I thought a couple of photos shot as I tried to stealthily get to the top might explain.
Look at all the awesomely whappable stuff!!!!
My beans usually go all out for Halloween. They had to cut back this year since their flight leaves at 6:00AM (Yipes!) on Sat and have to pull everything in after trick or treating. But, here is what they put up! They never never use those fake spider webs since even tho I can't be hurt if they are outside, eventually they'll have to be thrown away and mommy is afraid another animal will be hurt by them.
The pirate ghost sits in front of our fog machine. The graveyard, although smaller is still spooky. And lets not forget Bill. Oh yes I named my new best friend "Bill Shatner" I know she is a "she," but lets all admit, she isn't exactly feminine.... Can anyone guess why I named my "Big Giant Head" "William Shatner?"
I'm going to spend a lot of today with my sweet lady cat Brandi. Her mommy is having an outpatient surgeree today. Please send her many healing thoughts.
We love your yard decorations!! Daddy left Mommy's camera at work but we are hoping to get some pictures of ours (and the party tonight of course) to show everyone. Mommy got your letter last night and said make sure to go to the fort in Saint Augustine and go to the top level and watch the bay. You will see tons of dolphins (the bay is called Dolphin Bay actually) and its really awesome and a great view!! You will LOVE the lighthouse. Mommy found it very eery!! In fact, did you know there is a Ghost Hunter marathon on RIGHT NOW?! HAPPY HALLOWEEN guys! And have a good and safe trip too!!!!!!!! Let us know the minute you get back!!!!
Fantastic halloween displays in your garden. Is the ghost called William Shatner because it was so enterprising of yor mom to put him in the display? (hahaha Star Trek space ship: Enterprise!!!!!)
WisHinG yOu a FaBulOuSly SpOoKy HalLoWeEn!
Great decorations! However, we would be too scairty to come to your house. Be very careful today being a black kitty and all!
Happy Halloween!
Laila and Minchie
Hendrix! Your decorations are really spooky!
Hope you have a Happy Halloween and get more treats than tricks!
Happy Halloween! We hope you get lots of yummy treats!
~The Creek Cats~
Happy Howloween buddy!! Hope you have a fun night!
Love Clover xo
WHAPPAGE should begin NOW!! heh heh
Happy Halloween! We hopes yoo gets sum nip tonight, safe indoors.
I would surely love whapping on that piano! Your yard looks very spooky and I hope that you have a safe holiday!
Happy Halloween
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh yes, that piano looks very very interesting!
Have a great Halloween!
was it acause he was the "leader", the "big giant head" for the aliens on the "3rd rock from the sun" TV program?
mom can't member so good, but we hasta depend on her acause that was afore our time!!
you has furry nice decorations--the little spookies are sure to enjoy them.
happy meowloween!!
Wow...that's quite a halloween set up--both on the piano and outside :)
Your yard looks very spooky! I have no guess why you named her William Shatner. I'm curious to find out the reason now.
Happy Halloween, Hendrix :-D
appy Halloweento you!!1
I love youw decowations..and hope you get lots of tweat to shawe wif youw sweet lady...I will cwoss my paws fow the suwgewawy
smoochie kisses
Happy Halloween Mr. Hendrix - and Bendrix!
Hendrix - I just got a card in the mail from you!! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I really really love the card - you and I are both on it; it's perfect!
You are the best NOMSS friend ever!
Love Clover xo
Happy Halloween!!! Your yard looks great. And Bill Shatner is a great name for your floating head friend!:)
Happy Halloween! I know you will get lots of treats and no tricks because you are such a sweetie!!!!!
Trick or treat, smell my feet!
Happy Halloween, and a happy holiday to your beans! (Can we have a top-of-the-piano whapping party while your beans are away?)
Denny Crane.
OooOOO I knowz coz we loved that show too!!! 3rd rock from the sun!!
It is such a shame it is not still going.. Momma loved the Mz Dupecheck, she woz funny and sweet..
You haz pawesome decorations! I can not wait till next year to see you go "all out".
have a wonderbull trip guys and travel safe!!! and of course
Happy Halloween!!
Your place looks great.
Pawsome house decorations!!!
BOO!! Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow!!! Your garden is fantastic and scary to me! Muahahaha!
Have you voted for the most terrifying pumking in my blog? Muahahaha!
Scary and byte!
That is so cool that you have a fog machine and a floating head. Your house looks like so much fun on Halloween.
meow Meow Mr Hendrix
What an awesome Halloween display! We love all of the decorations!
We are praying for Brandi's Mommy too!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Thank you fur answering my question about the piano. Your piano DOES have lots of pawesomely whappable stuff on it! Now I feel motivated to check out the top of my hoomans' piano to see what's up there!oxyte
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