
Snuggling Sunday & Sonny

First, sorry we couldn't update on Sonny. Our internet was down until just now. There is no new news on him. The VET hasn't even gotten back with his family! They called all day yesterday. Isn't that awful?
Sonny was sent home Friday with steriods and anty-biotiks. They also gave my Uncle some premeasured shots of Valium to give him when/if he has another seizure. We wish they'd figure out what was wrong with him!

Mommy did what she always does when upset or stressed. She cleaned. She even got this out along with 3 big fans to dry it all.

She did 3 rooms of carpets and couches! You read that right, I couldn't even snuggle on my sofas.
This morning we slept in.

Wake us when it is Spring.


Halloween said...

Hi Mr. Hendrix. You look nice and snuggly there with your mom bean. We will keep Sonny in our prayers.


Ingrid said...

What a cute picture ! I hope you will get good news about Sonny.

Daisy said...

I hope you get some news about Sonny soon, and I hope the news is good. In the meantime, snuggling is a good way to pass the time.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We are sorry to hear that Sonny's family didn't hear back from the vet. :( We are purring for him.

You look very cozy on the bed there, Hendrix.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ah yes, snoozing until spring. That would be good. We will continue to purr for Sonny.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Poor Sonny and his family and your Mommy too! Mommy is so very thankful that we have the blessing that is our Aunt Susan. Our Mommy asks that you give your Mommy a hug from her. We love you guys and we purr that everything will be okay!!

Mickey's Musings said...

I hope the news,when it comes,will be good for Sonny.
That is how I like to sleep with Mom these days too. Mom does the same thing when she gets upset,cleans!
Purrs Mickey

Samantha & Mom said...

We hope you hear soon about Sonny and and some good news! You and your Mom look so comfy sleeping there. I added you and Mr. Bendrix to the M-Cats Club list. We are going to have some fun times.
Mr. Tigger

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We didn't know about Sunny till now, but we will purr furr him.
You look very comfy snuggled wiv your mum.

Poppy Q said...

Keep warm you snuggly bugglies.

Lux said...

Aw, that is the sweetest picture of you sleeping with your mombean.

I'll think good thoughts,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am purring for Sonny. Enjoy your hibernation or you can join me in my sunny back garden!

Louche Tabby said...

.....I like the 'pinky area' inside your ears.......

Black Cat said...

Oh poor Sonny and his beans. I didn't know Sonny was ill but I think his beans should change his vet! I hope you all get good news soon and I'm sending healing thoughts to Sonny.

I wish I felt like cleaning when I'm upset - the place would be a lot tidier:) xxx

Kaz's Cats said...

After all that cleaning you both deserve to curl up and snuggle. We're purring that Sonny's family get some good news about him soon,

Gypsy & Tasha

SophieKitty said...

Sending good vibes Sonny's way. Just stay in bed and get cozy until he's better.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'll keep purring and purraying fur Sonny. Let's hope it was something temporary. Mom and dad are getting to da point in der projects dat da carpet spitter will come out soon...we hate dat thing!

Ivan from WMD said...

We're sorry to hear about your cousin and hope that his family gets some positive news soon. I think your sleeping in with your mom is the best stress reliever!

Jan Price said...

We hope you get some good news about Sonny soon. It's hard to wait when you're worried. You're lucky your mom didn't vacuum and scrub you.

jans funny farm

Anonymous said...

We think snuggles is a good way to while away the time until you hear about Sonny. Stupid VET.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

That is a lot of cleaning Mr. Hendrix. We hope everything looks nice and clean and you enjoyed sleeping in. We will be purring for Sonny and hope you get great news.