Hi all! I'm a lucky kitty to have such great friends. They are nice enough to give me cool awards and invite me to telyport to exotic places like Antarctica! Wow! I am going to bask in our first warm steady sunbeams we've had in weeks today and think of all my wonderful friends. It is so sunny, mommy even cracked the window in my "litterbox room" to freashen it up! Crazy since it snowed an inch yesterday. Now it is all melted!
Team Tabby and Fat Cat Muffin and the pretty Black Cat gave me the You Make My Day Award. Bendrix and I are very pleased because we like to make people happy.
The You Make My Day Award is presented to bloggers whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland. The rules are to pass the award along to up to 10 Kitties.
We'd like to pass this on to
fellow House Panther Diamond Emerald Eyes cause she always has good posts on her bloggy AND keeps up on the House Panther site.
The Gang at Purrchance to Dream for always being so nice to kitties in need and making us smile with their funny antics (and pictures!), especially Spooker, who always keeps up on House Panthers too.
I'd also like to give this to my sweet Brandi who makes my day just be being her.
Captain Jack & Sir Dante Barbossa gave us the life without friends is hell award. We are very happy about this because they have been our friends for ages and ages.
I'd like to pass this on first to the Cat Blogosphere! Without them, how would we meet so many new friends??
I'd also like to pass this to Artsy Catsy who help all our friends out and homeless kitties.
I also want to post the wonderful gift from Karl & Ruis from visiting them for Miss Peach's birthday in Antarctica. They are so thoughtful!

Thank you so much for the award, Mr. Hendrix. Guess what? You make our day, too!
Hugs & Purrs,
& all of us at Artsy Catsy
Oh, thank you so much for the award! I always enjoy visiting your site!
We are glad that you liked the award we gave you!
Speaking of snow - can you believe that they are predicting snow for Atlanta again tonight (it snowed day before yesterday but melted all away quickly)? We'll have to take pictures for you to show you what people in Atlanta allow to cipple the city. You will laugh and laugh!
Congratulations on the awards, and enjoy those sunbeams!
All the Cat Blogosphere cats are super friends!
Congrats on your awards and the cats you passed them on to!!!!
See,cats like you because you are,well,likeable :) !! Enjoy that subshine!
Purrs Mickey
What are you naming your Arctic penguin from Karl? Sassy named hers Chilly. Mine is Icy. Charlotte named hers Blizzard and the last we heard Momo is naming hers Floe.
jans funny farm
Congrats on your award!
Congrats on your awards - you definitely deserve them!
Gypsy & Tasha
Congratulations on your awards Mr. Hendrix. Those are both very good awards to get. Isn't the weather really weird this winter. Mom opened up the back door for us the other day. She won't do this often because we tend to try to get thru it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We have some of that mild weather too. Started out with snow, now rain.
That's a great picture of you in a comfortable spot. Hope you are feeling better now Mr. Hendrix.
Moe & Mindy
Concats on ur awards Hendrix ~ you iz a great kitty ~ that's why u got so many furriends ~ love ur photo sitting calmly on the cat tree :)
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
hai thiz is goma. you has lots of friends! me want to has too much friends too. You is puritty cool kat, can me pulay with you ? puuurrs!
Hendrix did you get the 'thinking blogger award' ~ if not we've given it to you - if you already got it ~ pass it on to Bendrix will you... :)
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Congratulations on your awards, Hendrix :-D
Now, my sweet, be brave when you are brushed! You will grow to like it. And remember, I told you about the backwards brushing. That's what I like best, and you might too. You are such a busy mancat these days. But thanks for teleporting over and checking up on us. Mama moved the blanket you gave me last year away from the window and to the end of the bed cause it's too cold at the window, now.
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