Some things I find fun:

Bird Watching!

Climbing on Stuff!

Eating Stinky Goodness So Fast I Blur!

Hangin' in the sunbeams

Playin' With My Favorite Toy of Them All!

Sleeping on My Favorite Blankie!
PS Mommy posts my Friday posts early because her second jobbie (long story) is in retail and she can't always accesst the internet.
PSSSSSS Check out my entry on Luxor & Silky's "A Six Word Cat Story Contest"
Ohhh, those are all such fun things! We're gonna haves to go do some of them right now!
Even though your mom has to post early, at least she helps you post! We haven't been able to get our mom to help us do any of the special day posts, but we'll keep tryin'...
How lucky you are not to be feral any more and to have all those neat things! Tara
Great photos! All of those look like lots of fun! Bird watching is so much fun, you are lucky to have those bird-attraction-thingies out there!
To answer your question, there are many words for "handsome" in German, depending on who you are talking about. "attraktiv" and "gut aussehend" would probably be most appropriate for male cats.
I am glad that you aren't feral any more and can enjoy all of your favorite things. You look like you are really enjoying yourself.
Oh thank goodness you have so many wonderful things in your life now! You deserve them all and many more!
Yoo haf lots of wunnerfull fings to do. looks like yoo haf a grate life.
Those things look very fun! Especially the bird feeders!
I'm glad you are formerly feral, too...
It's so nice to have all those wonderful things, isn't it? And beans that are nice to us. And safe, warm, dry places.
I enjoy all of those things myself! I need to have more fun in my life, I tend to sleep to much I fear.
Now dat's da life of a formerly living da life of luxury!
Aren't we all lucky kitties?
We likes your set-up for watching' birdies - and you beans put all the birdies feeders right in front for easy viewing :)
Feral cats are the luckiest, we were all either lost or given away because no one wanted to put up with our uniqueness.
We are also very glad you are formerly feral. It looks like you are realy enjoying being a pampered house cat.
Youse gets to haf lots of fun dunt you? Dat is cool. Luf yur collar.
oh all those things look like lots of fun
it's okay ta post early - at least yur mom helped you post. ours sed she wuz too bizzy an we didn't get any Friday anyfing up. an tonite she's plannin' ta go to a fundraiser fur homeless kitties an we prolly won't be able ta post again an we really want to cuz we gots anofur challenge we wanna issue to one of the howseholds wif lotsa kitties.
I like all the stuff ya do at yur house!
That's a great sunbeam you got there, Mr Hendrix. Hey' I thought we had all the sunbeams down here in Australia at the moment... isn't it winter there?
Happy FFF, Hendrix! It's been an age since I've had a moment to visit! I love your list of fun things.
AND I just about fainted when I saw that tower of Izzy's. I *so* want one now.
P.S. Mom and I watch 24. I don't know about your mom, but mine gets all wound up. She got especially upset about Curtis. All I know is that I liked to watch him when he made those cool hand signals and now it just won't be the same. :-(
You look like you have so many fun things to play with and do!
This is a life!! Muhahahahaha!
It's nice when you feel nice and safe inside isn't it? It's better when you have a choice to stay in or out instead of having to live in the cold cruel werld.
Looks like you have everything under control Hendrix. Well done!
Those are some great things.It's great to have a forever home with someone who loves us.
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