Who-Dey, Who-Dey, Who-Day think gonna beat them Bengals? Not the Packers!!
we are still keeping our friends Felix & Monty Q's family in our hearts and prayers. UPDATE: Mr. Milky could use our prayers too. His surgery was today. be sure to visit the purrs and prayers blog

our team stinks. then again, that's not unusual for the Bills.
Concats Hendrix ~ you look like a proud Mancat ~ we iz purraying hard for the families of Sprout and Felix..love from us all..
Congratulations to your team! I hope my team (the Miami Dolphins) will do better this year. All they have to do is win a game.
Wow... congrats!
Hey there!
I didn't know you were a Who-Dey fan.
I'm originally from the Cinci area!
cheers to you
and purrs for Felix's and Sprout's families
Not The Mama
Congwatulations Mr.Hendwix!
I'm pwaying fow Little Vioette Noel's family and fow Felix..pleez include my fwiend Jackson in youw puuws..he's having a vewy sewious suwgewy today
smochie kisses
Furry good..football starts now!
And Momma got her a big screen to watch it on AND the NFL package...woo hoo...Momma will be crazy this football season.
We are purrin for all of our friends in need...
Yay for your team. We hope you enjoy the rest of your season.
We live right near the home of the Giants, but that's a different sport ;)
We're sending purrs for Felix and Sprout's family as well.
We are glad that you are acited! But we do not think we are allowed to root for anyone but our Grampy's favorite team, the NE Patriots. Our Grampy is from Boston and has been a Pats fan almost his whole 80 years!
I don't know one team from another so I will just wish all teams well for the new season. My miewmie's team is Portsmouth F.C., winners of the FA Cup 2008. yeahhh.
Dennis is happy that you're happy.
Somebody has a great milk stache.
Da guyz watched the game last night and also were rootin' for the Bengals! Ty being part Bengal was happy they won too! Mommy isn't into football, she loves the Phillies and at this point they are doin' great!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
It's preseason? I didn't know. I don't follow football much because our local team stinks :-p
way-da-minit! izzen't it still baseball seezon?
jus wunderin!
Yea!!! Go Team Go!!!!
We are purring hard for everyone too.
purrs Goldie and Shade
Hello Mr. Hendrix! You look wonderful in your Bengals bandanna.
I have an award for you at the bottom of my latest blog post! It's for being such a cool kitty.
Dear Mr. H.
After the Bears and the Lions, we like the Bengals next...
Hi Hendrix!
I don't know anything about football. We used to have a team in Ottawa, but now we do not. Can I cheer for your team with you?
Love Clover xo
I don't follow football but you look mighty snappy in your bengal scarf, and they are tigers.
It's bin a ruff week. I hope yer teem duz good.
Nice looking outfit, Hendrix. We don't have a pro team in our state, but my mom is a "nut" about the University of South Carolina Gamecocks! Only 16 more days until our first game.
Wow. NFL time again already? I'd better dust off my Vikings helmet...
Mr Hendrix..you sure are a handsome black cat x
Congratulations. Its always nice when your team wins.
Simba x
Woo hooo! Concatulations!
We try to ignore that sports season, it gets too loud in here. We often hide when it does.
We don't even have a football team. Our team deserted us. So we have to make do with college football.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh Hendrix, I am so glad that already you get well of your respiratory disease.
Kisses and purrrrrrs.
Oh Hendrix, me alegro mucho de que ya estés curado de tu enfermedad respiratoria.
Besos y ronroneos (prrrrrrrrrrr)
Pre-Season doesn't count! We will see how well our team do when the real season starts!
I hope Bengals do great this year. I'm not a fan of any team so Bengals will do lol.
love & wags,
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