This is the very first picture taken of me EVER! To see more, including my story, see my formerly feral Friday post at the House Panther's website.

I should have known this was the first of a squillion flashes of the stoopid flashy box.
PS Go say hi to a new House Panther friend Mortimer. He is a middle aged panther kitty with a ouchy heart.
That's a great picture of you, Mr. Hendrix. You were much smaller then. I bet you are counting the days until the orange yucky medicine goes away.
That is a good picture of you. You look like you were enjoying your food. Do you have any other pictures of you from way back when?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Simba x
Looks like you had a nice bowl of chicken there Hendrix. As for the camera, the camera likes you!
Hope you are feeling better fella.
Are you eating tuna, Mr Hendrix? You haven't changed a bit - still quite the handsome Mancat!
What a cute first piktur ~ though we fink this might've been Bendrix's first piktur! We read your story at the House Panthers blog and we iz sooooo very glad that your humans took you in and you got such a wonderful furrever home...sending you many many purrs...
Wow Hendrix! That's one big bowl of tuna you got there!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Look at how thin you were Hendrix! We are glad that your beans have done such a good job of fattening you up. Mommy says to say that she intends to write to your Mommy this weekend so hopefully she will have a letter soon. Love to you guys, have a great weekend!
dat furry furstid foto show dat you iz a furry handsome panthur man cat, Mr Hendrix.
Thanks fur comin too our partee. We lefs a thank you on our bloggee and Daisy wanted ta givs you dis hear frinds award, but we didnt knoh your email addee. Da award is on our webbee, ifns you wants to get it dat way.
Tanks fur da hair balls!
Katie Too and da Katz
Hendrix/Bendrix, you have always been devilishly handsome!
Thanks fur sharin' your first-ever pic! Your mom & dad have done a great job gettin' you less skinny!
Hope you're feelin' better and that you don't have too many more days of yucky-biotic to swallow. Bet that orange would stain the rug real good if ya yacked it up ...
Meep says' thanks for sayin' he's still a handsome HP ... and he knows efurrybuddy is laffin' so it's okay ...
Oh Hendrix, it's so great that your Mom found you and you got such a great forever home! You look a little bit skinny in your first picture - good thing you started get more treats. :)
Love Clover xo
Great photos of the young "Mr. Hendrix." We liked reading more of your story. It's sad to hear about all the difficulties you had during your short time as a feral, but we know you have a loving home now, and lots of friends.
Also, you were a bit smaller then, I think ;)
That is very neat to see your very first photo!
Wow, you were handsome even then! :)
Thanks for the song Mr. Hendrix. You are right! The girl is gonna be singing that one all day!
I liked seeing the first ever pictures of you :-) You sure were scrawny back then. I'm so glad your Mommy found you, because she and your Daddy take such good care of you :-) Even if that means sometimes they have to give you icky medicine.
Have a great weekend!
You've always had such a lovely black fur coat, Mr. Hendrix. You look happy to be eating some nice kitty food. Thanks for sharing!
Cute Picture!
hey hendrix, very nice to meet you. Sounds like you were lucky to be found that night. Have you been feeling poorly? hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks for coming by to see Josh.
Hendrix, you are a spectacular panther mancat! Once the beans start taking pictures, they don't stop ... unless they are Momma who is still experimenting with her new camera. Hee hee! Happy Friday!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I loved your story at House Panthers!!
Nice pics too ;)
I'll keep purring for all the kitties,woofies & beans that need purrs!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Have I missed a laser eye piccy? I would love to see one of those from you. I am famous for that when the mom does the flash box thing to me.
~ Molly ~
Oh Mr. Hendrix, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly! Get well soon - you will if you take the icky orange medicine. Just shut your eyes and hold your breath and swallow! Cute first ever photo, even if you were a tad on the thin side:) xxx
You were so sknny then. Your mommy has done a great job of fattening you up. Hope you are feeling better.
I wasn't a feral when mum and dad got me, but I was that skinny too! I was afraid of all the other cats in the cat rescue place and they all used to eat my food. I was very sad. Lucky mum and dad came and got me! Now I am much fatter :)
Huffle Mawson
Hi Mr. Hendrix! Thanks for stopping by to visit us! You look very much like my brother Cricket! A very handsome Mancat!
Chloe, Cami, & Cricket
Wot is it wif beans and flashy boxes ? Still, at least we get to see your handsomeness.
I read the post from House Panther's site. You are a very lucky kitty to end up in such a wonderful forever home with beans that take such good care of you.
Gosh, Mr. Hendrix, your momma found you just in time. You were very hungry and sick. You are a handsome mancat now tho.....yeah, so is Bendrix, ha, ha. Hope you are feeling better now.
Mindy and Moe
We hope you are feelin' better Mr. Hendrix...we are still purrrrrin'=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
that is a great picture of you!
hi mr. H. do you really have an alter ego?
hi there Mr Hendrix..thanks for the blog anniversary wishes....meow...
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