Diamond Emerald Eyes made for me! Thank you Diamond!

I love it! It is very spooky and wicked. Perfect for a Halloween cat like me!
Now I have to get a pose together for the Simply Siamese Fall Contest
Mommy and I have also discussed a Halloween costume for Skeezy's contest. I think this may be one I can get behind...
You really do look like a Halloween cat in that photo! I have been trying to figure out what I can do, but I just don't like costumes!
That picture is perfect for a cat like you! I will have to check into this costume contest you're talking about.
That is one kool picture, Hendrix!
*woo HOOOO booo*
That was indeed spooky and halloweeny...we loved it..
Oh that is spooky! We can't wait to see your costume :-)
Ooooh, very impressive, Hendrix!
That's a great "wicked graphic" for Hallowe'en
Wow! That's a great picture for you, Hendrix. Muy Cool!
Hendrix yoo is gots us all spooked wif dat piccy!
Oooo dat is furry spooky Hendrix. Yoo sure do make a great Holloween cat.
Hay, wuz that yoo in my bakyard? Daddy sed this mornin that he saw a black kitty in our bakyard. Guess I bedder keep an eye out for introoders!
WE love that picture very much! Especially your stance in it just looks divine.
You plays a good evil kitty Mr Hendrix or dids you have some help? :P
You look so scary!!
You look great in that banner!
Delightfully Spooky, Mr. Hendrix! :D
That shure is a furry fab poster!
You look very Spooktacular, Mr. Hendrix! We are looking forward to wearing our Halloween costumes, too!
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
How absolutely Awesome!!! You do look like a Halloween Kitty-Kat!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Very scary!
So spooky - my hairs are standing on ends (which makes me even floffier). Diamond just has a way with the gothic. She is just soooo good with thesse graphics
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