so comfy in your sun spot ! Isn't it nice to have a lot of friends and don't worry about food ?
Rosie has Halloween feelings ! Pay attention, lol !

Anonymous said...

So many crafty crafters in the blogosphere for sure! Mom use to quilt and knit and crochet, but she doesn't have the time (or space) any more. We sure would love a snuggle like that, Mom...

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That's some pretty cool stuff. Swap N tails sounds like a lot of fun.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix, please stop by our blog and pick up your award!=^Y^=The Cat Street Boyz

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
We are glad you aren't a feral cat anymore! It must have been scary being outside with a family ! How long did you live on the streets before your Mommy found you?
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

You look soo hansome in the sunbeams, my sweet Sugar Pie! And never fear, I will come for your birfday. Mama should be back to work by then. Maybe. Anyway, I shall be there with you for at least part of your special day.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Darn. I am not Mystery. I am your sweet brandi.

We have not solved that dilema yet.

My Littel Island said...

wow look at all tifs stuff u get how do u do it u just ger u is so cute right ?

meemsnyc said...

That looks like a really warm sunbeam!

Forty Paws said...

Eco-friendly packaging is good. That's some really cool stuff you got there Mr. Hendrix.

Luf, Us

Ana said...

Those are all so wonderful things. Such great talents in the Catblogosphere!

PurrPrints said...

Thanks for modeling my kitty tag Mr. Hendrix! :)