My second tip, real, live fev-vers are our friends. We can enjoy watching them and listening to them, but lets get our "chicken" from a can. Unless they're Starlings. Starlings are not your friend.
In fact, the vishus deer that ran through our yard Sunday (and almost every morning) flashed "gang signs" to the flock of starlings on my feeders...and the starlings flashed them back! I think they may be plotting against me. After all, those birds can fly up to any window ledge and see exactly where I am in my house and report back to the vishus deer!!!!
My most important "tip" of the day is that all of my friends should feel free to teleport over any time they want to check out the birdies. My mommy & daddy work all day so I get lonely and bored (thank goodness I get all the treats and play time when they get home). I know some of your beans work all day too, so "beam over" whenever you want. This is an open invitation! I'd love to share my toys, window box, couch and nip with you all!!!
PSSSSSSSSS sos no one thinks mommy is putting out a "buffet" for me, I'm an indoor only kitty. The Starlings are safe from me unless they somehow (and i'm working on it) get in the house....then they're mine...
UPDATE SPOILER AHEAD I almost forgot my 24 comments. Wow, Curtis is really dead. The bomb really went off. And for anyone who doesn't remember Jack's brother (introduced last night), he was the bad bomb guy from last season we saw a couple of time. Crazy! This show makes mommy so tense and worked up I get a good play time before we turn in for the night....We love 24! It gets better and better every season and every week!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the tips Hendrix! I don't like it when the windows are open - when my humans do it to "air out" the place (important here in Germany in the winter, since the houses are concrete construction, not wood) I curl up in my warm sleeping bag and try to stay warm!
Thanks for the offer to beam over and watch the birdies. I love watching birdies so I would be happy to visit! I would never catch one because I'm an indoor-only cat.
Those are some very great tips, Mr. Hendrix!
We'd love to teleport over there sometime! Can't today though...Sabi got a time-out - thanks for the starling spy warning (we now thinks thats what the crows are doing in our trees)
I have heard about visious deer gangs, but who wooda thought the birdies are in on gang activity too!?
Do you get chicken for dinner every night? I only get it "sometimes" even though it's my all time favorite. wanna come over for dinner if I get chicken? I'd share it with you, but we don't have to share with my fur sisters.
Thanks for the tips! Meowm won't open even the curtains right now!
I am home alone during the day too! I will teleport over and visit one day soon!
OK Mr. Hendrix, I'll be right over to watch the birdies. I don't know...we get flocks of Robbins that should be included in the Starling category.
"Tips Tuesday" is a great idea! And great tips too.
Hi Mr. Hendrix,
We caint get to the tippy toppy of owr hutch frum the table. Only da cat tree next to it. But Maw movededed a much taller tree next to it so's I dunt break nuthin no more.
Owr Maw feels bad wen we pull da legs off da crickets and grasshoppers. We hardly efer kill dem. She makes Paw put dem owt of their misery.
Stay tuned to tomorrow's post fer the challenge pikshur. We dint git all 10 ov us, but close.
U kin probly meat Sally ofer da weekend. Annie is next on the meat 'n greeeet.
Luf, G.T.
Grr: starlings are not our friends. we can eat them if we can catch them. starlings are not our friends. we can eat...
Sorry about Grr - she's pretty excited about your tip. She's been repeating it over and over.
Mama just wanted you to know that the picture of you yesterday, the lovely sillowette of you against the window, was most beauteous.
Mama: Sweetladycat, what did I tell you about telling lies?
Okay, *kittyblush* I wanted to let you know. *kittyblush* And when mama doesn't need me during the day, I might stop over for a quick *kittyblush* kissie??
Our windows are so ancient that they feel open even when they're not. When it's really cold I watch my bird buds from the top of the refrigerator next to the window. But I agree, they are friends, not food.
And even I was all open-mouthed by that bro development last night. And do you suppose that kid is really Jack's? This is almost too much to think about for a tiny boy like me! (Are we the only cats who watch this???)
Yer soooo smart, Hendrix. Were on the lukowt fur starlings and we will be sure not to let owr lady open the windows when its cold owtside!
Most importuntlie, we'd luv to check owt the berdies at yer place! That sownds awesome...WAIT, yer peeple also hang owt with Mr. Werk during the day?!?!?! Mr. Werk is owr lady's boyfriend...maybe thay all hang owt!?!
I'll come the day Junior comes and we can really have some fun!
I'm an indoor only kitty as well....so I'll be teleporting over when I can. Right now I'm a bit groggy and sleepy...Thanks for the well wishes.
I dunno. When I see a fev-ver, I wanna wrestle it!!!!!
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