Me: Mommy, what is in the box
Mommy: Nevermind about the box Hendrix, you can't see that yet.
Me: Are they presents for my purfday in the box mommy?
Mommy: Yes Hendrix, some of your birthday presents are in the box, but it isn't your birthday until Friday, Nov. 3rd.
Me: But moooooooooooooooooooooooooommy, I've had such hurty ear drum sets and I've been sooooooooo extra special good "letting" you clean them and give me my medicine.
Mommy: That's true baby, you have been through a lot lately.
Me: And remember that one time at the V-E-T when I gots an A++ from the nice lady vet because I was soooooooooooooo good. Can't I puhleeeeeeeeeese haf one fing early????
Mommy: Yes, you were awfully good. OK, I'll let you have one thing early.
Me: Whoppie!!!! Can I pick what it is?

Mommy: No sweetie, then you won't have any surprises for next week, lets's been so chilly out, how about you get....

Me: oooo isn't that one of those soft mats that had a core that uses my body heat to warm the bed??
Mommy: Yup, no cords or wires to worry about. And, it is pretty and soft just like you.
Me: I can't wait to sit on it and watch the birdies. Oh, looks at all them birdies....feavers efurywhere....

You got a box with something soft inside. Fun.
o, wow. happy purrthday early, Mr. Hendrix tha Kitty.
u've gots a nice Mommie to lets u haf sumfing early. that's a nice pillow u gots, i'd like to haf one of those.
i'll keep checking back in case u's gits sumfing else...
NO WAY!!! Yoo got to opun a prezzie earlie! What a grate soft mat yoo have. so cul. IT just goes to show yoo that yoo shuld always be nice to yer lady and let her take care of yer hurtie ears and eat yer medicine.
Mr. Hendrix, you are a lucky kitty! I can't see any birdys from my window... sumtimes I heard them tho..
Oh, that's awesome, Mr.Hendrix! I bet you get lots of good purrizes for your purrthday.
Don't worry about not goin' out in the stroller. You should do what your vet lady says. I will tell you EFURRYTHING so it will be just like you were there with me!
Oh that's a neato purresent Mr. Hendrix! You's a lucky kitty! Are you gonna go to the November kitties party? You could bring your purresent to start a nappile on if you gets worned out. And you could show it off. That'd be way neato.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Oh that is a fansastic bed. mrs. B wants one of those.
that's a wonnerful purresent! an just think...ya got more coming! yur people love ya lots, don't they? an we shure is glad yur ears is getting better.
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