1. It is green. Studies show cats see red, blue and green so this is perfect.

2. It is very tearable. I can put my paws in and rip leaves right off of it!
3. It gives me something to do while mommy and daddy are hunting and gathering. This photo was taken after the plant was put back in the pot - it was found 3 feet from the stand. The other plant was already put "up" as well. Yup, I've got TWO.

4. They make my ears lay back and mommy and daddy think that is cute (see photo below)
5. They are almost indestructable. No matter how much I rip and tear, they keep growing back.
6. They make the room pretty. It is important to have live things in your home.
7. Mommy is excited because she is going to buy new pots for them that match the living room. Maybe even paint cats on them. When mommy is happy, I am happy.
8. Um, they are catnip. Real, fresh, delectable catnip.
9. They make me feel good after sniffing them. Real real good.
10. No matter how much of them I eat, they don't make me bomit.
11. I can have fresh catnip whenever I want. I just put my paws on the edge of the pot and go to town.
12. They are nip, glorious, wonderful, sweet smellin' nip.
13. They make mommy's fingers taste nummy, num, num.

I agree! Catnip leaves and Mommy's fingers are the yummiest!
Your catnip plants look great! I'm glad you are enjoying your catnip so much. :) I may have to ask my humans for a real, live catnip plant!
Mommmmmm!! Hendrix has catnip plants. We NEED catnip plants!!!
Hedix my freind i luv fresh nip too ours is on my patio catnip gorge and his freind gorge 2 i dreem about them all the tiime
Mu shue
Wow, great catnip plants! I think you and my little sister, Dorydoo, have a great deal in common. I'm fond of catnip, but Dorydoo goes truly wild over it!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Wate, yoo meen we can haf da akshooal plant IN DA HOWSE!?!? We need to talk to our mom, she has ours OUTSIDE!
Ha! :-)
Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud
Hmmmm. I love dried up catnip but for some reason, I don't like the live plant.
I see BENDRIX got into the catnip and knocked it over!
Catnip inside the house? BRILLIANT! You are so smart!
HAHAHAHA! Yep, it looks like Bendrix is gittin yoo in trubble!
mmm nummy num num! I want a catnip plant!!
p.s Mao has responded to the tag. I have since kicked him off the computer so that I can look at pictures of myself.
pps. I love the pic of you with your ears back. You look soooo cute!
OK! THAT'S IT! MOM, YOU'RE GOING TO GROW CATNIP AND THAT'S FINAL!!! I'm sorry that you had to see that, Hendrix. Your Mommy is growing you some and everyone else's Mommy's love them enough to grow them some. It's time I put my paw down and made her grow me some!!!
Ezra sez... I bitey my Momma's finger effen without nip. I bet they would be so much better with nip tho!!! I wonder if I can't get Momma to plant me some catnip.
YaY! You are Soooooooooo lucky to have fresh catnip. when we get our new apartment I'm going to grow some for the girls too.
I'm up and the update about Samantha is there too. Happy TT!
I'm going to make my Mom get em sum of them plants. Sounds very tasty and lots of fun. Don't eat too much.
High 5 paw,
That dirt looks like it would be really fun to play with. I think I should ask mom to get us one of those plants.
hi Mr Hendrix,
cool catnip plants. listen i'm starting a new blog about cats at:
added ur link there. would appreciate if u reciprocate :)!
i wanna ask mi mom to get sum catnip plantz. do dey grow owtside ... or iz it better to keep dem in da howse. (it wuz verree intrestin to see da dirt on da rug az a rezult uv yer takin a nip or two.)
luv--yer frend--jh
Let's hope Millie doesn't see those leaves!
KC said...
i's wanna catnip plant.....
Wowie you look really buzzed from the catnip. It must be really, really good stuff.
Mmmm, we all love catnip...catnip plants would be "da bomb"...
Wow, you look like you are really enjoying that nip! Just make sure there are no spiders in it!
wow we thinks we are goin to add fresh catnip to the list of things we need when we move. yep ~Poiland tribe
How kyooot. Our Maw wouldn't be overly excited about the dirt on the floor though. But that's because she is always cleaning up some mess that one of us has made...
Luf, Us
Muhahahaha! you´re a authentic "Gatorrista".
Do you see my last videos? Hehe...
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