No wonder I'm having tummy trouble. I also seem to have misplaced my legs and tail. Or maybe they just hid from the Vishus Deer!
To top it all off, Mommy is abandoning me overnight tonight until very late tomorrow (Sat). To scrapbook of all things! AND, she isn't even scrapbooking my pictures, she is scrapbooking a vacation she and daddy took last November when they ABANDONED ME. Totally full circle man. She'll pay.
For fun, swing over to the Swap N Tails blog to see the great package Miz Allie Cat sent me for the Feb swap. If you havne't swapped yet, or have fallen away from it, be sure to join up. It is an easy and inexpensive way to have fun with friends!
Woo have ALL the fun:
Khool Play Pals!
Good grief, they're ganging up, Mr. H! Thank you for the warning, and let's be careful out there!
Wow, so many deer!!
Oh my gosh! Now that is frightening! how can you stand it?!
oh wow, a whole herd of vishus deer! Stay safe!
Holy moly. Stay safe, Hendrix! :O
I hope they didn't eat your legs and tail! Maybe you need to hide from them and your mom!
Awwww, I hope yur tummy's feelin better! And ACK, those vishus deer so close to yur housie! We get 'em close to our housie sometimes, too!
Momma thanks you fur your sweet conCATulahsuns on her bookie! We'll keep you and alla our kitty furriends updated! She's furry ecksited but she's been hogging OUR compoooter somethin fierce!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Those vishus deer look very suspicious to me. And I hope you're spending the time away from your mum plotting your revenge.
Huffle Mawson
Oh, man, this is just so unfair. Your house is being surrounded by vishus deer and your Mom is abandoning you for scrapbooking. I hope you and Bendrix are planning something appropriate for her when she gets back.
Oh my! Vishus deer!!! We've never seen any in the flesh before! Bet you were scairt!
You are sooooo lucky to have deers just in front of your home ! I would have to take my cats to the zoo, lol !
YIKES! Don't let them near your house, Hendrix!
Hope your mommy has fun this weekend! But I am sorry she is leaving you. :(
Love Clover xo
Hi Mr. Hendrix! Wow, those vicious deer look pretty scary. But I think a House Panther would scare them away. You just need to give them a good yowl.
Purrs, Halloween
Maybe it is all just a nightmare.
Have a long, long nap and things will hopefully look better in the morning.
If not, you'll have to call in the reinforcements.
Purrs Goldie
So scary! A herd!
Oh no! Visshus dear. What will you do?
Oh those vishus deer are scary!! We're glad you stay inside!
We are being abandoned Saturday until sometime Sunday! What is it with humans??
We gave you an award.
Yeah, that does seem mean to abandon you to celebrate abandoning you.
What if your mom takes pictures of her scrapbooking getaway? Will she need to go on another scrapbooking getaway to celebrate her getaway celebrating her vacation when she abadoned you. That's just wrong.
Be careful, Mr. Hendrix, you know those vishus deer just love to sink their teeth into juicy kitties!
Yeah, we hates it too when our Mom goes away on those dumb scrapbook overnighters. Ours was scrapbookin' last night but at least she came home to us.
We once saw one dear going by the summer house. Very scary. We can't imagine a gang of them. Ouch!
hee black cat Salem is terrified of PIGEONS!
The dear are certainly becoming quite brazen aren't they? They were like that where I grew up (Westchester County, New York).
call cat patrol if u mammy is leving u by your selfs and they will bring u to us our bean newr leve us samtimes we want her to lol Beautiful photos
Look at all those vishus deer!!!
Mr Hendrix that is COOL! Oh boy I would love to be having such sights all day long.. so biiiggg :)
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