We are so very thankful to all our friends for their kinds words of comfort over the loss of Sonny. His family is really wrecked and they are comforted that so many of you are sending good thoughts their way. Sonny was such a good woofie and we will miss him so much. Mommy still gets leaky thinking of him.
We are also very thankful this morning that my blurpy cousin (my daddy's brother) was born safe and sound last night. Sophia Grace entered the world at 5:08pm at 7lbs 14oz happy and healthy.

Sophia is adorable! Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
We are very sad about Sonny. His family has our purrs, prayers and condolences.
How horrible about poor Sonny. At least he is over the bridge and safe from sadness and pain now. I am purring for you and his family . . . may you heal from his loss quickly.
Sophia Grace is a beautiful blurpy girl! How wonderful that in this time of loss such a great and precious gift was given.
We's so sad to heer about poor Sunny. We's purrin for alla his fambly incloodin yoo.
Sophia is adorable tho, and we's glad she gotted heer ok and is all cute n happy.
We're sad for the loss of Sonny. Your eyes will leak for some time over him.
Congratulations on the newest member of your family.
jans funny farm
I just heard the news about Sonny. I am so sorry. He looks like he was a good woofie.
Concatulations on the little blurpy thing!
Blurpy babybean is just beautiful! Concatulations.
Sophia is pure bliss. What a gorgeous little burpy thing! Many many smooches for Sophia.
We are also very sorry about losing Sonny. We will keep all of you in our purrayers for love and guidance during this time.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Sophia Grace is very beautiful. It is comforting to know that, even when terrible things happen, beautiful things happen too.
Sophia Grace is a beautiful baby :-) Congratulations to everyone!
Iz sowwy yoo losted a fwiend, but Iz happies yoo gots a noo fambly memer too. Soon da joy of da blurpy will eese da sadness of da loss. I will purrs fur dat to happens qwickly.
Yur Bro foreva
Welcome to the world, Sophia Grace! What a beautiful baby and a beautiful name, too!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
We are very sorry about Sonny. Sneding more purrs of comfort.
Sophia is a little cutie!
It is very sad about Sonny. But welcome to the little tail grabber!
Welcome little Sophia!! You awe a bootiful hooman pup!! I hope you have a long healthy life!!
WE awe so vewy sowwy about Sonny..pleez except ouw pwayews and thoughts to comfowt you
smoochie kisses,Asta
Sophia Grace is a byootyful baby blurpy girl. Concatyoolayshuns on her arrival.
We are sad about Sonny and we are purraying furr all of you.
Congratulations on the new member of the family. Sonny will be watching over her!
Sophia is the cutest...sorry about Sonny...purrs for you and his family....what a precious gift at a time of sadness god has given happiness.. :)
Oh, your blurpy cousin is beautiful, and has a very elegant name! So sorry about Sonny. What a time of mixed emotions!
woofies, watt a bute ti ful hooman pup, soony will b her angel to watch over her....
b safe,
Sophia is beautiful. I am so happy for you all that this new life came to your family to help ease the pain of losing Sonny.
Oh Mr Hendrix, Sophia is a beautiful little girl - we're glad that there is some happiness for part of your family at this time. We're so sorry for Sonny's family and we're keep purring for them and for you and your mom and dad,
Gentle headbutts,
Gypsy & Tasha
We are very sorry that Sonny went to the Bridge. It is a difficult loss. The pics on your blog will all help us, and his family, remember him in happy times. Sophia is beautiful! Concatulations to all!
Congratulations on Sophia Grace.
Concatulashuns for the very purrety baby to your cousin beans and to you. We iz sad to learn about poor Sonny's demise too but then it's like a circle of life with a new lovely addition to your life after the loss of someone close.
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Oh, she's so little & cute. But watch out Hendrix, I hear they get bigger and try to take over!
Sophia and Sonny kind of had a circle of life going there - two completely different beings, but one spirit moved on while another was born. I'm so sorry to hear Sonny died so early in his young life. It's so not fair.
Sophia is gorgeous!
Sophia is so so cute!!! Congrats!
We will continue purrrring for Sonny and his family.
Baby Sophia is so cute, I hope her arrival will help cheer those up that are so sad over Sonny.
Hi My Friend! I'm finally blogging and reading blogs a bit now. You are making Mama leak happy/sad tears with the sad story about Sonny and then the baby. She cries so easily these days. But we all send comforting thoughts and purrs your way.
Are you ready for the Big Game? Whatcha eatin'?
Very sad about Sonny and very happy about Sophia. Thank you so much for visiting my blog during my surgery and diagnosis, and for leaving such encouraging comments. I am so thankful to have so many supportive friends. Purrs!
Wow! Concatuwations!!!
I've got a
New Thing at mine house too, but I'm not sure if that is something so wonderful.
Congrats to your new baby bean!! She is beautiful!!!
When you have a moment stop by, I have something for you.
We are sorry to hear about your loss of Sonny. It is hard to lose such a wonderful pal.
Great news of the sweet baby bean though. They are cute too, loud though but cute.
~Goldie and Shade
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