The Tabbylicious Tabby Tristan and the awesome (and photogenic) Cat Street Boys gave me an award! I am so honored 2 friends thought I was worthy.

I'd like to pass this on to:
William of Mass Destruction
My Sweet Ladycat Brandi
Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
The lovely Tesla and her brother Hansel tagged me for a meme! I hope you all find me as fasinating as I find me.
1. Where is your cell phone? - I don't have a cell phone, but I love whapping my bean's landline phone off the nightstand. That beeping it does is fun...and makes them get up when I want them.
2. Where is the husband? - No hubby. But I do have a lovely ladycat Brandi that is my girlfriend.
3. Your hair color? - House Panther Black baby. Like "Reba Red"
4. Your mother? - Amy. She aaaaalways gives me my way. Daddy says "why can't I always get my way?" and she says, "'cause Hendrix deserves it." ha ha ha
5. Your father? - Greg. He is great to play with! Everytime he is in the basement I go with him so we can Mancat around and play craps, pool and watch football. sigh. Football. sob.
6. Your favorite thing? - Food. Um, nip. No, Food. No, my blue fuzzy toy. No, nip. Nope. Food. That is my final answer.
7. Your dream last night? - Catching and eating the butterfly on my award above.
8. Your dream/goal? - I'm livin the dream
9. The room you're in? - In the living room on the sofa
10. Your hobby? - Eating, playing, blogging, nippin, eating, nippin, playing, blogging, eating, nippin you get the point
11. Your fear? - I never never never want to get lost outside. I am happy as an indoor only former feral.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Right where I am now, with a big plate of stinky goodness in front of me.
13. Where were you last night? - Sleeping next to mommy
14. What you're not? - A spoiled kitty. Nope, no way. Until I'm allowed in the "Forbidden Area" of the basement and on the piano, I am not spoiled. I am denied.
15. One of your wish-list items? - Stinky Goodness. Now.
16. Where you grew up? - In the field across the street from our neighborhood.
17. The last thing you did? - Run around the house like crazy
18. What are you wearing? - My blue collar with my tag and new charm
19. Your TV? - Can't live without it. Especially when my Cat Sitter Video plays
20. Your pet? - Hey, I don't have one. I have got to get one of those.
21. Your computer? - DELL & Toshiba
22. Your mood? - Sleepy
23. Missing someone? - Daddy & Brandi
24. Your car? - I don't have one, but I love my daddy's Charger
25. Something you're not wearing? - My Halloween Costume
26. Favorite store? - Anything that sells safe cat toys
27. Your summer? - I love the open windows
28. Love someone? - Brandi and my beans
29. Your favorite color? - Blue. It looks good on me.
30. When is the last time you laughed? - When I broke the Village Prison, um I mean, when "someone" broke the prison.
31. Last time you cried? - When mommy told me she wasn't going to be here for my birthday. I wanted to have a Chatzy party! sob.
I'd like to tag:
Fat Cat Muffin
Here Comes Harry
Now for the terror portion! It has been getting colder and colder for over a week now. Last night the reeeeeeeeal cold air blew in and was blowing all our Halloween decorations blow around. My beans went out to bring everything in and thought they had everything until....
Ack! When mommy opened the bedroom blinds this morning. This is what she saw! For a quick second her heart skipped. Terror on Tuesday!
Mr. Hendrix we agree, you are livin' the dream!!
~The Creek Cats~
Aaaahhhh! That SKELETON could have been clawing his way out of the GROUND!!!
Scary skull, but we're more disturbed by the cold (something we don't miss from our life back east).
Congratulations on your award. I like that eating is a hobby!
Whew! We're glad that skull was not real!
Spooky scull! Our boy human had a scull mask on the other day we didn't like it to much. I will get to work on the meme.
Neato answers to your meme ;)
Scary thing to wake up to though!!!!! Yikes!! We are having BIG winds too!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I loved your answers Mr Hendrix!!
and haha what a way for your Momma to wake up !! I would be hiding from her all day now :P
Wow! That was a scary skeleton head looking at you!
Concatulations dat is a great awardie! Yoo deserves it!
Hey, to keep a post on top, yoo need to set the date ahed to the future. But becuz blogger is now set up so that yoo can skedjule posts for future publikayshun, what yoo need to do is publish it today (or a date in the past), then edit it immediately, changing the date to a future date. Walla! It will stay on top until the date you set comes.
I don't want to leave here either Mr Hendrix. I'm so happy you are happy there.
That would make me terrified too! Haha. Its cold here also, freezing rain.
Interesting answers, Mr. Hendrix. So you want to get up on the piano? My mommy has a piano too but I haven't tried to explore it, so I don't know if I'm allowed up there or not. Hmmmm....
Oh, thanks for commenting on my interview with Skeezix last week. Mommy bought the dancing flower flowerpot in my video at Longs Drugs here in CA about 6 or 7 years ago. She can't believe that it hasn't gotten trashed yet.
Thank you for visiting my blog and helping it get it unlocked. It was very nice to meet you!
Sam, The Maramalade Cat
Hendrix you iz soooo very interesting. We loved reading the post and laughed all the way. Have fun when your hoomans are gone!
We likes yur answers. I don't know bout dat skeleton head tho. I finks I woulda peed myself if I saw dat quiklike owtside mine window.
~Beau Beau
#6 is our favorite. We couldn't agree more!
Hendrix we DO find you as interesting as you find you to be. It was neat to learn all that new stuff about you. We think you might be a teeny bit spoiled though? Maybe just a little?
Sasha and Theodore
Muahahaha! Thank you so much dear Hendrix!
What does do this squeleton in your garden? Does it spy on you? What scary!
¡Muahahahaha! ¡Muchísimas gracias querido Hendrix!
¿Qué hace esa calavera en tu jardín? ¿Te espía? ¡Qué miedo!
Oh, Hendrix, forgive me. My mom is so slow and I only saw tonight where you gave me an award! Thank you, thank you! I'll catch up one of these days, really!
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