My woofie cousin Sonny has had three seizures this week. We just saw him Sunday for his third birthday celebration and he seemed OK. Then Monday he had 2 seizures and went to the VET. The tests were inconclusive. Then he had another seizure last night and the VET said that one of his kidneys doesn't look right.
Sonny is a lab mix who was rescued from a local kill shelter (we was one of 9 siblings all adopted!) by my Uncle, Aunt and bean cousin 3 years ago. He just turned three on the 19th.
Please purr and pray for him to be all OK soon. We'll let you know as soon as we hear anything. Mommy is very upset cause Sonny is her "doggie fix" and she loves him lots.

Sonny is such a beautiful woofie and so young. We'll be praying for his complete recovery and for you and your family.
I'll also get this posted on the Pet Prayer blog.
aww, we is sending lots of purrrrss and purrayers to Sonny.
Oh, he's so beautiful. We are all sending our purrs and prayers that the V-E-T can find out what's wrong and fix it.
Grace & Company
Sonny is a gorgeous woofie we will keep him in our purrayers....
Poor Sonny. We are purring and woofing that the vet can help him and that he feels better soon.
Riley, Tiki, & Kesey
Oh no! I'm purring very, very hard for Sonny and his family . . . and you!
Appears to be a good-lookin woofie! Purrs and prayers are coming his way from Tennessee, Mommy and me.
so sorry there...prayers and puurrss Meow
Oh NO! I will purr and purr for Sonny, he looks like a very nice woofie!
Sending warm summer purrs to Sonny and I hopes he feels better soon.
Aw, Sonny looks like a furry nice woofie. We're purrin' and purrayin' for him to get better soon.
Sonny is a bootiful doggy!! We will keep crossing our paws for him.
It's very cold here...means you probably feel the same cold breeze. Stay warm, Mr Hendrix!
Momo & Pinot
He looks like a very nice woofie. We're sending warm healing thoughts your direction.
Shilgiah and Tommy
Oh what a darling woofie! He will be in our prayers for sure!
Oh, I hope Sonny will be okay. I will purr and purr and purr for him.
I am turning my motor up and we will send lots of purrs his way.
Oh no! We will defaintely purr for Sonny and send healing thoughts his way. Mommy says to tell you that Buck had seizures due to a liver problem the first December that her parents got him, and he was fine! He actually healed as if he was bad sick and got better. We hope he is ok!!!!
We will purrs for him! He has such a precious nose!
So sorry to hear that. Sonny is too young for problems like this.
Sending our best healing puurrrrrs.
We're purraying hard for Sonny - he's such a young woofie, and he looks very nice, we hope his family gets good news soon,
Purrs from Gypsy & Tasha
I'm sending all my headbutts and purrs.
We will be purring and purrraying for Sonny!
Lots of purrayers and healing vibes are going out to Sonny from us! And to your Mom, too!
Samantha & Tigger
Mr. Hendrix,
This is the link to the M-Cats Club, please join us when your Mom has time.
Sonny is such a handsome woofie. I'm sending lots of purrs...
We send all the purrs we can! Lots of them!!!! He looks so healthy and good, we hope everything will turn out good for him. Purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr prur purr purr purr purr purr purr.
I will send puuurrrrs for your woofie cousin. Hopefully they will have medicines to help him.
We will send extra purrs and healing thoughts to Sonny. We wish he lived near us, our pet human is a canine acupuncturist.
lots of love
Prayers for Sonny that he's better soon. He's a very handsome boy.
We will send lotsa purrs n purrayers to yore woofie cousin Sonny!
We hopes he feels better soon!
We are very sorry to hear that Sonny has been having seizures. We will purr and pray for him.
Sonny needs to get better. I will pray for his vetguy that he can help him.
We are sending Purrs and Purrayers to Sonny. He looks like a furry nice woofie.
We're sending tons of purrs and purrayers to Sonny!
Luf, Us
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