No more medicine for me! I suffered thru TEN days of two times a day and TEN days of once a day and finally it is over!
No more gross orange sh*t being squirted down my throat. No more being manhandled in a stoopid towel. House Panthers do not like looking foolish wrapped up in a burrito.
The best part, is thanks to all your purrs and prayers, I am ALL BETTER! Thank friends!
OK mommy, lay your cushy exercise mat flat to I can take a nap in celebration of my freedom from antibiotics. It isn't like you're using it.
Please continue to keep Monty's family in your purrs and prayers. They will always need them.
Alright Hendrix! We're glad that you're done with that nasty stuff! And it's great to hear you are feeling better!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
That is the BEST news we've heard in awhile, buddy! I'm so glad you are all better.
I'm very glad to hear your feeling better.Lol...Your not using it anyway
We're glad to hear you're doing better, and all done with that nasty medicine.
You look very content in that last photo.
This is the best news I have heard all day! I hope that you are getting some treats for all of the agony and awfullness you have been through!
WAHOO!!! Not stay well ya hear?
Laila and Minchie
Very good Mr. Hendrix...we are glad that you don't have to take no more of that orange S**T!
I iz furry happy fur yoo dat yoo donna hafta tayk da yukky stuffs no more an dat yoo is feelin gud too! Oh an Mommie sed ta tell ya dat she finawwy cawt Shadow an me sleepings togefur. She sed yur Mommie haz been waytin a furry long tym ta see a pyctoor of dat an it may not efur happen agan so she bettur tayk a gud luk. Hehehe.
YAY we are glad you are better hendrix. We were purring and purraying for you!
purrrrs and headbutts
Kashim. Othello and Salome too
I iz sooooooooooooooooo happyz fir u, Mr. Hendrix!!!!!!!!!!!! I hatez dat kindz ob medizenz! OK?
I hatez all kindz ob medizenz!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK?
Waaaa hooooo - we're all doing the happy dance for you! You're all better and no more burrito. Now all you have to do is plot your revenge (hehehe).
Nice one Hendrix, that was some antibiotic marathon you just went through. I'm very glad you are all well again!
Good news huh? I had to have medicine when I was 8 weeks old - and I scratched the vet, then Mom, then Dad - and was in trouble!
Milo xx
Thanks for helping with the comments :). We actually read all of the 800+ and will start back commenting tomorrow. Phew!! I'm really happy you're done with your medicine!!! I hate that stuff.
Hendrix, that is wonderful news!!!
Awesome! Glad to hear the icky medicine is gone. We are also glad you feel better.
YEAH Hendrix. That is good news indeed!
I'm so glad Mr.Hendwix..that is pawsome suwe look all OK and mowe buwwito wap fow you, hehehe
I will always keep Monty's family in my pwayews
smoochie kisses
Yay, Hendrix! I'm so glad you're done with your meds. I finished mine on Thursday. And I'm super glad you're feeling better. It sux to be sick.
PS - At least you got to get wrapped in a manly-colored towel. The Mom always used yellow on me. Yuck!
I am completely thrilled that you are all better. I hate medicine!
You look good as new!
Yay fur Bendrix! Whoo hoo fur Hendrix! Nap now.
Luf, Us
Hahahah Hendrix, orange #$&#? I'm glad you're not sick, YAY!
Hooray! That is great news!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Good riddance to bad medicines! Hooray!
Woohoo! Congratulations Hendrix.
I know how you feel - I am currently being held down twice a day to have pink pills forced down my throat. But I don't need to be made into a kitty burrito, I am a good co-operative boy apparently!!
Freedom and Health! What more could a Mancat ask for!!?
I so glad yoo done yoor medicines! I go see da dr. in september saz mommeh. I saz, mommeh, yoo jus try it.
Awesome, doood! And yeah, she SHOULD let you use the mat. You should be able to nap anywhere you want!
You deserve lots of quality treats! Glad your feeling better.
Glad you are better Hendrix!
I'm so happy you don't have to take that yucky medicine anymore. And you don't have to look like a burrito. Wishing you healthy days ahead, my buddy.
Hendrix, we are doing a happy dance because you are feeling better! Having stuff squirted down you throat really sucks, and is traumatizing too. Enjoy laying on Mommy's exercise mat, you deserve it! And Monty's family is definitely in our thoughts and prayers ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Meow Meow Mr Hendrix
We are so happy to hear your medicine is gone - 10 days is a long long time to have to put up with what you had to. But we are so purrfy happy that you are all better.
Your fur-kitty friends from Iowa
Mama, MrSippi and Carolina
Excellent news, Hendrix! I'm so glad you don't have to take that stuff any more.
We are glad that you are all done with your medicine. It stinks when you have to have goop squirted down your throat.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
So glad you're better Mr Hendrix...we wouldn't like being manhandled like that either. Still, you must admit it did the trick and you're back to your normal self, aren't you?
Bella & Mitzi
Oh Mr Hendrix this is so wonderful that you are all done with your ycky meds! YEAH! I will ask Mickey if he would like to come for a nice visit with me....Leaving you a big basket of <3love<3 and ({({(hugs)})}) today!!
Your Miss Peach
Oh I am so glad you're better! We can't have any more kitty sadness for a while I think.
Huffle Mawson
Mr Hendrix that's great mews....maybe this week will be a really good one!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Hooray! Hooray! Whoop! Ouch! Sorry. (Sam stepped on Cyndi's toes) We're dancing the dance of joy, Mr. Hendrix. You might want to join us but don't get too close. Sam is so big he's a bit clumsy sometimes.
Muahahahaha! I´m so glad for you!
Muahahahahahá! ¡Me alegro mucho por ti!
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