I am not coming out until you put that syringe full of orange anitbiotik sh*t away. I swear I'm not.
Sorry I'm posting so late today but mommy had lotsa work to make up for. Her boss lady is very very nice. She is a pet lover too. She has a nice woofie named Luke now and a kitty who is waiting at the Bridge for her. Mommy and I are glad she has been able to stay home with me until today.
I am feeling much better but still have 2 weeks of antibiotiks left to take. The steriod shot made me hungry so that was fun (lotsa extra treats!). I actually slept with the beans again last night. That made mommy happy. No more sneezing either!! Whoo hoo!

While I was recovering I could sense all my friends sending me healing thoughts. They helped! I even got an awards and was crounded "King of the Party" at Smokey, Sol & BJ's party along with the sweet Samantha Black as Queen! I slept with my crown last night and even Bendrix was jealous!
I am very glad that me and Bendrix got an award from the uber talented Karen Jo

Mommy and daddy are going to stay home with me ALL WEEKEND! That's right folks, no running errands, no plans with friends, NOTHING but ME!! I'm looking forward to this.
I'd be demanding treats, and saying no photos for the whole weekend. And being carried everywhere!
Huffle Mawson
So glad that the sneezing has stopped and that you are doing better. Have a restful weekend with mom and dad. What a wonderful boss your mom has!
Oh, it's a bummer being sick and having to take yukky medicine, but you gotta do it, man. It's for your own good, so be a Mancat and swallow!
I hate medicines, too. Yuk.
Have a nice weekend, eh?
So glad to hear you are better! I do hope those terrible antibiotics won't taste too bad! But it sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead - and by giving your best "poor poor kitty me" face I am sure you will get lots of treats and attention!
Mrs. OZ
Hendrix, that sounds like the best kind of weekend ever! I'm glad you're feeling better...sorry about the 2 weeks of ickiness, though.
The auntie biotics are relentkless and no avoidin them...
Congrats on ur crowning with Sammie and getting the award, Mr. Hendrix!
That sounds like it's gonna be a terrific weekend, have lots and lots of fun, Mr. Hendrix!
Have a great weekend.
Simba x
Ooooooooooo, Mr. Hendrix! I hadz to takez dem nassy anitbiotikz fir a lonng long timez. I dunt likez dem at all! At All I dunt likez dem! OK?
I'm glad you is feeling better and haf a nice quiet weekend to enjoy. Make sure you finish them biotics !
Mr.Hendrix & Bendrix! Congratulations on your award!
Thank you for stopping by our blog the other day. We didn't know you weren't feeling well for a past few days and we feel terrible!!!! Our paws are crossed for your speedy recovery!!!
Momo & Pinot
ps: Pete was a good woofy! Aiden was a pawfect human for all human ladies! :D
Oh Hendrix, I think you should sleep with your mom EVERY night! Sorry you have to take yucky medicines.
two more weeks of horrible meds? Oh man that is brutal.
I hope you just have a wonderful week-end with your beans. I am so happy that you are feeling so much better!
I am glad that the sneezing has stopped. That's a good thing! So is having your folks home all weekend!
Please keep getting better!
Next time you feel some "woozies" coming on send them over to Bendrix...
Feel better soon handsome!
I'm with you Hendrix!!! I would hide too rather than have medicine!!!
Congrats on being King and also your awards!!
Make sure you are spoiled all weekend and continue getting better!!
Purrs Mickey
Bendrix an I is plottin to whap the werk. Cuz werk is always keepin our moms too bizzy. Glad yur feelin better, but now it's harder to haf the meds that are makin you better!
Purrs fur fast healin,
Hi Mr. H. We're so sorry to hear that you've been sickly. Neelix understands especially because he's had nothing but pills and horrible pink antibiotics stuffed down his throat since we found out about his hyperthyroidism two months ago. (Don't worry, tho, cause he gets lots of treats too - especially likes strained turkey made for baby beans) We hope you continue to get better every day! Tina, Neelix & Sinda
You get to wear a crown and spend the whole weekend with your mom and dad. That sounds like a perfect weekend. I hope you're feeling better.
I'm so sorry to hear you have been so poorly, Hendrix! And I am so sorry for not being around to comfort you, it is all the human's fault. She is a fat lazy butt wipe.
Still, I'm here now so please accept a royal cuddle from me xxx
I am really going to get my mama! She wasn't on line a lot this week, so I knew something was up somehow, and now I find out my nursie duties were needed with my sweetie!
I am on my way, with snuggles and treaties!
Glad you are feeling better, Hendrix, but 2 more weeks of icky antibiotics???? Whoa, dude, we're really sorry 'bout that!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We hope you feel better soon!!
So glad your beans are spending all weekend wif you. we's still purring fur yous, King Mr. Hendrix.
Hee hee, that was fun.
Love and purrs,
Hope you having a great weekend with your beans. So glad you aren't sneezing as much--that must be much more comfortable.
love & wags,
Yay for a nice weekend at home, just the family!
Hope you get totally healed real quick!
How great to have your folks home with you all weekend.
That picture of you "peeking out" is very cute. It reminds of Luna peering over the balcony (we use that pic a lot at CatSynth).
Hi Mr. Hendrix. I would be hiding too if my People were trying to shoot something down my throat! But maybe you should let them do it so you feel better. I think that is why they are giving you that stuff. You can always send Bendrix to take revenge. Have some good snuggly times with your People. They will enjoy it too!
Purrs, purrs, and more purrs, Halloween
I am so sorry I haven't been around while you've been sick, Mr. Hendrix! But I am SO very glad that you're getting better! Even to the point where you can demand to "put that syringe full of orange anitbiotic sh*t away", as that made us laugh very hard.
Make sure you don't lick your daddy in the wrong place. I have learned that gets kitties kicked out of bean sleeping chambers.
We'll purr for your complete recovery!
So, are yoo feeling better, we mean 'cept fur da icky medi-sin? We sure hope our purrs and purrayers are helping. Enjoy da whole weekend wif yoor beans, it sounds really nice.
I am glad that you are feeling better and the sneezing has stopped. I know that makes it harder for you to keep taking the yucky medicine, but you need it so you will keep feeling better. Yay for your Mom and Dad staying home with you for the whole weekend. Congratulations on being crowned King of the Party.
Yay! I'm gwad you're getting better! Medicines are no fun but you needs them to gets better!
Yeah, you are feelin' better...keep takin' that medicine.....it sounds like it's workin' our purrs are still comin' your way pal,=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Concats on your awards Hendrix ~ have a comfy weekend and get well real soon..
Mr. Hendrix, we are sorry you aren't feeling well. We hope you feel better soon. We are glad that your mom has been able to stay home and take care of you and that you get both of your parents for the weekend.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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