First of all, I am so over taking this medicine. Daddy says it must taste terrible cause I fight so hard not to take it, but mommy says I lick my own spot #13 so how bad can it taste. Well let me tell you kitties, it tastes BAD. I still have 13 days left, but after Weds only get it once a day. Gross.
This "needs Meme" Luxor is awesome. I've enjoyed reading everyone else's so now it is my turn!
1. Unreleased Hendrix needs transcription (about my namesake)
2. Hendrix needs to be terminated (holy sh*t!)
3. Hendrix needs to separate her video editing business from her real estate ventures (um, I'm a boy doods)
4. ...Jimi Hendrix needs time to establish his life, his career and his downfall, even if it meant a three hour film... (don't get a large beverage if you go see it)
5. Jimi Hendrix needs no introduction (of course not)
6. Hendrix needs improvements (says who? i'll whap the crap outta them)
and believe it or not - Bendrix's results (snigger - he only has one!)
1. Bendrix needs a pair of eyes to follow Sarah around so he can reinvent her image for himself (what the frig? who wrote a novel where the lead character is named for an evil alter ego???)
To those who think I need improvements, I say, kiss my spot #13

(a package of soft bitey mice to the first person who can tell me who is helping censor my spot #13)
Okay, dad sez it's Tipper Gore...we don't know tho so dat will be our gess.
Hendrix is a "her"? We dint know...
Wow, Bendrix even had a hit on the google game. That is cool. We are sorry that you have to take medicine still.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I don't know who that is, but she looks more kissable that your Spot #13. I am glad that after today you only have to take your yucky medicine once a day. Hang in there, Hendrix, it will be over soon. I didn't like that "terminated" result you got at all.
ZS&S are right - it's Tipper!
Smooches to you!
I have no idea who she is. But then again, I'm an Australian cat.
Have you been watching my blog to learn how to poke your tongue out for photos???
Huffle Mawson
How do you improve on purrfection!
Laila and Minchie
I love that meme. We are purring both for you (to get over that medicine) and for Felix who is not doing well.
We think that is a fun meme. I found that I need to bite more people... REALLY!
What a fun meme - well except for the the terminated part (or maybe they ment to say Hendrix needs to terminate the nasty medicine)! It's cool that Bendrix had a hit too :-)
We've got a little something to make you feel better on our bloggie!
Sorry you still have to take that yucky medicine but Meowmy says its for your own good.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
I have no idea who that woman is, but when I first saw the photo I thought "who is that??" :-P
Very funny, Hendrix!
I am purring extra hard for poor Felix.
Oh, and Ivy has been hoping Bendrix is feeling better, because she has focused all of her naughty energy on Almost Dad's laptop.
Whoa, dude!
Congrats on getting close to getting medicine only once a day.
One of my medicines is banana-flavored and one is chicken-flavored. I gotta say that I've never had chicken or bananas that tasted like that. I'm thinking of getting my own evil twin...
Mr Hendrix
I am glad you are feeling better and I think it's very apropo that Tipper is covering your spot #13!
And purrs for Mr. Felix who is really under the weather...
Hi Mr.Hendrix!
We're sorry you have to take the bad-tasting medicine. Hmm... who is that on your spot #13?
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
That be tha coolest meme. Even Bendrix had a hit.
No idea who be hiding your spot #13. Furrst i's finked it was Martha Stewart, but it's too young.
We's all purring and purraying for our Felix, there's no updates yet. Jus so worried bout him.
Ha, ha, ha....Tipper Gore is covering your spot #13 that is very, very funny!
I hope you feel better soon and can stop taking that yucky medicine!
We are so happy you are feeling better. Nubi had to take the icky stuff too for 2 weeks.
We are still "off"... the pet human is having some sort of melt down so until she is able to focus on more important things like our blog we will be on tour with the eagles!
Hahahahahaha, Hendrix! Those are really funny! We did the needs meme too! It was lots of fun!
Hey, we hope your medicine days are coming to an end soon...nothing worse that yucky medicine!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Those are really cute results, Hendrix (& Bendrix)! :) No termination, though - no way!
Bwahahahahaha!!! Hendrix,you are too funny :) But I must agree that medicine is not fun to take!
I liked your needs meme too :) Good to see Bendrix is his usual self ;)
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: Big PURRS for Felix!!!!!!!!
Yikes about #2. Watch your back Hendrix.
We're glad you're getting better.
hehe, we hadded fun readin yur needs, Mr. Hendrix! And that's an adorabble pickshure of you.
We hope you're feelin bettur and bettur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi Hendrix! We can't believe Bendrix got a google hit that wasn't your bloggie. That’s pawesome!
We are purring for you and hope you feel better soon. Thank you so much for entering the blanket raffle when you aren't feeling good yourself… best of luck, purrs and thanks!
I'm sorry you have to take the medicines and that it tastes yukky. Is that Tipper Gore? lol
A movin, unboxing party! What a wonderful suprize, Katie Too!
Thank you Mr. Hendrix & Bendrix for the hairball presents. Very appreciative. Good idea to bring Tuna.
Hey!! Daisy! Who you chasin!?! Zoom! And all those loud pattie paws!! Oh is that how you play thunderin herd of elephants!!
I think I'll just sit on the counter and watch.
- Katie One
(Tipper...neat lady)
Bendrix, haz you tried the lizquilla? Great with tuna nip...
And Jan brought lots of icees in the baftub!
- Katie Too.
Is dat Tipper Goor? Shes messin up your full monty...
Very funny and disturbing picture. I'm not sure if it's the tongue or Tipper Gore, but I can't take my eyes off that picture.
I hope you're feeling better.
TERMINATED!!! Not if all your mancat friends have anything to say about it!
Oh. We didn't know that was Tipper Gore. Been awhile, huh.
Cool meme. Good luck with your meds. We feel sorry for you.
Luf, Us
Onwy a few more days for the medicine! Then you'll be well!
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