Today I am thinking, along with Bendrix how to get revenge that my so called mommy posted the following photos of me wrapped up in a towel in preperation for receiving my medicine. They are close ups cause mommy "didn't have her make up on." I was fighting too so it had to be quick. How come mommy gets to decide what pictures of her get posted but then she sneaks these suckers in.
Only til Sunday, the no more meds!!!
By the way, we think we thanked everyone personally for the healing thoughts, purrs and prayers. If we did not, please blame my typist aka "Mommy." Do not at any time think we don't appreciate your personal purrs, it is just mommy is only human, not perfect like a kitty, so she may have missed some friends.
Hope you get well soon! And I think you look very cute wrapped up in that towel :-)
Just a few more days, Hendrix! You can do it!
Oh, and Bendrix, Ivy did something special just for you last night!
Not only did she run into the basement, but when she was caught and toted back upstairs, she flung her poo and BURIED IT underneath the kitchen rug for mommy to find early this morning!
We're sorry you still have to take medicine, Mr. Hendrix. Our Mom uses a syringe when we have to have yucky medicine, so we don't have to have photos of us looking like a burrito! Not that you aren't completely adorable! hahaha!
Ah, we're familiar with the "kitty burrito", too.
Just a few more days of medicine - we're glad to hear that you're doing better.
Mr Hendrix
We is sorry that you still have to take all that icky medicine. But it will keep you healthy and your Momma and Daddy happy.
Dude! That ain't right! I feel for you. Does she talk to you in baby talk and give you kisses on "your wittle baby head?" Oh, the humiliation.
I should be done with my meds tomorrow. But I'm gonna make sure I finish it up with lots of biting and clawring, especially since she got inspired by your burrito pics. Grrrr. I totally need an evil twin...
Oh Hendrix, the problem is dat, as dumb and impurrfect as dey is, dey haf da apposable thumbs and they is jinormus...as purrfect and intellegent as we are we is not match fur der brute strength! Glad yoo only haf to put up wif it til Sunday...
You can make it just a few more days, Hendrix! When I have to take medicines, my Mommie holds me by the scruff. I do not enjoy that.
My sister Pixie must take pills every day, so Pixie is good at taking medicines. My Mommie just pokes the little cheeseball of pills into Pixie's mouth and she swallows them all down! Like this: gulp!
Only three more days! I bet your Mom will be glad when it's over too!
You still sick, Bendrix?
I hope you get well soon!
Oh, I say, Hendrix; this thing is confusing ;)
So glad you only have to take the icky medicine for a short while more! I'm with you...we cats need to learn how to use the flashy box so that we can catch our people in embarrasing situations and figure out a way to post them on our blogs! Haha...revenge would be sweet!
Yes, Mr. Hendricks, it has been a very sad week! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and watch the video.
We hope you are doing MUCH better! Don't be too embarrassed. One of these days, you'll have an opportunity to get back at her for posting those pix. hehehe
We iz very sad too about Felix and Sprout.
I iz sorry the bean took a picture of you in the towel. That wuz mean. My beans never take pictures of me when I'm getting medicine, I would go nuts!!
Oh Hendrix, those are embarassing photos - only 3 more days and then you can get your revenge.
I hope you are at least feeling better.
We must admit that you look mighty fierce in the towel. We are sure you punished your Mommy for the humiliation of it all later!!
PS: Mommy has not gotten to your Mommy's letter yet and she feels awful about it. Soon she promises.
I'm sorry that you are still having to take medicine but it is making you feel better!
Willow and I are sending hugs over to you!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
Mr Hendwix
The end of youw towtoowe is vewy neaw..I hope the meds make you all bettew..it's wowf it in the end.
I will nevew fowget little Violet, and have a candlelit in my heawt fow hew!
Thank you fow youw good puwws fow Jackson
I think he will be wecovewing nicely
smoochie kisses
How humiliating! She didn't need to post photos of you getting that nasty medicine. I'm so glad you'll be done with it soon!
You're almost there Hendrix! And then no more burrito!
P.S. If Bendrix wants his revenge Daddy says to post that picture of Mommy without her "face on" - our Mommy would freak!
Ah Hendrix and Bendrix, the things we cats have to put up with. Sigh. I feel for you.
I cannot wait to see the revenge!!!!!!
Imagine posting those pics(even if ya look good!)
Good thing your meds will end soon then you will be A_OK!!!!
Purrs Mickey
You can make it until Sunday - that's not that long! Hang in there, buddy!
Sank yoo fur lightin candles wif meh. I will be doin dis all weekend long.
I hope yoo join ins!
I am so glad that you are finished your medicine soon!!
Mom and I laughed so hard at the end of your post - "not perfect like a kitty" haha - you are too cute Hendrix!
Love Clover xo
Hi ya Hendrix...we're glad that the medicine will be over soon.
And we thinks those are nice pictures of you...
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Thanks for stopping over at our Blog. Can you link to you? Our blog says it's all about the boys, Thor and Marco Polo but really seriously, us kitty-kats are in charge. You said you were 12 1/2 pounds, that's quite small, you know. Carolina and Mama are both over 20 pounds. We make Mom feed us lots of great food at 4am in the morning. We have her trained well.
Hope you get all well soon.
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Towels are warm and comforting. Hang on just a little long. Nice evil look in the last picture.
love & wags,
Hendrix, you're just gonna have to bide your time and wait for the best opportunity FOR REVENGE! Meanwhile, just be your sweet Hendrix self and lull her into that feeling of safety-heh, heh.
Mums can be a bit hopeless sometimes. But that's okay, nobody's perfect like we are.
Huffle Mawson
Don't worry, that towel-kitty-burrito didn't take away from your mancatliness! Continue to get better, buddy!
I hope you are feeling better soon. You are in good hands.
Simba x
Almost done, my friend. Almost done.
I think you may need to chew your mom's hair again, just a little.
Goldie and Shade
I be gladz when Sunday comez and u dunt gets no more nassy meds. OK?
I think it's time you review the "cat rule book" with your Mom. I know there's a section in there covering embarassing photos being posted for the whole world to see!!
Yay! A few more days to the end of medicines! I is happy for you!
We are purring extra hard for you dear Mr Hendrix and hope that you are well soon.
OOOOOOO her her go Nut over how cute u look in u blenky now her wants to squece u U AR SO CUTE
I hope you are feeling much better soon and am really glad that you felt well enough to visit my house trashing party today.
Mr. Hendrix, we are sorry you still have to take medicine, but it is making you all better, so it is best. Mom says you look so cute all wrapped up. We are glad you are feeling better.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Don't be embarrassed by the kitty burrito pictures; you look very fierce. Only two more days of medicine. I am also very sad about how many friends we lost this week. It's been just dreadful. {{{hugs}}}
I can't believe your mommy posted the kitty burrito pictures! She IS familiar with Bendrix's work...what was she thinking? I hope you're feeling better now.
I also have to take a daily medicine for my disease (renal chronic failure). Normally, my mom mixing it with my food but when I not eat it, she has to force me to swallow it. I get angry very much but she says that it is for my health.
Get well soon dearest Hendrix. I send you purrrrrs and kisses.
Yo también tengo que tomar una medicina diaria para mi enfermedad (fallo renal crónico). Normalmente, mi mamá la mezcla con mi comida pero cuando yo no la como ella tiene que forzarme para tragarla. Yo me enfado mucho pero ella dice que es por mi salud.
Ponte bueno pronto querido Hendrix. te envío muchos besos y ronroneos.
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