I was just hanging out waiting for daddy to come home tomorrow, watching the birds in the snow, listening to mommy typing work on her laptop when it occurred to me.
If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared....why is there a song about him?
That is going to bug me.
Dear Mr. Hendrix,
It sounds like you is havin' a good day...just hangin' out waitin' on your daddy. We have a brother named Jimmy...we will ask him if he has cracked any corn...by the way, what is corn?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Kids
I have seen corn and it is all mushy I don't see how you can crack it. This song does not make sense. :/ ~Queen Snickers
This is puzzling! I know you can easily hide corn under the couch, the only cracking noise is from when the bowl which was holding the corn breaks ...
I think nobody cares because the master has gone away. But I am not sure.
Mr Hendrix
I can see yu are finkin really hard on dis!
That's a very good question, Hendrix! You look great sitting there on your cat tree. :)
Dat iz a gud qwestyun......but hoo is jimmy and wat is corn? How dooes yoo crak dis corn esaclly? An if jimmy crak da corn fur fun, how cum no wun else crak da corn? Y jus jimmy? Hmmmmmmmm. Oh welll
Cool Treee!
Maybe Jimmy was being naughty cracking the corn, and since his mommy wasn't there to see him do it, no one cared and he didn't get in trouble for it?
If that is true I bet Ivy wishes there was a song about her.
Hi Hendrix,
Wow, that is a good question. I don't know why there is a song like that. Maybe Jimmy was important but no one cared that he cracked corn... and so they sang about it. I am not sure. Now I am confused...
Love Clover xo
Those are some really deep thoughts Hendrix!
I don't know. I think you should go ask your Mom.
It is one cases where the humans get the words all messed up. The song was about a plantation owners death. Following the death (Old Massa gone away) the slaves rations were reduced to cracked corn, so the real words were
"Gimmie cracked corn--I don't care", the meaning being that even the reduced rations are better than having Old Massa around and they are celebrating.
You know how human are, they get everything wrong, even things they make up.
Oh hendrix you are clearly having a lovely day! Beautiful photo!
I tagged Bendrix for a meme. I should be grateful if you could summon him from the depths in order to complete it! x
Oh Hendrix, this is very deep. Now you have me thinking......this has me very puzzled indeed!
Damn! Now I shall be thinking of this all day!
And as for what the government say, "Cracked corn" is a byproduct of the elevating, transporting, or cleaning of corn. Cracked corn is the entire corn kernel, broken, ground, or fractured. Cracked corn may contain incidental whole kernels of corn.
Corn is one of the thing in Temptations, so it must be pretty tasty. I know that when I have popped corn on moovee nights it is salty, but it tasty too.
Wow what a conundrum! They feed the birds some food with corn in it here. Maybe Jimmy was a daddy bird breaking up the corn to feed his babies? But then the babies would care... very interesting. I will have to ruminate over this a bit.
That is truly an interesting thought! I don't know the answer. I hope your daddy comes home soon!
I quit thinking ages ago, but I do like your cat tree with the perch up top.
I have posted a game on my blog. As you are a veteran of CB, you should have no trouble with the answers. Test your skill!
Oh my you're good! We love it! *chortle*
Oh no..now that stupid song is in my head!
Corn is bad for pooses!
What an odd song. I wonder why humans made it up? Sometimes they are strange, don't you think?
Maybe because Jimmy was sad because nobody cared that he cracked corn, so he went away.
HaHaHaHaHa! Deep thoughts dude! Have you been in the 'nip?
We wish you hadn't asked that. Now we won't be able to forget it either.
jans funny farm
I have heard of popped corn, but not cracked corn. Jimmy must have been a strange dood.
Hmm, isn't it "Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care" I is only one person...maybe effuryone else cared and dat is why dey wrote da song, cuz of da odd guy who din't care.
I think Diamond is right, she knows stuff!
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Corn? BabyBean eats that stuff..
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