You can tell by my face i am stunned by getting mail from Max...or maybe I'm still a little high.
Something amazing happened yesterday. I got a package from Max! Yup, one of the most famous kitties in the world held a contest and I won. Mommy and I sat on the sofa with an afghan on her legs and started reading it.
Dewey, The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron, is going to be a very good book. Here is an excerpt "It was huddled in the front left corner of the box, its head down, its legs tucked underneith it, trying to appear as small as possible...The kitten looked up at me, slowly and sadly. Then it lowered its head and sank down into its hole..." Isn't that heartbreaking? If we didn't know that Dewey lead a happy and long loved life after being rescued, we'd be on the floor sobbing.
We are also reading "Just This Side of Heaven, Penny's story" by Timothy Glass that we won in the Cheezits raffle. This is such a fun book about a woofie who chews shoes (Bendrix really likes this) and there are cute pictures of Penny, her sister Panda, brothers Gunner and Tyler. The window washing "scene" was so funny. We think even cat lovers will appreciate the bond between Timothy, his wife and their woofies.
I was also given some great awards! The pretty House Panther Diamond Emerald Eyes gave me the BFF Award.

I would like to pass this award on to all of you because I hope we'll all be blogging together forever.
The sweet and pretty Miz Allie Cat gave me the Brilliant Weblog Award!

Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
There are so many great blogs out there it will be hard to choose only 7. Sigh. OK, here it goes:
Derby the Sassy Cat
Diamond Emerald Eyes
My Sweet Lady Cat Brandi
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
Miss Peach
The Cheezits
and because I have an evil alter ego who does what he wants, we're going to pass this award on to ALL our Gulf Coast friends who are surviving hurricane season.
Did you know that Dewey the cat invented the dewey decimal system which is used to organize books in libraries. This is why humans can never find the books they need, because they do not understand system.
Thank you for the award!
Be careful inhaling your foods, or you will spit them back out again.
You got mail! Congratulations on all your contest awards and awards!
Concatulations on yer awardies!
That's such a sweet story about Dewey. Glad you and your mom enjoyed reading your book together.
Congratulations on your awards and prizes.
Congratulations on winning the book!
And congratulations on winning the awards.
We want to read that book, too! Congratulations for winning it! And Congratulations on your awards! Wow, you really should buy a lottery ticket!
oooo congats on your awardies!!
You makez a very fine Model with the book!! :)
Have fun reading, Hendrix, and congrats on your awards! I hope you keep feeling well!
Love Clover xo
Oh, you won the book. How neat. Enjoy it.
Congrats on the awards. You are certainly deserving.
the library where Dewey lived is about 60 miles away from our momma's hometown! She has gone to the fair in SPencer many times.
Congrats on your book contest wins and your awards! You must be one lucky kitty!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Fank yoo fur da kind wishes! Yoo iz so nice! An, concats on effureefin yoo gots here!
Meow Mr Hendrix
What great awards you received - We are so so proud to know you!
MrSippi, Mama, and Carolina
Congratulations on winning the contest and on getting all those cool awards. You certainly deserve them. Thanks for dropping by.
Not such good news about Charlotte. Her mom had an accident and required a knee operation. Since then she has had some problems and has been quite depressed. Even my SS had trouble getting into contact with her.
Hi Hendrix!
Thanks for coming by my blog! I think your name is cool. Congratulations on the awards and stuff. I know getting a package in the mail is lots of fun! Hope Bendrix didn't ruin it for you!
Congratulations on all your prizes and awards. You sure are a winner!
Congrats on winning that book!!! It sounds like a winner ;) Great awards too.You are a pawsome Mancat!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Thanks for the good wishes today :)
Congratulations on your well-deserved awards!
Those sound like very touching books. Thank you for sharing info on them.
How nice, Max mail!
wow su is a lucky kitty
Dood! I'm glad it got there already! We really enjoyed it...I hope you do, too.
Congratulations on your awards! And how very cool that you got Max Mail! Enjoy the book!
Congratulations on your award!
That's a wonderful prize. I was sad that I didn't win the book but then I was happy when I knew you had won the book.
Huffle Mawson
Concats on your awardies sweet Hendrix ~ you look handsome as always! Thanks for asking about us..we are doing well..sometimes we still think of Forest ~ but not with sorrow that often..with fond memories of her time with us ~ we are trying to move on, busying ourselves with different things in life..sending you many purrs from us all..
Awards and mail ! Does it get any better than this? Glad you know you snuggle up with your momma and weed together.
Those sound like wonderful books. Congratulations on your awards :-D They're very well deserved.
congratumalations on all your 'wards!
no we did not get to see Veronica Mars because we are waiting for the show to go on Dee Vee Dee, since we have not seed the last hero season, I will watch it all together and buy it so I can watch veronica mars over and over and over and over and over...
thank you so much mr hendrix for our awardie! and congrats on receiving yours too. those books sound Meowmie likes a good read and will jot down those book names and add them to her amazon wish list :) xxx
That book looks weally faboolous..I'm so glad you told me that it has a happy ending,.I was stawting to feel sad fwom the excewp.
Thank you fow coming to wish me a happy birfday
smoochie kisses and congwatulations on youw awawds
Congratulations on your awards :)
Concatulations those awardies are neat! And dat is a great prize, yoo will has to review it fer us. :)
Congratulations, awards and prizes!
Simba x
Congratulations on the wards! An here is one more:
We gave you the "Premio Dardos" award, get it on our blog.
Those sound like great books! Maw has placed an order in at the library for Dewey!
Luf, Us
Concatulations on your contest prizes and awards! You and Bendrix deserve them all.
Gypsy & Tasha
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