Please notice, I am my usual handsome self...but mommy, well, mommy...I hope you all don't lose your appitites.
Revenge is sweet!!!
Today my beans will be making up for a sleepy, lazy Saturday by doing stuff around the house. I however will continue to dominate the "sleep in" competition
Dood! I'm always up before the Woman...I have to work hard to peel her off the mattress. If there was a contest, I'm afraid she would win. She might NEVER get up!
People do not understand how hard you have to work at being the last out of bed. It takes HOURS of practice. I often win that contest in our house too.
Huffle Mawson
You are allowed to, even supposed to, you are after all the manz of the house!
I don't understandz either why mommas go to bed looking ok the wake up like from a horroz movie? But your momma isn't so bad :)
Hendrix, you're not even trying! I can still be in bed when mom's finished breakfast! Only kidding!
By the way, mom is a life time fan of Jimi Hendrix. She said he was the greatest guitarist ever.
Hendrix you are the master of nap ~ those laser eyes need some rest to shine so bright! Have a comfy weekend :)
What you stay longer in bed then your mom ?? Tell that Lisa she is up at 4 !!
My mum can sleep much longer than me. I has to get up and pee and do morning inspections around the property.
She works shift work though, so I guess she is allowed a lie in now and then.
My hoomin bean and me sleepz lotz. But I sleepz lotz more den my hoomin bean. OK?
I bet your Mom is going to "get" your dad for taking that photo!
Perhaps you should see if there's an Olympic event for sleep-ins!
Hahaha! Revenge is good :-D
Oh Im da king uv da mattress! My Mawmee just my guest. I gives hur hair a bath today.
-Spunky Boo
You go Mr. Hendrix!
n your Mawmee is purrtee.
Katie Too
Mr. Hendrix, I bet the best part of waking up is you laying there in the bed looking all sleek and handsome. No wonder Mommy sleeps in just a little, it's to gaze at your wonderfullness!
Congratulations, Hendrix! We are proud of you! For being the last one in bed and getting even....
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Doodz. We heer it. No beenz in sleeping mode. Poodinz in sleepin mode.
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. Bow kaint eat scription foodz cuz he's on the losing side of weight loss with his failing kidneys.
We would like to join your contest. Cold and rainy weather is just made for sleepy days!
I'm the last one up too!
The key is to make sure that they fill your bowl before they goes to sleep. That way you can have munchies in the middle of the night so's you's not starvin' for breakfast. Takes a while to train them to do this, but worth all the effort in the end.
It sounds like a perfect way to spend a day! Lucky you!
You don't even look winded! I bet you could do it all day.
love & wags,
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
Totally Totally agree with you, Sleeping all day in Mom's bed is the best thing in the world
Mama, Mrsippi and Carolina
That picture of your mom doesn't even come close to being a payback for the "kitty burrito photo incident". Your mom looks great. Congratulations on winning the sleepathon.
Hi Hendrix!
You are a very funny kitty - but maybe a little bit mean to your Mommy!
Congrats on winning though!!
Love Clover xo
Hendrix, good job being the last out of bed. We are more like Max. We have to wake our Mom up or she might not get out of bed.
We hope you had a nice restful day today.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Your momma looks so very nice and peaceful! Didn't lose my appetite at all.
You, on the other hand, are a mancat to look up to! You truly won this contest of wills, and I, sir, salute you!
Hahahahaha!!! You look good Hendrix!!
Good that you won too :)
Purrs Mickey
Cats will often win that competition, though I thought it's often a tie here at CatSynth :)
you go dude.. we haffta be up first
cause we gotta let the pet slave know its time for our breakfast
usually we is a lil early though...
cause she yells its only 4am...
but she gets us our stinky goodness anyway...
mr h,just want ot say good by for boogie,it was nice having you as a friend,but I am gone now,mommy says way on my blog,,,be safe and god love you
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