We'd like to pass this on to
Halloween cat
Chance my tiny foster brother
And Charlotte Purrparazzi
Yao-lin, my mentor, tagged me, Bendrix for a MeMe.
This meme was created by the charming cats at www.petspics.blogspot.com.
The rules are : you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to petspics.blogspot.com. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.
What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
Only listing three things kinda cramps my style so I'll stick to things in the house. Actually, thanks to mommy having that stoopid flashy box attached to her hip, I have "evidence" of what I'd do....

I'd get up on the kitchen table every day to watch the birds and lay on whatever is up there.

I'd go from the table to the counter. No photos of that. I got yelled at.

I will get up on the top of the piano, also "forbidden territory".
And get down with gusto.

Although I'm allowed on all the other tables. I like to redecorate along the way. If I had my way, I'd redecorate everything, right onto the floor, next to all the snags.

PS My from Karl and Ruis has a name. It is Mr. Squishy, even tho Bendrix wants to name him "Mighty Met" (for Metallica)
We love to go to the forbidden places too. Mommy always finds out though cause we leave footprints - especially on the stove which we are absolutely forbidden to get on. But what does the woman expect - we are pirates for Bast's sake!!
Great job, Bendrix! I am in awe of your troublemaking prowess. I managed to get into the basement every day this weekend! Punisment won't stop me! HA HA HA!!!!
Dose arr gweat tings to do to make da moms yell. My Mommie has started da yellin ting too. "Chance down!", "Chance No!", "Chance, stop whapping the dog!" yadda yadda yadda. I jus gives her da cyoot look and she furgivesss me.
Tanks fur da awardy! I will posts it tomorry
haha well done Bendrix!!! I imagine you couldn't include your evilness at the vets because they sedate you which counts as getting caught!
Excellent photos, you look so sleek and shiny and evil! Oh, the human says that your uncle and aunt will LOVE Wicked and it is better than the sucky sooper bowl.
Ignore her, she has no critical ability and enjoys anything with lights and music.
I don't have any forbidden places in the house. Except maybe like inside the refrigerator or the oven.
I have also tagged you for a me-me although you could let Bendrix do it, if you want.
Well done Bendrix - you get to do all the things that Hendrix can't. Boy, having an alter-ego sure is handy!
OMG!! Mr Hendrix!! Thank you soooo very mcu for the award!! I never got anything like this thank you soooo much!!! now I gonna hand this down to my fellow cat blogs!!
Good work on the 'NO!' places. I don't have a lot of 'NO' places, but I'm not supposed to jump in ht efridge when the door is opened.
Yeah, we'd love to clean everything off onto the floor too. We work hard at it, but Jan picks it back up. Sometimes it takes her a while since we outnumber her.
jans funny farm
Wow Mr. Hendrix, you really live up to your name. Stay away from the bathtub! Thanks for tagging me!
Purrs, Halloween
It's fun to think about doing all this stuff.Too bad we can't .Dang rules!!! I like that you had pics of your 3 things though!! Hahahah
Purrs Mickey
Well done~~
I think you don't have to use this meme you could do those first, hehehe!!
Very good ideas Bendrix! Redecorating is a lot of fun!
Very clever and inspiring Bendrix! I have been sneaking into the wood room this week. Not so much fun when they can't hear my cries to get out though.
Hendrix, I can't believe you would EVER do anything naughty!
Ooh Bendrix, you are so athletic.
I admire you skill in getting on the table, counter and piano.You have tremendous redecorating ability, too.
Table/counter tops have always been forbidden at our house. I have recently rebelled though as Empress does what ever she wants I figured I should too!~Queen Snickers
Yeah, those sound like cool things ta do if ya dont get caught! Congratulashuns on the award, too.
Arh...forbidden pwaces are just so much nicer aren't they?
Mr Hendrix,
Da kitschen tabull iz da only place to be man. I lovez it too.
Who is Mr. Squishy?
Gotta love getting on tables! Keep it up and we will too at my house!
Those are 3 very good things to do, Bendrix.
Congratulations on your award :-D
I like the way you think, Mr. H. Cats like to climb up high, and too many humans just don't get it. My human always picks me up off the table and puts me on the floor. Sheesh...
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