Last night I heard mommy say that after she got out of the shower, she and daddy were going to clean my ears. When they came looking for me, I wasn't in my usual spots. So, they started looking. Unfortunately I was found and my ears were cleaned. sigh.
My tip, even if you can't see them....they can see you, hide better.

KC said...
O, Hendrix, i's don't unnerstand how they keeps finding us, do you????
Purrs, KC
Wate, yoo meen it izent troo dat if I can't see dem dey can't see me. Drat, now I gotta come up wif a whole new hiding stratajy! Sorry yoo gots yoor ears kleened.
Hi Mr. Hendrix, Fanks for visiting our bloggie. Sorry about yer ears havin to be cleaned. How do yer beans keep finding you? It's okay we gets found every time too, specially when it's Bouncey's medicine time.
Sorry you got found when you didn't want to. I love to have my ears cleaned and purr and purr. Tommy thinks I'm weird and hides like you do when mom wants to clean his ears.
Thanks for the tip, Hendrix. The humans also seem to be able to find us, though. I have to have my ears cleaned at least twice a week, but at least at get treats after they've been cleaned.
I hate ear cleaning time. I think if you get found in your hiding spot, the next step is to RUN. Run like the wind!
the whole hiding thing just doesn't seem fair, does it?
hope it's a long time til you have to have your ears cleaned again...
D'ya think beans have some sorta magical x-ray vision or somethin' that helps 'em to find us anytime they wanna do something annoying? sheesh! I know my momma has eyes in the back of her head for when I'm doin' somethin' naughty.
Hope the ear cleanin' wasn't too bad, hehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Great hiding-cat shots, although it's funny that Hendrix thought he was hidden when he wasn't entirely. Hee hee! I have a closet where my Silver hides when people come over, although under the bed seems to work sometimes, too.
Hendrix! What a beautiful boy you are!
We have ways, you know........LOL
D :)
Well, since you're all covered in beautiful black furs just like me, I'll let you in on my hide-y tricks.
1. Find something black. This is your camoflage.(If all else fails, I have my Scarfie, which is black, and can be moved)
2. Sit on it.
3. Close your eyes to teeny tiny slits.
They can't see you then. The second trick,
1. Go into a bright sunny room.
2. Find a shadow big enough for you.
3. Sit in it.
The bright sun blinds them, and you blend into the shadows like a ninja-cat.
And if none of that works for me, I just teleport from room to room.
Hahaha yoo furrgot to hide yer butt. Sorry about the ear cleaning though.
Dang it! I have to rethink the whole hidey thing now!
Hi Mr. Hendrix. No one tries to clean my ears! Maybe you have now given the people an idea. I hope not! Thank you for agreeing that my nickname is crap. I only respond to it when the cat treat bag is brought out. They have to pay if they are going to call me Weenie.
Well, at least you tucked yer tail in - that's what we usually fergit to do!
Yep, you have to remember to hide more than just your head.
I don't like to have my ears cleaned either. My bro, on the other paw, just loved it. All Mom had to do is tell him it was time and he'd follow her right into the bathroom and purr, purr, purr!
We've got the best hiding spot and they can't get us there. We hide under the headboard of the water bed. It's purrfect because they can't reach us as long as we stay in the middle. The problem is they usually shake the Temptations bag and we fall for it everytime! Darn those Temptations, no wait, love those Temptations!
Hehehe...funny how they can find us, hey??
PS. Daddy's very old kitty Scrappy used to think that a table leg was sufficient to hide her. MOL!!!
Oh, I'm sorry they found you, Hendrix! One-Eyed Jack had some great ideas!
Next time hide in the tub, trust me-beans will never think to look for you there!
Really? Is that why they find me every time? How can they see me if I can't see them? I must ponder this.
Yup. Just cuz u kaint see dem, duznt meen dey kaint see u.
Luf, Us
I have also found that hiding behind a curtain doesn't work very well either. I don't know why...
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