
Finally Friday

Here they are! Lovely pictures of my sweet lady cat Brandi as Queen of Spooky Town.

Here she is graciously thanking the pirate minions for the lovely crown they, um, aquired just for her.

We had a lot of fun in the Village on Wednesday. The pirates brought her treats and treasures, and the cowboys in the saloon toasted my lady and the little trick or treating minions brought her treats! I can't wait until November so we can stroll thru my Christmas Village.

Also, my talented friends at The Cat Realm gave me a great award! Premio Dardos Award! Yup, we can't pronounce it, but we like it.
"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words."

duh, mommy forgot to halp me give my award away. This is soooooo hard because there are so many talented kitties and beans on the blogosphere. We'll pass this on to:

Karen Jo for her fantastic limmericks
Sassy Cat Little for her contributions to CCSI
Sophia for helping her mommy with snuggles
Dorfington Fish Stanley for his excellent quality control of the Forty Paws Hammock
Rocky and the entire Artsy Catsy Gang for their hard work in creating beautiful pieces that help raise money for needy kitties.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I WANT MY OWN VILLAGE! I WANT MY OWN VILLAGE! I WANT MY OWN VILLAGE! Oh, yeah, and congratulations on your award.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh how marvelous she looks! She looks quite regal!

Congratulations on your award!

Tara said...

Your lady friend looked lovely! And congratulations on your award!


PS I do have some of those pill left, but be warned....

meemsnyc said...

She makes a lovely queen!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so admiring you have your own village!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohh look at your beautiful crown, niiiiice..
Momma says she wants a house exactly like the one in the top left thankyou! :p


Parker said...

That village rocks Mr. H.
And Brandi looks great as your queen!

George Online Cat said...

A crown. Now that, at last, is the proper appreciation of cat superiority.

Chrissie said...

That is a muy COOL village, Hendrix! Put me on the list!

Anonymous said...

Concatulations on yer awardie!

Dat village looks so fun,we wish we hadid one too! Da mom said sumfin bout bean kids and fings wud break or disappear ....

Thoughts said...

Neat award you got there. And we are so jealous of your little village. Its so cool and you totally get to run the show there. (We run the show in our whole house but our bean doesnt like to admit that).

Hey c'mon over to our blog and sign up on the Contests page. Were giving away some AWESOME cat toys and we'd love to send you something if you sign up and win!

Us4 Cats said...

Aw man how cool is that. We gonna show our maw so we can get one too.


Maggie May said...

Congrats on your award. Very nice to meet you.....please come back and see us. We love company!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

Forty Paws said...

Concatulations on your award!

Cute photos of Brandi!

Luf, Us

Fat Eric said...

Nice village! People here don't have Halloween villages. Also no one really puts up any Halloween decorations until about 2 days before Halloween. It is not that big in the UK.

River said...

Congratulations on the unpronouncible award! Brandi is very pretty, nice village.

love & wags,

Ana said...

What a great queen you have!

Congrats on your award, I see it's a very special one!

Christine and FAZ said...

Wow land of the giants. FAZ

Anonymous said...

psssssssst: Da man in bloo shorts came today!! We will post it on Sunday!

Mickey's Musings said...

Brandi looks lovely in the village!!! Those pirates have great taste in crowns!!!
Have fun :)
Purrs Mickey

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It looks like you and Brandi are having lots of fun in Spooky Town. I can't believe you have a Halloween village AND a Christmas village. You are so lucky!
Congratulations on your award.

The Island Cats said...

That village is purrty neat! And Brandi makes a great queen!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

pee ess. congrats on your award!

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great village. Congratulations on your award.

Simba x

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very pretty. You are very lucky!!

Purrs Goldie

My Littel Island said...

hahahaah u look so good can we come over and play heheheh it is funn right ?

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't think I've ever seen a Queen as lovely as your Brandi :-) What a fun day you had together.

Congratulations on your award.

My Two Best Friends said...


Congratulations on your award!!! We love your Queen! she is quite beautiful!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

Maggie May said...

Hey Mr. Hendrix.....we have gifted you an award. Stop by and pick it up sometime!
~The Creek Cats~

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those a re spooky pictures! Congrats on your award!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Congratulations to your mum on her Award, Mr Hendrix. Pirates, eh? We watched the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean, Davy Jones' Locker, last night...scary stuff.

Forty Paws said...

We were here earlier and didn't notice that Dorfington Fish Stanley was awarded!!!

Whoo Hoo! And now Dorfington Fish Stanley got an award! Whoo Hoo!

Luf, Us

Karen Jo said...

I love your Spooky Town and Brandi looks very regal in her crown. Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me.