Maybe she just likes that word? Weeble...hmm, that could be it. I find the People call us names sometimes just because they like to say certain words. Of course cats don't fall down!
I agree with Chase that your mammacat likes the word Weeble. It is a cute sounding word. You are a cute looking cat. There, see, that is the similarity!!
Hi, Hendrix - thanks for stopping by to see me. I was trying to be especially cute for company. And your mommy can come pet my belly anytime, 'cause I love to be petted anywhere and everywhere by everybody!
Hmmmm, yur definitely lookin like a Big Man Cat. Weebles? You culd knock them across da room and lets dem go spinning but they'll nefur be as manly as you!
Hi there Mr Hendrix. Thanks for visiting my bloggie. I have added your link to my bloggie too.
Furry nice to meet another House Panther. You are a furry handsome and manly House Panther. Have you posted any Man Cat Monday pictures? You definitely should because you are obviously a Big Man Cat.
Purrs County on Kats Rule Rd., Ohio, United States
Mommy was driving home from work on Nov. 3, 2004, when she saw a little black head on the side of the road. I saw the lady stop, get out of the car, and come over my way. I was curious, and comfy so I just lay there. She looked really worried & said she thought I’d been hurt and that she was going to go home to “get Greg” & I should just wait there.
Being a cat I’m naturally inquisitive, so I decided to wait & see what she meant. When she came back she had a nice man with her & when he squatted down & called me, I ran right to his lap. Hey, it seemed like a nice place to be. Mommy scooped me up & took me home to take care of me. They said I was going to be their very own kitty & set about “fattening me up.” I’ve been pampered and spoiled ever since.
I'm also named for a guitar god.
Awww. We think you look like a Big Man Cat, not a weeble. You look furry cute in your bandana.
Hendrix, you are a little round, but certainly not as round as the weebles! You look great in your bandana. :)
Just slightly weeble-ish. But that could be a good thing. Because, you could wobble, but you would never fall down.
Maybe she just likes that word? Weeble...hmm, that could be it. I find the People call us names sometimes just because they like to say certain words. Of course cats don't fall down!
VERY cute!!
I agree with Chase that your mammacat likes the word Weeble. It is a cute sounding word. You are a cute looking cat. There, see, that is the similarity!!
Hi, Hendrix - thanks for stopping by to see me. I was trying to be especially cute for company. And your mommy can come pet my belly anytime, 'cause I love to be petted anywhere and everywhere by everybody!
Your momma is crazy - you do NOT look like a weeble! We loves yer Bengal bandana!
Hi Mr Hendrix,
This will have to be short because Pumpy is bathing me right now.
Just wanted to say hi and tell you that you don't really look like a weeble at all.
Mr. Hendrix! I never realized just how shiny and soft your fur looks! I don't thinkyou look like a weeble at all.
Dooood...the weebles don't have feets, and you do! Can't a person see that? Weebles: no feets. Mr. Hendrix: feets. See?!?!?
I don't think you look like a Weeble. You look great in your bandana.
hey - you look about the same size as me! they call that "cuddly".
Hmmmm, yur definitely lookin like a Big Man Cat. Weebles? You culd knock them across da room and lets dem go spinning but they'll nefur be as manly as you!
mi brudder mickey mantle (hoo iz sittin nex to me at dis verree moment) iz shaped like a weeble.
i wuz laffin an laffin!
Hi there Mr Hendrix. Thanks for visiting my bloggie. I have added your link to my bloggie too.
Furry nice to meet another House Panther. You are a furry handsome and manly House Panther. Have you posted any Man Cat Monday pictures? You definitely should because you are obviously a Big Man Cat.
Hendrix, my step-brother Wesson cat weebles a lot more than you. Don't sweat it.
I agree - you're a Big Man Cat, not weeblish!
You look very handsome in your pictures!
your friend,
Purrchance To Dream
Your bean says it to you for rather fat... Muhahahaha!
My bean says: "Mr Hendrix are very spongly and handsome"
We don't think you look like a weeble at all!!
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