
Midnight Mancat Monday

Ah, today there are sunbeams! Whoo hoo! What is nice about being a House Panther is that our dark furs soak up that sun sooooo well. Mommy sayz I'm like buttah after a nap in the sunbeams.

This is a picture from over the weekend. Mommy opened the window for a little while so I could smell the birdies she was counting. This is the last day for the Great Backyard Bird Count. It only takes 15 minutes to help save our feathered friends.


Piggy and Grover said...

You are very good House Panther in those pretty sunbeams. Any sunbeam would be happy to shine on your beautiful fur!

The Creek Cats said...

Very cool of your mom to help out with the bird count!!!

We bet you feel so snuggly and warm when you bask in the sunbeams!

The Island Cats said...

We got some sun today too! But it's still cold so mom won't open the window....

We didn't know it was the bird count...good think mom filled the feeders!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'd be glad to help warm your fur....


Tuck said...

It's sunny here too! I've been laying in the window watching the birdies all day!

zevo hussein calamari said...

We love sunbeams... and we have the very same cat tree you have! Great minds think alike.

catsynth said...

House panthers must especially enjoy sunbeams. Luna certainly does. We finally have some sun after nasty storms this weekend.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look lovely in your sun beams. How lucky to have them!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Sunbeams are the best :-) I'm glad you got some today.

Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you and your beans :-)

Anonymous said...

Ooooo wasnt it great? We had a warm day last week and the mom opened all the fresh air seats so dat we cud gets air (she also said its good to let the stale air outta da place).

caspersmom said...

Yep Mr. Hendrix, Cleo does not like it when Mom hides her favorite toy. Oh oh Mom wrote down the site for the back yard bird count, guess she is going to check it out. Most of what she sees are ducks. But it seems like she always has that big black thing up against her eyes looking at them. Right now the river is full so the birds or ducks are not coming down our way right now. All she sees is debri coming from the creek going into the river. We are finally getting some RAIN and that is why the river is full. We need it so bad. You look great soaking up that sun.


Cory said...

What a nice cat tree you have to enjoy those sunbeams! Mom opened the window a crack today for Mr. B since he's all alone in a room right now.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hi Hi Mr H, you do look like buttuh.
I love laying in the sun and getting all hot and warm just like a cinnamon bunnn.

Happy week dear friend

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Thank you so very much for the pretty award Mr Hendrix! You sure did get some nice ones to put on your sidebar! Mommy tells me that we have a certificate that says we are a backyard wildlife habitat because we have lots of birds in our garden.....thank you also for the concatulations on my upcoming marraige to my Mickey. I hope to see you at the ceremony!!
Love Miss Peach

Unknown said...

ohhhh boid watchng is funz!!! do they come say hi to you often??

Forever Foster said...

The Great Backyard Bird Count sounds very interesting. There are some beautiful birdies on the website.

Enjoy those sunbeams, Hendrix:)

Quill and Greyson said...

Ah the smell of tweets.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very cool shot of you, Mr. Hendrix!!! All sleek and shiny!!!

We are having our own bird count out hear, if you know what I mean..

purrs Goldie

Thoughts said...

We luvs the sunbeams too hendrix! they make you so warm and snuggly and purry!

hey can you send some purr-rayers our family's way today? our woofie is really sick, he might have cancer, we dont know for sure yet, he is in surgery today.

thanks hendrix, love,
theodore and sasha

Mickey's Musings said...

We had some nice sun today and it feels warmer.
Then Mom spoiled it by saying we will have another storm on Thursday!!!!! This will be storm #10!!
Good thing we are indoor kitties,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Thoughts said...

Hi Hendrix,

Thank you so much for your message of support. Our family is dealing with the awful C word the best way we know how. unfortunately no one prepares you for that.

thanks for posting our news on the CB to solicit purr-rayers. We appreciate your support very much Hendrix and are lucky to have a friend like you!

Love Gibson, Theodore and sasha (and jaime)

Anonymous said...

You are spot on. Sunbeams and black fur is a killer combo!

And you look pretty in the sun too.


Anonymous said...

Stupid humans. I'm NOT anonymous.
