
Frightening Friday

When the batteries on the smoke alarms go out at 4:00am and your beans have to change ALL of them because the alarms are on a circuit, at 4:00am, and your daddy is on a ladder in your litterbox room and accidentally pulls a wire out and the thing is beeping and he is cursing and trying to put the wire back in...be sure to go in the litterbox and drop a big stinky deuce.

Daddy's love that. snicker.

Hey, those alarms were loud! I got all bushed up like a Halloween cat and the beans were running around and it scared the sh#t outta me. Not my fault.

Hey Buddah, how was my run on sentence???


Anonymous said...

Wow. That sounds really exciting, Mr. Hendrix! You are lucky! We hardly ever have anything nearly as exciting happen here.

Parker said...

HaHaHaHaHa! I got a great visual of that whole ordeal and it's pretty funny!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It's not your fault you let loose of that stinky bomb. The noise scared the p**p right out of you! At least it took your daddy's mind off the alarm for a few seconds. hahaha!

Niko and Cloud said...

That is VERY effective.
We like to wait until Daddy checks the boxes to go. Sometimes we try to "help" him clean the boxes too.
But this morning dad checked the boxes, and one was completely clean so he was like "oh good I don't have to do that one". Right as he said that Niko hopped in and made a stinky one in that box!!

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Hendrix...the smoke alarms scare the cr*p out of us too!

Wally & Ernie

Anonymous said...


Dad - 0
Hendrix - 1

Nice one mate!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Uh what a morning! We had that once but it was only one battery that needed to be changed at 4 AM What is it about 4 AM?

The Crew said...

Way to go, Hendrix. Nothing like a stink bomb to wake the folks up!

Daisy said...

I think that loud noise scared the poop out of you!

Team Tabby said...

We would be scared sh**less too! Not your fault, ha.

Thank you so much for welcoming me to the Blogosphere! I am happy in my new home.

contented purrs,

The Meezers or Billy said...


Leona said...

hh he he...big stinky deuce. That was funny.

Ailurophile said...

Definitely not your fault Hendrix. Fairy likes to go to the litter box when someone is near it too..

Curly said...

Wow, Mr. Hendrix! That is pawesome advice! I must remember that in case I'm ever lucky enough to have a fun thing like that happen at my house!
(P.S. Thank you fur visiting my blog and saying I look good in my harness.)

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh man,that was pawsome!!!!!!! I really like the bushed out and stinker part!!!! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh man,that was pawsome!!!!!!! I really like the bushed out and stinker part!!!! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey

Ana said...

OMG, I bet that was very noisy! Did you find a cozy blanket to hide from teh noise?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ours makes a khrikhket sound -

AND then that shrill thing!

Good work nameless khat!


Quill and Greyson said...

At Least it was in the litter box.

Anonymous said...

ahaha Chaos and Mayhem and you did not even have to lift a finger... wunderbar!


Anonymous said...

Yea we dun like when ours beeps either, they is way too loud.

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Mr Hendrix

Sounds pretty darn exciting at your house! Good Job on the litter Box
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina

Unknown said...

Yikes! It sounds like you did the appropriate thing, given the situation. heehee

Anonymous said...

At least you went in the litter box - they should be grateful (snicker) speshully since they scared the sh*t outa you in the first place (snicker).

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! I just imagine the picture ! Good that he didn't step in the litter box !

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hmmmm. Jan was laughing until you reached the stinky litterbox part and she wandered off, mumbling, "That's just a normal day around here. At least he didn't do it while they were serving dinner to their guests."

Anonymous said...


Sunny's Mommy said...

That must have been very scary. LOL at dropping the stinky for your Daddy to enjoy during the chaos :-D