In 2007 my daddy gave my mommy two new Spooky Town Village Houses. A saloon and a prison. Bendrix did NOT like the idea of the prison. It made him nervous.
Bendrix also likes to chew things. Cord type things. Usually mommy sprays everything, including the Villages with "Bitter Apple" to prevent it.
Here is a picture from last year's village...

Here is a photo of...ahem, Bendrix on the Village this year. Please note where the prison is (circled) where the cord is (blue arrow) and where a certain kitty's eyes are. It is important to note, that mommy forgot to spray the cords this year.
(click to biggify)
When mommy went to turn the Village on on Sunday, she heard a "pop" and smoke started coming from the prison. Yes, really there was smoke. There are no pictures because mommy unplugged it quick and called daddy and moved the house off the cloth.
Somehow, there was a charge that zapped the Prison house. Somehow.
You know, I read in one of mommy's books that when put in a room for questioning, the innocent are generally very nervous, fidgety. The guilty are calm, cool and relaxed...
Bendrix here "We also know when to ask for a lawyer..."
I'm not "tattling" on anyone. Really.
Bendrix would like to dedicate this post to the tortie tornado Faith Bomerang who turns one year old today!
We better get you into witness protection! :O
Make sure you take your pumpkin with you- it is so cute!
-Fui, Suey and Evie.
I think Bendrix is very calm. Do you suppose he keeps all his anxiety inside?
Bendrix is such a smart kitty. nothing fazes him.
Love your new village houses.
Don't say anything til yoor lawyer gets der...
Oh dear, Bendrix strikes again! I'm glad no damage was done, that could have been tragic...
Oops! No Bendrix did that! Eh? :) xxx
Hello Mr H, you fine beast. I have added you to my blogroll. Anything you can do to direct people to littlecatdiaries much-appreciated!
Bendrix better not tink of making u his 'scapecat', Mr Hendrix!
Oh Mr. Hendrix, we think you need to hire Bendrix a lawyer really fast. We will be witnesses for the defense.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Bendrix is one smart kitty. I am glad that he allegedly did his work while the village was turned off.
Wow... a house in a house... my hoomans wud nefur let me near anyfing like that. They fink I am clumsy and will destroy anyfing I come close to. Hmmph!
Hope you had a good weekend. Its been wet and windy here all weekend.
Simba x
I unnerstandz! I liez to chewz my hoomin bean'z noze hoze. OK?
HAHAHAHAHA! You can always plead the 5th Bendrix!
Wow. I can only say that I'm glad you have an attorney 'cause you're one of the calmest, most relaxed suspects, er, ah, kitties I have ever seen!
Bendrix is a hoot! No more prison building. Glad it was not due to a fire or meltdown!
love & wags,
Well, Bendrix did warn that he did not like the prison...
Hee, hee... you own version of "Prison Break"....
Gotta be careful around cords. Luna knows to treat them with respect...
Thank You Mr. Hendrix for telling me about Redfurd. I just left him a nice comment so hopefully he is single and looking!
Bendrix, if you need a place to hide, I mean, get away for a few days to relax, you can come over here!
Bendrix...plead the fifth!
Bendrix done the RIGHT thing to destroy the prison. Prisons are not a good place to be. So, see, if he gets arrested for wrecking the prison, he cannot even go to prison.
Redfurd here and all I can sayz is Bendrix is innocent until pwoven gillty! Daz what I hafta say all da time ... I mean datz what Whimpurr sayz! ~ Purrs, Redfurd~
hehehehehehehe furry good!
purrs Abby
I'm sure it was not Bendrix fault. These thing happen, all the time, no help whatso ever from cat. Like all the things that fall off coffee table. They fall because well, it fall in living room. In your house, it obvious smoke in prison.
Oh Hendrix, Bendrix gotted away wif it again??
Now, that is a calm kitty and must be pretty guilty.
Obviously Bendrix was not responsible for this!
Totally not your fault!
Has she sprayed the whole village yet??
Too kyool is dat! Smoke and efurryting!
Luf, Us
Bendrix, you look far to calm to be guilty - no matter what they say : )
Keep cool, calm and collected, Bendrix. I always look the picture of injured innocence.
Always ask for a catawyer when in trouble. Don't mieow; whatever you mieow would be taken as evidence.
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
What can we say? Bendrix? I think we see the guilty party !
Mama, Carolina and MrSippi
That sounds very exciting! Since Halloween's coming, maybe it was a ghost just warming up. I bet that's what Bendrix would tell you.
Your buddy, JImmy Joe
Great fun! Love that casual cat pose. Everyone can see you're totally innocent of everything :-)
what a fabulous story which made me laugh. very cute.
Um as long as there are no pictures.
Oh you two are completely innocent!
the village is so delightful and frightful
You two kitties are a great team!
Bendrix,Lie Detectors don't hold up in court either ;) heh,heh,heh!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh dear, this could have been a very serious bit of trouble Bendrix got himself into. Good thing YOU did not have anything to do with it right? RIGHT!!?
If there was no Bitter Apple on the prison and cords, doesn't that mean that it wasn't the fault of Bendrix at all???
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
The prison got zapped? Wuz thare a short in the elecktrick chare? MOL
We wood haff to spray bitter orange on the tavern heer in our house. Otherwise we'd nefur keep our Daddy away from it!
I'm laffin and laffin!
Bendrix looks innocent, sitting there by the village!
Our mom has to spray bitter apple on cords too, because Merlin likes to chew them.
"He fought the law and HE won
He fought the law and HE won"
Jails suck.
Woah.. we iz very glad that he did not get hurt.. Oh wow Bendrix you iz a naughty man!
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