
My Woofie Cousin Sonny

As promised Riley Dog, here is my woofie cousin Sonny. He is a lab mix (maybe terrier). This is the day My Uncle Kevin and his family rescued him from the shelter. It turned out he had kennel cough and had to be put in an ink-u-bator until he got better.

He is a year 1/2 old in this picture. Isn't he handsome? He has a cool white stripe on his nose. My mommy likes to kiss it when she sees him. I am afraid of woofies, but he looks nice...in a picture...through a window...you get my drift.

Mommy says he is so sweet and has bunches of energies. He chews everything, even in-de-structable toys, but tennis balls are his mostest favorite.

I go to the V-E-T tonight to see how my ears are so wish me luck. Mommy said they were really dirty this morning so she is worried. I just hope I don't have to get any shots....



Mr Hendrix

I sur hope yur trip to the v-e-t goes well...


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed that a simple cleaning will fix you right up.

What's that...KC and Missy both say there is no such thing as a simple cleaning. It's all torture!

Ivan from WMD said...

I guess Sonny is kinda cute...but still he's not a cat.

Want to hear something weird? My bro Eddie loves to get his ears cleaned. He gets all tickled and he purrs like crazy! Isn't that weird? Anyway, I hope yours are OK.

Love the link--that made me laugh a lot!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Your cousin looks nice, for a woofie, anyway... We thinks we'd be scared of him too!

We are hopin' that you got good news
'bout your ears tonight.

Anonymous said...

yur rite - the woofie looks good frum a safe distance...better still, a pic-shure

good luck wif the VET stuff - hope all is well wif yur drums.