me and the cheeky squirrel
On this Mancat Monday, I'll be posting some older photos of me & Bendrix. Not old old, just a few weeks. Why? Because mommy has not takin a bunch of flashy pictures of me since I'm not feeling well. Cool huh?
If you want to see some new picturs of me, check out the Swap N Tails bloggy of me opening my July Swap N Tails. I'm not playing much yet, but can't wait to try that cool white fuzzy 3:30am...
Bendrix scratching the carpet under the craft table.
I am feeling much better. No gunk in my eyes and no sneezing anymore. We think the antibiotik is making my tummy upset so I'm still just chillaxin. Also it is hotter than Hades here even with the a/c so that doesn't help me feel good.
What does is a visit from my sweet Ladycat Brandi. She came and nursed me and snuggled with me this weekend. I've never slept better than when she was holding my paw.
We are making the rounds thanking all our friends for the good healing thoughts. We are so greatful for the blogosphere and are sure the purrs and prayers are helping me recover faster.
I love the crazy-eyed look that Bendrix has in that second picture... I get that look sometimes, too. Great to hear that you're feeling better, Hendrix. Keep on chillaxing!
That is a cheeky squirrel
I am so glad to hear that you're feeling better! The black cats of the world need to stay strong. Get lots of rest I say.
Huffle Mawson
Purrr S: I am going to pretend to be sick so mum stops taking photos of me too!
I'm sorry you were not feeling so good, but glad you are on the mend!
Grrrrr..... get that squirrel, Hendrix. Wonderful picture. You have a glorious rear - black rear of the year! My human has a weakness for cat pictures showing cats sitting with their backs to the photographer - making clear their complete contempt!
Hendrix, we are SOOO glad you are feeling better! Just take it easy furriend, okay? And it is really hot here too, tomorrow is is supposed to get up to 100 degrees! Yuck!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
What wonderful news Mr. H. I am so glad that you are back in the swing of things and feel better. Keep getting better and better and give that squirrel a piece of my mind too!
I'm glad you're feeling a lot better :-) Not fun to take 2 more weeks of the nasty antibiotic but I think they make you do that so you don't get this back. :-/
Congratulations on your awards, Mr. Hendrix! They're very well deserved.
Very glad to read that you are feeling a bit better Hendrix. Don't do too much too soon!
We are very glad you are feeling better! Here are some more healing purrs for you.
OK....we need to fire mommy our typist.....when she posts at night, we are wide awake and ready to dictate, she is sleepy eyed. She gets everything down we ask her to say then, what does she do...she clicks the red delete page button instead of the publish bar!!! She doesn't even realize it till she checks back and sees no comment from us...which happened last night! Honestly, she reminds us of Peppermint Patty who always fell asleep in school and her head falls back, then forward and she wakes up. Anyway, we have to give her credit for at least getting your get well photo up on our blog. Hopefully she will find the time to send our pics in to the ManCat Club soon!!!! Take care of yourself pal, the Cat Street Boyz
hee hee Bendrix, you look like you're hafing fun!!!
keep feeling better! we're still purring for you!
You guys look like you are having fun... especially those photos of Bendrix! It does look like you are beginning to perk up again! YEAH!
Good to read that you are feeling better!! Keep up the good work!
~ Napoleon, KittyBoy and Bandit
Oh Hendrix, I'm so sorry we haven't been by sooner than this to wish you a speedy recovery - my humans have been driving me crazy and now they have another poor sick tray kitty living on our front porch. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!
Yer bud,
I'm thwilled to heaw you'we getting bettew!!! All the love being sent to you will cewtainly help, and having youw gowgeous ladyfwiend visit is bound to make a hooge diffewence
keep impwoving, and thannk you fow puwwing fow my fwiend jackson
I will continue to pway fow youw wecovewy too
smoochie kisses
It is great news that you are feeling better, Hendrix! Your mom is very right not to make you pose for photos when you are not at your best.
I would be smashed against the window after that squirrel. You're so mellow watching it.
love & wags,
No one looks good in fotos when they is tisicky. Just chill out, as much as you can anyway in that heat !
Yes, nothing like the love of a good woman to help a guy feel better. We hope you'll be back to your old self soon!
Oh I would just have to get that cheeky squirrel, or at least beat the heck out of the glass!
OOooo, Bendrix! You're looking very, uh, Bendrix-y! I sure hope Hendrix feels better very soon. I'm sorry he's feeling sooooo yucky.
We're glad to hear you are feeling better.
It is too hot to do anything here either, even with the ac on. So we're getting lots of naps and little exercise. Except for the woofies because they have to walk Jan.
We are glad you are improving Hendrix.That is a very nice squirrel to provide your entertainment.
Purrrrrs and (((hugs)))
Mr. Hendrix, we Ballicai are so glad that you're feeling better! Keep resting and taking good care of yourself, and we're sending purrs and purrs and purrs!
Thank you for celebrating my Gotcha Day with me! Thanks to wonderful friends like you, it was my best Gotcha Day yet.
Love and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
It's good to see you in action - even if the pictures are a bit old, it won't be long now and your Mom won't be able to take enough pictures :-)
We're glad you liked your package! Mommy got herself a set of the candles too :-) And the note cards are the set that you won in one of the auctions on ML and Auntie Deb's site - but we're glad you liked them (we helped!).
Those are very manly pictures of you and Bendrix. I see that you have a little bit of the flat ears going. heh heh
We're sending lots and lots of purrs and purrayers for you to heal up really quick.
Thanks for posting my 'tocks news on the blogosphere. That was super cool of you.
Happy Mancat Monday, dude!
We are glad that you are feeling better, but sorry that the antibiotics are upsetting your tummy. We hope that you start feeling better soon. Maybe your momma can give you some yoghurt with your medicine to help your tummy feel better.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Glad you're still on the upswing!
Oah My~!
Well you hunt that squirrel down??
Mr Hendrix...we are very sorry you haven't been well but we're glad to hear the antibiotics are kicking in.
That's one cheeky squirrel there, we don't have those critters here. But we have frogs that like to attach themselves to the windows and catch the insects.
Purrs and headrubs
Bella & Mitzi
That squirrel certainly is cheeky. I hope you told him off good. I am so glad that you are feeling better and even playing a bit. It's a shame that the antibiotics are upsetting your tummy, though. I am hoping and praying that you will make a full recovery soon.
You keep resting, Mr. Hendrix, and get well. We black cats do need to stay strong.
So many blogs to catch up on. Hope everyone is fit and well.
Simba x
Doze iz nice picktures!
I iz gladz u iz feelinz better, Mr. Hendriz! Iz not nice for kitty katz to be feelin’ yucky. OK?
Purrrrrrrrrrz and headbutts to u, my kitty kat friend! OK?
We're very glad that you're feeling better. We can not believe that Evil Squirrel has the nerve to sit right outside your window and taunt you! Unbelievable gall!
We are glad you are feeling better Hendrix! Purrty soon you will be ready to pounceon that squirrel~!
Is da squirrel Bendrix's NOMSS? Or just a nom? What is WIF squirrels, teasin us puddins alla time? We gots them in the Mulberry tree an they's awful! Awful fun to watch!
Just look at that Bendrix! My sister Caroline gets that look when she's picking where she shouldn't be, too!
Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Awww, looks like you want to catch Cheeky squirrel. We used to have a squirrel that visited us too.
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