My beans took my foods away from 10:00am - 7:00pm on Saturday cause of my puking (at the VET's evil suggestion). Then mommy gave me a couple pieces at 7. I puked them up. She waited until 9:30 and gave me a couple more. I puked them up. So, no more food for me! Other than the puking I've been fine.
So, off to the VET I went. I got "sedated" not just "gassed" so I could have bloodwork done and an XRay. No issues (my bladder was a little distended) showed up on either. That is good news.
I had to get fluids, they "expressed" my bladder and gave me shots. It royally stank (I cleaned up my language for the lady cats and kittens who visit me), but the worst part is the VET said no food until 8:00PM!! I was staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarving already.
Adding insult to injury, they trimmed my beautiful claws while I was sleeping. My beautiful claws that did this to my mommy's arm while she shoved my in my PTU.
So, I get home, staggering like a drunken sailor and all glassy eyed. My daddy said "for $350 dollars, you'd better enjoy that high buddy." I did. I really did. Bendrix was leaping thru the meadow with the pink hippos in tutus and I saw a giant rat wearing a cape that is "the head of an evil corporation." It was great.
Here is a picture of me once I got my legs under me and climbed into my command center. Like most House Panthers, I feel safer up high.

Luckily my mommy felt bad enough for me to not take any video or pictures of me that were embarrassing.
The icing on the cake was that although the Bengals put up a valient effort, they still lost. sigh
Oh no, we're sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with your food, and that you had an awful trip to the V-E-T. We're hope you're feeling better soon.
The changes of the seasons are so nasty!
Every 6 months we getz a little sick-ed too!
We hopez you feel better quick!
And your Momma is very nice not to have taken pic's of your wobblies, though My Momma would have giggled had she seen :)
Poor Mr Hendrix! I hope you are feeling all better very soon.
Huffle Mawson
We are very sorry to hear you had sick ups. Are you all better now? Our Grampy is a little bit grumpy today because is Patriots were seriously squished by the Fish.
Oh tummy upsets are allus bad! We hope yer ofer that by now.
Now ya do realize it is nefer a good idea ta claw the Beins... They resent it. Well, they gots thin skins an all no furs.
At least ours does...
Sorry to hear that you had to go to the vet, Hendrix. We hope your yakking has stopped. Sending healing purrs your way.
We was starving too Hendrix. Mommy took away all of our food and water about 10pm last night because The Kid could not have either with his hoohaaectomy this morning. We were miserable and thought we were going to die.
Ahw, I do hope you are feeing better now, especially as your v-e-t visit was so expensive !! Take it easy up on that command centre.
What a rotten weekend, Hendrix! I hope your tummy is all better soon.
I had going to the vets. But isn't there a song or something -- "I wanna be sedated..." I'm pretty sure. Stinks that you can't have any food. I'll much some extras in your honor. Thanks for stoppin' by my blog.
oh no! what a day for you. the v.e.t !!!!! one word, hide!
but we hope you feel better now.
-wlk crew.
Ha roo -
The post just reminded me my mom furgot to inkhlude The Ramones!
Hope woo are feeling better -
I really thought your bengalkhytties were going to do it THIS week -
Oh your poor dear. We are so sorry to hear of all the torture and no food. We shall dispatch a Bite & Run Patrol to that vets asap.
Feel better sweet boy. We will send healing purrs to you.
Nubi needs to get another paying job to pay for his vet bills too.
oh no, want to come over here for steak?
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
We so hope you are much much better - Please stop over at our blog, We have given you an award!
Hope you have a Happy Monday
Mama, MrSippi, Carolina, Thor and Marco Polo
Oh Hendrix, that sounds like a lot of terrible torture. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Im sorry to hear you werent feeling well Hendrix. Thats a big bummer. Sometimes my one cat pukes after he eats too fast, its very common for him.
I love the picture of you lazing around in your cat tower! That thing is SO neat!
Take care of yourself, and try to wriggle some extra kitty treats out of your beans for sympathy!
We are so sorry you are starving. We hope you feel better soon!
Mr hendrix, I do hope you feel better soon. I sincerely hope the high was worth it, I have a sneaking suspicion that Bendrix believes so! xxx
Hendrix, we hope you are feeling better soon, buddie! No food all day??!?? Can you make it??
Wally & Ernie
Sorry to hear about the puking and the v-e-t, Hendrix. Hope you are cured soon.
we posted earlier but my pet human forgot to sign in as zevo.. .so it shows up as acupunk.
feel better soon.. we are purring real hard for you.
send some pink hippos this way!!!!!!!
Dude! No more puking, ok? It worries the mom types and really cuts into being able to eat good foods. Sorry about the "expressed bladder." At least you were drugged. They did that to me once and it sucked. We sure hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for stopping by Mr.Hendrix.... we hope you're feeling better now.
meaouwww...we miss you a lot:)
ohh, it's been a time full with hectic & unpredictable things, sorry for not visiting you lately...
ps. our beloved Myorie had gone to bridge a month ago, and TwinCo had wondered off... we havent been able to put up pictures again coz the computer had been nasty the past weeks & we lost all our pictures, mommy gotta make new pictures again...
love ya all,
Meaouwy Troops
sweet baby i did not know u was sick well i dont feel for u besn when u clapperd her lol for givinh u sestys to eat i u feel bette rsoon
Oh noes! Feel better, Hendrix.
I hope everything works out Hendrix!!! I'll keep you on my purr list just in case!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh no Mr. Hendrix, we are so sorry you had to go to the vet! And glad you are doing better! Your Mom was nice not to take any incriminating evidence!
Your FL furiends,
PS: We posted the pictures of the cool stuff you gave us on Swap and Tails! Also they have your link spelled wrong at the blog! There is one too many b's in blogspot.
Sorry to hear about your tummy troubles. You got the treatment like I did last year. But since then I am OK. I was getting into one of mum's plants that is not good for kities.
Your day really stunk. I'm glad Bendrix at least enjoyed the high. I hope you are feeling better.
Are you show it isn't a hairball? Get yourself some petromalt, it's really tasty too.
We are so sorry that you had to go to the vet. We have to go on Thursday. We hope you feel better soon. Maybe your mom should get you some baby food since it would be easier on your tummy.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I am way behind on everyones blogs. Will catch up soon.
Simba x
Oh Hendrix, I hope you are feeling better now! I am so sorry that you have been puking and didn't get to EAT!! That would be torture for me too.
Take care buddy!
Love Clover xo
Meow Mr Hendrix
What a terrible weekend you had - No food, Sick sick sick - We do hope you are all all better!
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Awww so cute!
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